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Presented by -:
Monika Yadav
Roll no :9601
 What is website
 Types of website
 How to create a website
What is website
• A website is a collection of related network web
resources, such as web pages, multimedia content, which
are typically identified with a common domain name,
and published on at least one web server.

Web server –web server refers to a program that fulfills and

accepts incoming requests from the users across the worldwide

Types of websites
we have two ways to tell the types of web site

1.According to functions 2.According to content design

Brochure Static/ fixed

eCommerce Dynamic
Social media

According to Functionality
1. Brochure website
A brochure website is the simplest type of website in terms of
functionality. Brochure websites typically only have a few pages,
and will be used by small businesses that need a simple online
Example-a small plumbing company

2. eCommerce website
ecommerce website is a website through which users are able
to pay for a product or service online.
3. Portal website
A portal website brings together information from lots of
different sources on the web. examples website which offer
emails, forums, search engines and news all through their
homepage. Portals can also be for internal use in a school,
university or company, allowing students or employees to
access their emails, alerts and files all in one place.

4. Wiki
A wiki website is one which allows people to collaborate online
and write content together. The most popular example is
Wikipedia itself, which allows anyone to amend, add and assess
the content of their articles.

5. Social media
Social media websites are platforms which allow
the sharing of images or ideas. They
encourage online interaction and sharing. The
most popular social media website is Facebook,
with a staggering 2.07 billion active users. Other
social media sites
include YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
According to content Design:

1. Static/ fixed
Static, or ‘fixed’, websites are the most simplistic. Their content does not
change depending on the user, and is not regularly updated. Static websites are built
using simple HTML code, and typically provide information.

2. Dynamic
A dynamic website or web page will display different content each time it is visited.
Examples include blogs and eCommerce sites, or generally any site that is updated
regularly. Dynamic websites can also be set up to show different content to different
users, at different times of the day etc. Dynamic websites make for a more personal
and interactive experience for the user, although they can be a little more complex to
develop and may load slightly slower than static ones.

Responsiveness of a website

A website with responsive design is one which is completely optimised

for mobiles and tablets, to the point where the website will
actually look different on each device. It is especially important that
your website is responsive if a large proportion of your audience use
devices other than a computer to view your site, as it offers the best
experience to these users.

How to Create a Website
There are two main approaches to creating a website.

1. Use an online website builder.

2. Build it yourself.
1.Use an Online Website Builder
• This is the easiest approach. This allows you to
create a website without actually having to
learn all the technical stuff.
• To use an online website builder, you simply log
in to your account, pick a template, and add
content a website builder is better for when
you need more control over where and how the
content is displayed.
• And adding new components is usually done
within a few clicks.

Advantages of using web builder:
1. No technical skills are required - You don't need to know any technical

2. Takes less time - Many online website builders enable you to publish
a website within minutes! All you need to do is select a template,
add content, then publish.

disadvantages website builders include:

1. Less flexibility - You might find yourself restricted with what you can
do with your website (from both a design and a functionality
perspective). Having said this, some website builders include heaps
of templates and functionality so, unless you've got very specific
requirements, this might not be an issue.
2. Less portable - If you decide to change hosting providers, you may
need to rebuild your website from scratch. However, this might not
always be the case, so if you're concerned about this, check with
your hosting provider first.
2.Building your Own Website
Build it yourself. This is where you need to know things like HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and a multitude of other technologies before you even start.

• You can create your website exactly how you want it

to be without being restricted by templates, plugins,
or other factors.

1. More flexibility
2. More portable

1. Requires technical skills
2. Requires more time

Creating your website will involve at least the following
1.Register a Domain Name
• Your domain name represents the URL (or permanent web address) of your website.
Therefore, when anyone types your domain name into their browser, they will see
your website
• You get a domain name by registering it through a domain name registrar or hosting
provider. You simply check that your preferred domain name is available, then
register it (online). Most hosting providers offer domain name registrations when you
sign up for one of their hosting plans.
• Examples of domain name :,
• Domain names are registered on an annual basis, and you can usually register it
many years in advance (or set "auto-renew").
• Prices can range from between $10 to $15 up to as much as $35 or even $45

2.Get a Web Host
Web hosting refers to a service that puts your website on the Internet. In other
words, it makes your website available to your users.
A web host (or hosting provider), is a company that makes your website
available for the world to see. They have the equipment and technical skills to
make sure your website is available to the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a

3.Build your Website

There are many different methods for developing websites. Each developer has their own
preference, but generally, you create your website "offline" first. This is typically done on
your own computer, or in a development environment (if you're in a team). This enables
you to be fully creative with your website. You can try things out, break things, revert it
back to a previous version, it doesn't matter because nobody is watching (except maybe
the other developers).

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