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• How we select from an infinite number of observations we could

possibly make
• Why do we sample?
– Size of the population
– Cost of obtaining elements
– Convenience and accessibility of elements

• Sampling is the process of obtaining information from a subset

(sample) of a larger group (population)
• The results for the sample are then used to make estimates of
the larger group

• From Chapter 7 in Babbie & Mouton (2001)

Characteristics of a Good Sample

Good sampling design should:

• Relate to the objectives of the investigation

• Be practical and achievable;
• Be cost – effective in terms of equipment and labour;
• Provide estimates of population parameters that are
truly representative and unbiased.
Ideally, representative samples should be:

• Taken at random so that every member of the

population of data has an equal chance of selection;
• Large enough to give sufficient precision;
• Unbiased by the sampling procedure or equipment.
Sampling Terminology

 Element

• The unit about which information is collected

• Typically the elements are people
• But look at the section on “unit of analysis” again: any of
them could be elements (schools, universities,
corporations, etc.)
Sampling Terminology


• All the potential study elements, as defined

• Careful specification of the population

Sample Population

• Almost impossible to guarantee that every element

meeting your definition of “the population” has a chance
to be selected into the sample.
• Thus the “study population” will be somewhat smaller
than “the population”
Sampling Terminology

Sampling Unit

• Typically the sampling units are the same as the elements and
probably the units of analysis
• (We are not going to look into more complex sampling units)
Sampling Frame
• The actual list of sampling units (or elements).
• e.g. if you want to study “Students at the University of Cape
Town”, there is a list of such sampling units (but there are a
number of definition issues to be resolved here)
• A subset of a population selected to estimate the behaviour or
characteristics of the population.
Research design - sampling 6
Sampling Designs

Basically two sampling strategies available:

 Probability sampling
 Non-probability Sampling

Probability Sampling

 Each member of the population has a certain probability to be

selected into the sample
Types of Probability Sampling

 Random
 Stratified Random
 Systematic
 Cluster
Random Sampling

 Population members are selected directly from the

sampling frame
 Equal probability of selection for every member (sample
size/population size)
 400/10,000 = .04
 Use random number table or random number generator
Systematic Sampling

 Order all units in the sampling frame based on some

variable and number them from 1 to N
 Choose a random starting place from 1 to N and then
sample every k units after that
Stratified Sampling

 The chosen sample contains a number of distinct

categories which are organized into segments, or
– equalizing "important" variables
• year in school, geographic area, product use, etc.
 Steps:
– Population is divided into mutually exclusive and
exhaustive strata based on an appropriate population
characteristic. (e.g. race, age, gender etc.)
– Simple random samples are then drawn from each
Stratified Sampling
Stratified Sampling

 The sample size is usually proportional to the relative size

of the strata.
 Ensures that particular groups (e.g. males and females)
within a population are adequately represented in the
 Has a smaller sampling error than simple random sample
since a source of variation is eliminated
Cluster Sampling

 The Population is divided into mutually exclusive and

exhaustive subgroups, or clusters, usually based on
geography or time period
 Each cluster should be representative of the population i.e.
be heterogeneous.
 Means between clusters should be the same (homogeneous)
 Then a sample of the clusters is selected.
 then some randomly chosen units in the selected clusters
are studied.
Cluster Sampling

 divide population into clusters (usually

along geographic boundaries)
 randomly sample clusters
 measure units within sampled clusters
Non-probability Sampling

Members selected not according to logic of probability (or

mathematical rules), but by other means (e.g.
convenience, or access)

Types of Non-Probability Sampling

 convenience sampling
 judgement sampling
 snowball sampling
 quota sampling
Convenience Sampling

 Convenience Sampling
A researcher's convenience forms the basis for selecting a
 people in my classes
 Mall intercepts
 People with some specific characteristic (e.g. bald)
Purposive Sampling

 Select the sample on the basis of knowledge of the

population: your own knowledge, or use expert judges to
identify candidates to select

 Typically used for very rare populations, such as deviant

Snowball Sampling

 Typically used in qualitative research

 When members of a population are difficult to
locate, for covert sub-populations, non-cooperative
 Recruit one respondent, who identifies others, who
identify others,….
 Primarily used for exploratory purposes

Research design - sampling 19

Quota Sampling
• A stratified convenience sampling strategy
• Begins with a table that describes the characteristics of the
target population
– e.g. the composition of postgraduate students at UCT in terms of
faculty, race, and gender
• Then select on a convenience basis, postgraduate students
in the same proportions regarding faculty, race, and gender
than in the population
• Of course, the quota frame (the proportions in the table)
must be accurate
• And biases may be introduced when selecting elements to

Research design - sampling 20

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