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Junior high school – 7 grade

2nd semester
I love dogs so much. I keep some dogs in
my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and
Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with
long body and four strong legs.

Brownie is a collie. She has long and thick fur.

What color is her fur? Brown, of cource that’s
why I call her Brownie.
Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has
a slim body and four long legs.
She has thin fur and dots all over
her body.

The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a

large head, a short neck and thick short legs.
He’s very strong. I always take care of my dogs
every day.
How many dogs does the writer have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
What does Casper look like?
a. Slim body, and long legs
b. Thin fur and dots
c. Short with long body and strong legs
d. Brown, with long and thick fur
Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie?
The writer calls the collie, Brownie because .....
a. She has brown fur
b. She like it
c. She likes brownies
d. She has brown ear
Gatra and Deni are in the Bird Park. They are
observing some birds.
Gatra : What’s so special about birds? Tell me
about them!
Deni : One of the most common thing about
birds as we all know is they can fly.
Gatra : Yes, but are all kinds of birds able to fly?
Deni : No. There are some kinds of bird that
are flightless.
Gatra : Can you mention some of them?
Deni : Hmm..ostriches, emus, and there is one
bird from Papua..I forget the name.
Gatra : Do you mean cassowary?
Deni : Yeah, that’s right. Why are you asking?
Are you interested in studying about
Gatra : Sure, That would be awesome. I am
curious everything about birds.
Deni : Great. It is a good thing to follow your
Where does the dialog take place?
a. At the park
b. At the city park
c. In the bird museum
d. In the bird park
Are all kinds of bird able to fly?
a. Yes, they do
b. No, they do not
c. Yes, they are
d. No, they are not
Here are the flightless birds mentioned in the
dialog above, except?
a. Emus
b. Kiwi
c. Cassowary
d. Ostriches
Where does cassowary originally come from?
a. Papua
b. Sumatra
c. Borneo
d. Bali
“It is good thing to follow your passion”
What is the closest meaning to underlined
a. Affection
b. Calm
c. Dislike
d. Hatred
I have a friend named Bono. He is a very fat
person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of
foods. He eats everything in front of him. His
weight is 90 kilograms. He has a very chubby
cheek. His family and friends like him so much.
What is Bono’s hobby?
a. Writing
b. Cycling
c. Eating
d. Reading
How much does his weight?
a. 60 kg
b. 70 kg
c. 80 kg
d. 90 kg
He has a very .....
a. Handsome face
b. Beautiful face
c. Chubby cheek
d. Nice attitude
He is a very ....person.
a. Fat
b. Good
c. Handsome
d. Nice
Doraemon is one of the characters in a
Japanese manga series created by Fujiko Fujio.
Doraemon is a robotic cat. He has small body
and white hands and feet. Although he can hear
perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears.
Doraemon Possesses a large pocket that can
produce many gadgets from the future. The
pocket is called yojigen-pocket, or fourth
dimensional pocket. Doraemon’s favorite food
is dorayaki, a Japanese treat filled with red bean
This robotic cat has the tendency to panic
during emergencies. In an emergency situation,
he will frantically pull out every unnecessary
gadget from his pocket. Nevertheless,
Doraemon is a good cat. He always helps
What is the weakness of Doraemon?
a. He gets panic easily
b. He is only a robotic cat
c. He likes eating Dorayaki
d. He has a magic pocket
“.... He will frantically pull out every
unnecessary...” (Paragraph 3).
The underline word can be best replaced by ....
a. Worriedly
b. Diligently
c. Happily
d. Calmly
My name is Andhika. My complete
name is Andhika Pratama.
I am an Indonesian. I was born on
24 December 2004 in Yogyakarta.
Now I am twelve years old.
I study at the SMP Pelita
Nusantara. I have tall
and slim body. My hair is
black, short, and straight.
I have pointed nose and black eyes.
The writer was born on ...
a. December 24, 2004
b. November 12, 2003
c. October 12, 2003
d. November 24, 2004
What is his nationality?
a. Thailand
b. Mongolia
c. Indonesian
d. Malaysian
The writer has .....body
a. Tall and thin
b. Tall and fat
c. Short and fat
d. Tall and slim
“My complete name is Andhika Pratama.”
The synonym of the underlined word is ...
a. Abandon
b. Discharge
c. Vacuous
d. Full
Gongs are made of brass or dried goat skin
and are sounded with padded wooden
hammers. There are three kinds of gongs and
they are called gong, canang, and mong-mong.
The rebana is a tambourine made of goats skin.
The paragraph tell us about .....
a. The size of gongs
b. How to make gongs
c. The use of gongs
d. What gongs are
There are three kinds of gongs and they are
a. gong, canang, and mong-mong
b. gong, canang, and sitar
c. gong, canang, and kentrung
d. gong, calung and mong-mong
“Gongs are made of brass of dried goat skin
and ....”
The same meaning of the underlined word is ...
a. Beamused
b. Baffled
c. Built
d. Cast
“There are three kinds of gongs and they are
called gong, canang and mong-mong.”
What is the definition of the underlined words?
a. A musical percussion instrument; usually
consists of a hollow cylinder with a
membrane stretched across each end
b. A keyboard instrument that is played by
depressing keys that cause hammers to
strike tuned strings and produce sounds.
c. A percussion instrument is struck with a
softheaded drumstick
d. A shallow drum with a single drumhead and
with metallic disks in the sides.
(23) .... is a building for children who want to
(24)...... School is a formal institution for
education. It is built to facilitate the students
who want to learn something. The students are
taught by qualified and educated (25) .....

