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Coronary circulation is the functional

blood supply to the heart muscle

Coronary arteries:
•2 coronary arteries arise from aorta just above
the aortic valve
Lt coronary Rt coronary
artery artery

-Lt atrium -Rt atrium

-Lt ventricle -Rt ventricle
-Anterior part of -Posterior part of
interventricular interventricular
septum septum
Coronary venous drainage:
• There are 2 venous systems;
• i) Superficial system:
• It includes coronary sinus
• The anterior cardiac vein
• They drain in left ventricle
• They open into Rt atrium
ii) Deep system:
It includes veins which drain small amount
of the coronary venous blood directly into
all chambers of the heart.
Blood vessels in humans
Blood vessels are tubes in the body that channel blood





Function Carries blood out of heart

Type of Blood
Oxygenated blood (except pulmonary artery)

Rate of Blood flow High Pressure ,Faster rate

Thickness Thick muscular & elastic
Lumen size Small


Function Carries blood into of heart

Type of Blood
 De-Oxygenated blood

Rate of Blood flow Low Pressure ,Slow rate

Thickness Thin ,less muscular & less Lelastic
Lumen size Big
Blood capillary


Type of Blood Carries blood from artery to vein Oxygenated blood

Carried (artery) Deoxygenated blood (vein)

Blood flows very

Rate of Blood flow
slowly to enable diffusion process

Thickness  porous and thin wall to enable gas exchange

Lumen size Very Small

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