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4 th Report From “Seven

Reports on Housing”
Ammad Asif, 16l-5499
 The report “four” of this “Seven Reports on Housing” Book, written by Arif Hassan is under
my task. The “report 4” has 55 pages (from page 122-177). The “report 4” was confined to
the research and study which was carried out from the late 70’s (1973-74), up till late 80’s
(1985-88) and early 90’s (1991) only for the city of Karachi. The report is a case study of
Karachi. It includes the Statistics, Housing conditions, and most importantly the directions,
which were adopted by Arif Hassan to analyze the Informal and Squatter Settlements of
Karachi, to analyze the housing demands to cope up the Informal Settlement situation and
plain the city in a better manner.
 Reading this report “report4” can only enable us to arise some questions (confined to the
city of Lahore), which will be helpful later on in our FYP project. The main conclusion
after reading this report is presented in the subsequent slides
 The main causes for the formation of katchi abadis (organic settlements) and Informal
Settlements are:
 Land developed by the state and the formal sector for housing is far too expensive for the
poor to afford, mainly because of high standards
 In addition, the procedures for acquiring it are long and cumbersome and even if the poor
do apply and manage to pay for it, delivery of the developed plot can take up to ten years
after application and initial payment for it has been made.
 The plots developed by the state and formal sector for low income housing are not even a
fraction of the city's requirement.
 The migrants that come from other cities for meeting both ends meet, have a stay for a
while in the city, earn a little amount of money , get trapped by the Informal Sectors (who
convince them to buy and construct the houses (with cheaper money) on the illegal land
near Railway Tracks, River bed e.t.c )
 What is the problem?????
 The state cannot prevent the illegal occupation of its land by the informal sector
because state officials and the police have a major financial interest in these illegal
 The informal sector in the city provides the urban poor with the required number of
unserviced plots at a price they can afford. In addition, it provides building advice
and loans, both of materials and cash, for construction purposes.
 Subsequently, it helps the settlement in acquiring services over a period of time.
 We need to see which Informal sectors are contributing to the Informal Settlements,
who are they???
 The Informal Settlements of houses can lead to a very ridiculous, unplanned,
unorganized city, which has no cultural, civic,Architectural trait but the dangerous,
ruined, neglected houses only.
 The Informal Settlements can lead to horrific increase in settlement in city’s centre,
city’s traffic volume.
 What we need to find out in a case study of Lahore??
 Squatter areas in Lahore, Squatter population data by years, number of Squatter Households
by years.
 Population in slums over the period of time, number of slums households over the period of
 We need to see which Informal sectors are contributing to the Informal Settlements, who are
 How much %age increase of Settlement has occurred in city’s centre.
 Who are the outside migrants in Lahore?
 What was the Base Population over the years, how much was the natural increase over the
years, how much was the migration increase over the years. What is the total combined
population because of these parameters.
 Over the period of time how much are the Elite, Upper Middle Class, Middle class, Lower
Middle Class, Poor.
 Recent data showing how much money on average do they earn
 Data of recent year, showing different ranges of groups (Elite, Upper Middle Class, Middle
class, Lower Middle Class, Poor), having average particular salaries, the %age distribution of
Households that they possess.
 Recent data showing how much %age expenditures do the people(living in Informal Areas,
Planned Areas) spend on the food, clothing, housing, transport, education and others
 Average Income per person, per month over the period of time.
 Number of Houses in Lahore considered illegal.
 %age of people living in Informal Settlement.
 %age of people living in Katchi Abadis. In how much Marlas of plot they usually live in
 Conditions of Informal houses. What is the condition of roofs, pillars, floors,walls. For
Example, Corrugated Roofs held down by large stones, compacted Earth Floors.
 Recent Data showing %age owned Homes in planned areas and Katchi Abadis.
 Who are the Formal Sector developers in Lahore cooperating with HBFC (House Building
Finance Cooperation).
 Which Departments build Metropolitan Housing Policies.
 What are the properly planned areas in Lahore.
 In a town what should be the %age of Residential Area, %age of Roads, minimum width
of road.
 What should be the Targets and Goals of Metropolitan Housing
 Which Departments build Metropolitan Housing Policy.
 Look for, that, how much is the unplanned vacant land available in the city. Target their
illegal owners and confiscate it.
 How much %age of population can be distributed there in different Marla Plots.
 Develop a planned scheme over the slum areas, transfer the majority of Slum people to
the separate one sided proper planned schemes confined for slum people only.
 In this regard, they should promote community participation, larger funding and
financial assistance from International NGOs and agencies.
 The Federal House Building Finance Company (HBFC) gives loans to individuals for House
construction, on the basis of Metropolitan Housing Budget.
 Current, recent Metropolitan Housing Budget Data?
 The HBFC classifies the Elite, Upper Middle Class, Middle class, Lower Middle Class, Poor,
investment amount, installment amount separate for each group.
 House Demand Estimation.
 House Demand Estimation
 Principal components method (PCM)
(a) Due to population increase (dp):
 City’s present population: 8,190,000
 Projected increase per year at about 4.2 per cent: 343,980
 Number of households added at 7.2 persons per household: 47,755
 Number of units required 47,755 or about 48,000 units
(b) Due to backlog (db):
 Total number of dwelling units (1986): 1,078,000
 Number of semi-pucca and katcha units: 625,240
 Number of units required 625,240 20 years = 31,262 or about 31,500 units
(c) Due to replacement required (dr):
 Number of pucca units (1986): 425,760
 Replacement required 452,760 30 years = 15,092 or about 15,000 units
(d) Total annual metropolitan demand (D):
 dp + db + dr = 48,000 + 31,500 + 15,000 = 94,500 units
 Questions to be asked under the topic, “Minimum Housing
Standards for the Planned Schemes by LDA”
 1m^2=0.00395368 marla.
 What should be the allowable density of persons per acre in a colony.
 What should be the minimum and maximum Plot size in terms of Marla.
 What should be the minimum roof height.
 What should be the minimum covered area according to Marla. For Example, 20 m^2
covered area for two rooms dwelling.
 What should be the covered areas for Bedroom, Kitchen, Drawing Room, Sitting Room,
Washrooms. What are their standard dimensions.
 What should be the minimum window size per room. How much should be it in terms of
%age of its Floor Area.
 %age covered area to show off house’s aesthetics.
 How much minimum open space to be left at the rare of all plots.

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