23. a. bank b. school c. canteen d. Library

24. a. play b. run c. study d. Cook

25. a. teacher c. headmaster

b. students. d. gardener
A school usually has many (26)..... There are
also some common facilities such as library,
mosque, and canteen for (27)...., teacher office,
sports field and etc. All of those facilities are
built in order to support the students.

26. a. canteens c. mosques

b. fields d. classrooms

27. a. running c. studying

b. doing sport d. Lunch
The New Plasma TV
The new plasma TV has a screen as the
largest regular TV set, but it is only 15 cm
thick. It consists of hundreds of thousands of
small cells that contain xenon and neon gas.
The advantage of this plasma display
technology is that you can produce ultra large
screens using super thin materials. The image
is also very clear because each pixel is lit
individually making the image look good from
almost every angle.
What is the advantage of this plasma display
a. It can contain xenon and neon gas
b. It can produce ultra large screens
c. It can produce a screen as the largest regular
TV set.
d. It can consist of thousands of small cells.
“.... is lit individually making the image look
good from almost every angle.”
What does the word underlined mean?
a. The place where someone watch
b. The time when someone see
c. The position from which something is
d. The direction for someone see
“The advantage of this plasma display
technology is ...”
The underlined word can be replaced with the
a. Disfavor
b. Failing
c. Reward
d. Weakness
I love dogs so much. I keep some dogs in
my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and
Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with
long body and four strong legs.

Brownie is a collie. She has long and thick fur.

What color is her fur? Brown, of cource that’s
why I call her Brownie.
Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has
a slim body and four long legs.
She has thin fur and dots all over
her body.

The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a

large head, a short neck and thick short legs.
He’s very strong. I always take care of my dogs
every day.
How many dogs does the writer have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
What does Casper look like?
a. Slim body, and long legs
b. Thin fur and dots
c. Short with long body and strong legs
d. Brown, with long and thick fur
Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie?
The writer calls the collie, Brownie because .....
a. She has brown fur
b. She like it
c. She likes brownies
d. She has brown ear
Gatra and Deni are in the Bird Park. They are
observing some birds.
Gatra : What’s so special about birds? Tell me
about them!
Deni : One of the most common thing about
birds as we all know is they can fly.
Gatra : Yes, but are all kinds of birds able to fly?
Deni : No. There are some kinds of bird that
are flightless.
Gatra : Can you mention some of them?
Deni : Hmm..ostriches, emus, and there is one
bird from Papua..I forget the name.
Gatra : Do you mean cassowary?
Deni : Yeah, that’s right. Why are you asking?
Are you interested in studying about
Gatra : Sure, That would be awesome. I am
curious everything about birds.
Deni : Great. It is a good thing to follow your
Where does the dialog take place?
a. At the park
b. At the city park
c. In the bird museum
d. In the bird park
Are all kinds of bird able to fly?
a. Yes, they do
b. No, they do not
c. Yes, they are
d. No, they are not
Here are the flightless birds mentioned in the
dialog above, except?
a. Emus
b. Kiwi
c. Cassowary
d. Ostriches
Where does cassowary originally come from?
a. Papua
b. Sumatra
c. Borneo
d. Bali
Semangat /
“It is good thing to follow your passion”
What is the closest meaning to underlined
a. Affection : kasih sayang
b. Calm : tenang
c. Dislike : tidak suka
d. Hatred : kebencian
I have a friend named Bono. He is a very fat
person. His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of
foods. He eats everything in front of him. His
weight is 90 kilograms. He has a very chubby
cheek. His family and friends like him so much.
What is Bono’s hobby?
a. Writing
b. Cycling
c. Eating
d. Reading
How much does his weight?
a. 60 kg
b. 70 kg
c. 80 kg
d. 90 kg
He has a very .....
a. Handsome face
b. Beautiful face
c. Chubby cheek
d. Nice attitude
He is a very ....person.
a. Fat
b. Good
c. Handsome
d. Nice
Doraemon is one of the characters in a
Japanese manga series created by Fujiko Fujio.
Doraemon is a robotic cat. He has small body
and white hands and feet. Although he can hear
perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears.
Doraemon Possesses a large pocket that can
produce many gadgets from the future. The
pocket is called yojigen-pocket, or fourth
dimensional pocket. Doraemon’s favorite food
is dorayaki, a Japanese treat filled with red bean
This robotic cat has the tendency to panic
during emergencies. In an emergency situation,
he will frantically pull out every unnecessary
gadget from his pocket. Nevertheless,
Doraemon is a good cat. He always helps
What is the weakness of Doraemon?
a. He gets panic easily
b. He is only a robotic cat
c. He likes eating Dorayaki
d. He has a magic pocket
Dengan kalut

