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Tujuan : To inform public about something that needs

attenttion. To make people known about something.

Komponen Announcement :
Adanya audience yang akan dituju
Adanya informasi ( subject, waktu, dan tempat)
Orang yang membacakan pengumuman

Struktur Generik Teks Pengumuman :

The introductory comment. Pada bagian ini announcer
menyatakan kepada siapa pengumuman itu ditujukan
The message. Pesan utama dari pengumuman.
The closing comment. Penutup yang diiringi dengan nama
Complete the information in the text by
choosing the words in the circle below!
(Lengkapi teks di bawah ini dengan kata-kata
berikut !)
waste, trash, remove, put,
suitable, proper, ignore,
support, efforts

Attention all students,

Did you know that most of our ....(1).. is paper? Did you
know that paper is recycled? Well, starting from today,
please ...(2)... your trash into the ...(3)... garbage cans.
Let’s ...(4)... the government program in the recycling
Thank you.
Arrange (susun) the jumbled words into a correct

•will – be – ceremony – there – flag – tomorrow – a

•to – every – school – student – come – should
•register – name – please – secretary – to – your – the
•there – practice – will – we – things – a lot of
•gather – please – the – yard – at – school – sharp – at 7
Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct
announcement! (susun kalimat di bawah ini menjadi
suatu pengumuman yang baik)
This time we will draw the lottery prize
May I have your attention, please?
Let’s get started
Good morning, audience
Please go to the stage when your names are
So please get your number
We will announce twenty winners of the door

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