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Submitted to :

Anup singh Rana

Submitted by :
Nikhil Raj
Reg no . 11803758

“Refreshing the world” Coca cola was invented by a

pharmacist named JOHN PEMBERTON in 1886.
Jacobs’ Pharmacy put it on sale for five cents (about 3p) a
In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses a day. A century
later, The Coca Cola Company has produced more than 10 million
gallons of syrup.
Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the
business, Candler would become Coca Cola’s first President and
the first to bring real vision to the brand.
The Coca-Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Its current president and CEO is James Quincey.
Today, Coca cola is offering over 500 brands to people in more
than 200 countries.
All over the world coca cola employs over 700000 people.

As the first company ,they patented their package in 1915


RECIPE OF SUCCESS If we thoroughly analyze Coca-Cola marketing

strategy, we’ll see that it’s heavily linked with the concept of “4P’s”

• PRICING STRATEGY – Today, it became quite popular for startups, for a

day or two, to offer their service or a product for free, and then increase
their prices. Though, Coca-Cola chose a different approach and made the
challenge even tougher. From 1886 to 1959 (73 years), Coca-Cola had a
fixed price and it only cost 5 cents.

• Today, due to the fierce competition with Pepsi (their rivalry dates back to
1975), Coca-Cola pricing strategy is strictly updated because if the prices
between them noticeably change, then one of the brands will definitely
suffer, and the other one will surely benefit.

• The Classic Bottle Of Coca-Cola – Coca-Cola’s bottle was a part of the

corporation’s defensive marketing. But, after time, they started promoting it
as much as the logo and product. Furthermore, Coca-Cola’s bottle design
was inspired by the shape of the cocoa pod.
• Coca-Cola Logo/Font – In 1923, when the corporation’s
logo was normalized, Coca-Cola decided that as the recipe,
the logo must have remained untouched. As a result, Coca-
Cola’s logo has been messing with the minds of the society
for a very long time.

• Sponsorship – Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized

sponsor brands, it has a long sponsorship history that includes
American Idol, The Olympic Games, BET Network,
NASCAR, etc.

• Social Media – Considering that social media has become

the greatest tool for marketing, of course, Coca-Cola has taken
the advantage and created its social profiles on reputable
media like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest.
identifying meaningfully different groups of customers TARGETING Selecting
which segments to serve POSITIONING Implementing chosen image and appeal
to chosen segment Product Price Promotion Distribution


country wise and region wise.
CLIMATIC : In coke marketing ,main idea is to serve it cold, so that they focus hot
areas of the world
. LOCALY: Major cities and rural area . Different brands in different places.

PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION All psychographic variables the social class,

lifestyle, occupation, level of education and personality coke segments everyone.
But again its there packaging which is different for different consumers.

DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION AGE- For Children (4-12yrs) flavors- vanilla,

lime & cherry. Others- (12-60yrs) original flavor, energy drink, fruit juices. Family
Type: Economy pack bottles to focus family and groups. Income: Coke segments
different income levels by packaging . For small income-small returnable glass

GENDER Coca cola segments Pakistani market with a

percentage ratio of 58%females and 42% males. Lifestyle :
busy life style & mobile generation AGE It has wide range
of targeting. It ranges from the age of 15- 25 and reaches to
40. NATURE Fun loving and entertainment loving SOCIO
ECONOMIC STATUS Upper lower & lower class
4P’S OF COCA COLA PRODUCT Widest portfolio in beverages industry
comprising of 3300 products. Bevarages are divided into diet category,
100% fruit juices, water, energy drinks. Market presence is around 200
counties. Brands in India Mazza, Fanta, Limca, Sprit, Minute maid,
Nambu fresh. PRICE Due to the availability of wide range of products the
pricing is done according to the market and geographic segmentation.
Each sub brand of Coca-Cola has different pricing strategy. Their pricing
strategy is based on the competition pricing. PLACE Coca-Cola is the
world’s most favorite brand and available all over the world. The
distribution system of coca cola follows the FMCG distribution. In India
they have captured even the rural market by extensive distribution and
have eroded the market share. PROMOTION Coca- Cola adopt various
advertising and promotional strategies to create and increased demand in
the market by associating with life style and behavior and mainly targeting
value based advertising. Coca-Cola uses CSR as its marketing tool to gain
emotional benefits in consumers mind.
PRODUCT Widest portfolio in beverages industry comprising of 3300
Bevarages are divided into diet category, 100% fruit juices, water, energy
Market presence is around 200 counties. Brands in India Mazza, Fanta,
Limca, Sprit, Minute maid, Nambu fresh.
PRICE Due to the availability of wide range of products the pricing is done
according to the market and geographic segmentation.
Each sub brand of Coca-Cola has different pricing strategy.
Their pricing strategy is based on the competition pricing.
PLACE Coca-Cola is the world’s most favorite brand and available all over the
The distribution system of coca cola follows the FMCG distribution.
In India they have captured even the rural market by extensive distribution
and have eroded the market share.
PROMOTION Coca- Cola adopt various advertising and promotional
strategies to create and increased demand in the market by associating with life
style and behavior and mainly targeting value based advertising.
Coca-Cola uses CSR as its marketing tool to gain emotional benefits in
consumers mind.

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