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The Abuse Of Power For The

Gain & Destruction
Police officer whose eyes are covered with a cloth labeled "bribes", so
he cannot see the offenses around him.
Causes of Corruption
Types of Corruption
Corruption Perceptions Index[CPI]
Consequences of Corruption
Cure of Corruption
Corruption scandals that shocked India
What is
Corruption ?

Corruption is
the misuse of
public power
resources for
private gain.
Causes of Corruption

Low levels of democracy, low Lack of commitment to

Greed for money, political transparency the society

Low press freedom

m press freedom
Low Low levels of education Low economic freedom
Types Of Corruption

Corruption Administrative
Corruptio Corruption
Grand Professional
Corruption Corruption
Petty Corruption
• The corruption done in
small scale or low level
Grand corruption

The corruption done in

large scale or high level
Grand corruption is further
classified into

1. Political Corruption

To win the election , some politicians try

to lure the voters by offering wine
,wealth and other type of direct or
indirect benefits.
2.Administrative Corruption

When officers like IPS and IAS , clerk, peons,

etc are involved ,it is called Administrative
3.Professional corruption
It includes duplicating things , mixture in
eatables things and in petrol etc.
Corruption Perceptions Index[CPI]

CPI is an index published annually

by Transparency International since 1995 which
ranks countries by their perceived levels of public
sector corruption, as determined by expert
assessments and opinion surveys.
ranked as the lowest perceived
levels of corruption

ranked as the highest perceived levels of

Consequences of Corruption

•Lack of quality in services
•Lack of respect for rulers
•Lack of proper justice
•Lack of faith and trust in the
•Lack of development
Cure of Corruption

• Public interest
•Honest Bureaucrats
•Honest media
•Effective and regular vigilance
•Transparency in system
Corruption scandals that shocked India
Bofors scandal

Bofors scandal was one of India’s

major weapons-contract political scandal
that occurred in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
This scandal was initiated by the Congress
party politicians accusing the then Indian
prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, and several
other Indian and Swedish government
officials of receiving major kickbacks from
Bofors AB — a Swedish arms
‘Coalgate’ scam
September 2012
unearthed a scam
that involved bureaucrats,
political leaders and
several ministers from the
ruling political party. The
Comptroller and Auditor
General, India’s audit
watchdog, reported
inefficient and possibly
illegal allocation of coal
blocks between 2004 and
2009. the final report
stated that the scam
amounted to Rs 1.86 lakh
2G Spectrum scam
This scam surfaced when it was revealed that the government, in 2008, had undercharged
mobile telephone companies for frequency allocation licences. These licences are used to
create 2G spectrum subscriptions for cell phones.

The Comptroller and

Auditor General of India
stated that “the difference
between the money
collected and that
mandated to be collected
was Rs 1.76 trillion”
•Satyam Computer Services scandal
•Commonwealth Games scandal
•Punjab National Bank fraud case
•Kargil coffin scandal
•Hawala scam
•Adarsh Housing Society scam
Thank you ..

Anamika SBK

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