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Lesson 3 / p.

Part 1: The man is working on the vehicle

• 025
• (A) The man is taking the car for a ride.
• (B) The man is opening the hood of the car.
• (C) The man is working on the vehicle.
• (D) The man is taking his car into a garage
• (A)The animal is being led into the pen.
• (B) The animal is being fed.
• (C) The zoo is very crowded today.
• (D) The boy is a ending to the animal.
Part 2. Where will the meeting take
• 027
• 1. Where will the yearly meeting be held this
• (A) It's held every year.
• (B) At the Prince Hotel.
• (C) At three o'clock today.
• 2. Where do you think we should store these
• (A) I'll go shopping with you later.
• (B) Yes, I will put them -in the box.
• (C) Take them to the back room
Part 3. Who most likely are they?
• 029
W: Did you put up the children's book display by the front
window yet?
M: No, I have not had the time yet. I was busy rearranging
some dolls and toys because they were on the wrong
shelves. Do you want me to
start working on the display now?
W: Yes, we have to finish that by the end of the
day since (= because)the sale starts next
• M: Hi, I sent in my résumé a few days ago, and I am
• calling to see if you have received it. My name is Ralph
• Ramirez.
• W: I'm sorry, but your name is not on my list. I don't
• think we received it.
• M: Really? Could you give me your fax number? I'll fax
• one to you right now.
• W: Sure, but our fax machine is broken right now.
• Would you email it to me instead?
• 2C
Part 4. Advertisements
• If you are thinking of polishing your computer skills, or
want to learn how to cook international cuisine, or just
simply want to try your hand at writing poems, George
Brown Institute is the place for you. At George Brown,
we have an array of programs for adults who want to
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also oder many recreational activities such as tennis,
swimming. and yoga, to name a few. For those who
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at 1-800-777-8989.
• 1.B 2.D 3.B
Practice Test
• 033
• 1. (A) She is cleaning out her desk.
• (B) She is taking care of some paperwork.
• (C) She is sitting at the computer.
• (D) She is answering the phone.
• B
• 2. (A) A manhole is being used at the moment.
• (B) The men are working on the road.
• (C) Trash is being collected by the street
• (D) Heavy machinery is being removed from
the sile
• B
• 3. (A) The barber is trimming the customer's
• (B) The customer is having his hair
• (C) The barber is attending to a customer.
• (D) The customer is putting some lotion on hiS
• C
• 4. (A) The man is fixing a bicycle.
• (B) The man is too tired to go cycling.
• (C) The man IS purchasing a bicycle.
• (D) The man is about to ride on the bicycle.
• A
Part 2. Question & Response
• 034
• 5 Where did Carol put the copies?
• (A) Right after she drank it.
• (B) She's in the meeting room.
• (C) In the filing cabinet.
• 6. Where is the cheapest place to go for
shopping in this city?
• (A) You should check out the Fairview Mall.
• (B) Toronto is a great city.
• (C) Sure, I'd love to go shopping with you.
• 7 Where is Mary from?
• (A) She's not from there.
• (B) A small town in the south.
• (C) She is nowhere to be found.
• 8. Where do we keep our accounting book?
• (A) I counted it several times already.
• (B) 11 should be In one of Mr. Lee's desk drawers.
• (C) She keeps dOing that.
• 9. Where did you put your umbrella?
• (Al A raincoat.
• (B) By noon today.
• (C] In the closet.
• 10. Where did John go today?
• (A) Yes. I'll talk to him right away.
• (B) He doesn't know it yet.
• (C) He's in his office.
• 11. Where can I get some good food araund here?
• lA) Check out the little diner across the road.
• (B) It was very delicious, thank you.
• (C) No, I am not very hungry right now.
• 5. C 6.A 7. B 8. B 9. C
• 10.C 11. A 12.B 1.3 C 14. B
• 12. Where will the annual conference be held this year'?
• (A) On January 3
• (8) Most likely in Pans.
• (C) It's being held by Anne.
• 13. Where do you think I can pick up a copy of this book?
• (A) Yes, I booked it for this evening.
• (B) No, I don't think you can.
• (C) Check out the bookstore on the corner.
• 14. Where can I get a cup of coffee around here?
• (A) Yes, I have two copies.
• (6) Try the diner down the street.
• (C) No, I will get it later instead.
Part 3. Short Conversation
M:I didn't have time this morning to check to see if the
morning class has been cancelled or not.
W: I did, Mr. Lee, and enough students have enrolled.
The class is going to be open.
M: That's great. I guess I am going to have to start
preparing for the Monday class then. Would you do
me a favor and run off some copies of this for me?
W: Of course. I'll have them ready for you before lunch
15.(B) 16. (B) 17 (A)
Part 4. Short Talk
• 036
• Come down to the Comedy Club this Saturday,
and have a great time with larry McCloud and his
comedy troupe. On May 29, Larry and his troupe
will be giving a performance of the delightful
comedy they have been doing in the east coast
for the last 6 months. So, if you are in the mood
for a great laugh, come down to the Comedy Club
this Saturday for an evening you 'll never forget.
• 18.C 19.B 20.D

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