Nike Brand Mantra

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Nike marketers adopted a three word brand mantra of- "authentic

athletic performance."
Over the years, Nike has expanded its brand meaning from "running
shoes" to " authentic athletic performance". But Nike has faced
important hurdles for the products was that they should be innovative
enough through material, cut or design to truly benefit top athletes. At
the same time they have to be careful to avoid using the Nike name to
brand products. But at last they realised that" authentic athletic
performance" has a different meaning & in particular have to involve
soccer in a major way.
Nike Brand Mantra:

 " Authentic Athletic Performance" - short 3to5 word phrases that

capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand
 Brand Mantra must clearly delineate what the brand is supposed to
represent & therefore at least implicitly, what it is not.
 Brand mantra's typically are designed to capture the brands point of
difference,- what is unique about the brand.
Nike Brand Mantra Criteria:
1. Communicate: A good brand Mantra should define the
category of business for the brand and set the brand
boundaries. It should also clarify what is unique about the
2. Simplify: An effective brand mantra should be memorable "
Authentic Athletic Performance".
3. Inspire: The brand mantra should also stake out ground that
is personally meaningful & relevant to as many as employees
as possible.

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