“.... He will frantically pull out every

unnecessary...” (Paragraph 3).
The underline word can be best replaced by ....
a. Worriedly : dengan cemas
b. Diligently : dengan rajin
c. Happily : dengan senang
d. Calmly : dengan tenang
My name is Andhika. My complete
name is Andhika Pratama.
I am an Indonesian. I was born on
24 December 2004 in Yogyakarta.
Now I am twelve years old.
I study at the SMP Pelita
Nusantara. I have tall
and slim body. My hair is
black, short, and straight.
I have pointed nose and black eyes.
The writer was born on ...
a. December 24, 2004
b. November 12, 2003
c. October 12, 2003
d. November 24, 2004

What is his nationality?

a. Thailand
b. Mongolia
c. Indonesian
d. Malaysian
The writer has .....body
a. Tall and thin
b. Tall and fat
c. Short and fat
d. Tall and slim
“My complete name is Andhika Pratama.”
The synonym of the underlined word is ...
a. Abandon : mengabaikan
b. Discharge : memecat
c. Vacuous : kosong, hampa
d. Full : lengkap / penuh
Gongs are made of brass or dried goat skin
and are sounded with padded wooden
hammers. There are three kinds of gongs and
they are called gong, canang, and mong-mong.
The rebana is a tambourine made of goats skin.
The paragraph tell us about .....
a. The size of gongs : ukuran gong
b. How to make gongs : cara membuat gong
c. The use of gongs : penggunaan gong
d. What gongs are : apa itu gong
There are three kinds of gongs and they are
a. gong, canang, and mong-mong
b. gong, canang, and sitar
c. gong, canang, and kentrung
d. gong, calung and mong-mong
“Gongs are made of brass of dried goat skin
and ....”
The same meaning of the underlined word is ...
a. Beamused : tertarik
b. Baffled : dibuat bingung
c. Built : terbuat
d. Cast : aktor –aktor
“There are three kinds of gongs and they are
called gong, canang and mong-mong.”
What is the definition of the underlined words?
a. A musical percussion instrument; usually
consists of a hollow cylinder with a
membrane stretched across each end
b. A keyboard instrument that is played by
depressing keys that cause hammers to
strike tuned strings and produce sounds.
c. A percussion instrument is struck with a
softheaded drumstick
d. A shallow drum with a single drumhead and
with metallic disks in the sides.
(23) .... is a building for children who want to
(24)...... School is a formal institution for
education. It is built to facilitate the students
who want to learn something. The students are
taught by qualified and educated (25) .....

23. a. bank b. school c. canteen d. Library

24. a. play b. run c. study d. Cook

25. a. teacher c. headmaster

b. students. d. gardener
A school usually has many (26)..... There are
also some common facilities such as library,
mosque, and canteen for (27)...., teacher office,
sports field and etc. All of those facilities are
built in order to support the students.

26. a. canteens c. mosques

b. fields d. classrooms

27. a. running c. studying

b. doing sport d. Lunch
The New Plasma TV
The new plasma TV has a screen as the
largest regular TV set, but it is only 15 cm
thick. It consists of hundreds of thousands of
small cells that contain xenon and neon gas.
The advantage of this plasma display
technology is that you can produce ultra large
screens using super thin materials. The image
is also very clear because each pixel is lit
individually making the image look good from
almost every angle.
What is the advantage of this plasma display
a. It can contain xenon and neon gas
b. It can produce ultra large screens
c. It can produce a screen as the largest regular
TV set.
d. It can consist of thousands of small cells.
“.... is lit individually making the image look
good from almost every angle.” Sudut / sisi
What does the word underlined mean?
a. The place where someone watch
b. The time when someone see
c. The position from which something is
d. The direction for someone see
“The advantage of this plasma display
technology is ...”
The underlined word can be replaced with the
a. Disfavor : ketidaksukaan
b. Failing :
c. Reward
d. Weakness

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