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Romeo A.

Study Skills
for Life

Romeo A. Mahinay
Why Study Skills?
This class will help all students:

• overcome study issues

• identify common study problems
• develop better study patterns
Learning is an active process.

1. If you don’t participate in learning, you

will not be successful.
2. Each step in the learning process
takes effort on your part.
Do you, as a student:
1. Have goals you want to achieve?
2. Know how to study?
3. Understand your learning style?
4. Understand time management?
5. Use a calendar or planner?
6. Plan to attend all classes?
7. Maintain an organized notebook or
8. Know how to take notes?
9. Read the text books effectively?
10. Memorize class material and are recall it
for tests?
11.Take tests successfully?
What is covered in Study Skills
• Goal Setting • Critical Thinking
1. What YOU want
2. How to ACHIEVE it
• Taking Notes
1. How to take notes
• Effective Study Habits 2. What to listen for
1. When 3. How to use your notes
2. Where
3. How much, daily
• Read a Text Book
1. Reading speed
• Identify Your Learning 2. Skimming
Style 3. Scanning
1. Visual
• Memorization
2. Auditory
1. How to effectively memorize material
3. Kinesthetic 2. Mnemonic aides
• Time Management • Test Taking
1. Use a planner or calendar 1. True/False
2. Attend all classes 2. Multiple Choice
• Organization 3. Fill-in-the-Blank
1. Notebook or Binder 4. Essay
2. Tabs
• College Degree
• Trade School
• Certified Job
• Management
• More Money …..
Goal Setting
What do YOU want? A goal is something you want to
achieve. It can be either short-term or long-term.

•Short-term goal - something you want to achieve soon.

1. Set short-term goals for yourself
• Today
• This week
• This month

•Long-term goals – something you want to achieve in the

distant future.
1. Set long-term goals for yourself
• Complete college?
• New Job?
• New Car?
• New House?
Characteristics of Appropriate Goals
Your goals should be:
1. within your skills and abilities.
2. realistic.
3. flexible.
4. measurable.
5. within your control.
Let’s Set Some Goals!
To set a goal, you should state WHAT you will do and WHEN you
will do it. Implied in each goal is your WILL (determination) to
do it.

• Short-term Goals
Today, Tomorrow, This Month…

• Goal 1 - ________________________________________________
• Goal 2 - ________________________________________________
• Goal 3 - ________________________________________________

• Long-term Goals
College, Job, Car, House, etc.

• Goal 1 - ________________________________________________
• Goal 2 - ________________________________________________
• Goal 3 - ________________________________________________
How do I get there
from here?
• Set Goals and Update Often
1. Goals must be updated often .
2. Some may take more time than you planned, so don’t give up!
3. When goals are accomplished, add new ones.

• Seek Support
1. Spouse or Significant Other
2. Children
3. Parents
4. