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Lean Canvas SilverLining Co.

What is the problem? What’s the solution? Unique Value Unfair Advantage Who is our Target?
-Develop an easy-to-use mobile
app/web platform that organizes Proposition Can’t be easily copied
Users: User:
people into interest groups and Single, clear, or bought
• Social Exclusion and • People in the 50-75 age
enables them to plan and execute compelling group in retirement or
events. message that planning for it.
• Boredom
-Through our platform, give our
• Financial insecurity states why you are
users the access to Customers:
• Health concerns different and worth
workshops/talks/events/activities • Companies with
• No access to coherent
pertaining to their interests paying attention current/potential
stream of relevant
organized by companies/NGOs. business growth
-Give companies/NGOs access to opportunity in this group
• Limited means to
potential buyers of their products • NGOs in need of human
engage with others
or volunteers. Channels resource
having similar problems
Path to customers
Customers: Early Adopters:
• -No single-point access • People who have just
to the silver-hair market touched retirement and
segment to promote their Key Metrics who are within 2 years
products/services Key activities you measure into retirement
• -NGOs facing shortage
of man-power due to
high-demand attitude of
low/middle aged people

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

Customer Acquisition costs Revenue Model

Distribution costs Life Time Value
Hosting Revenue
People, etc. Gross Margin

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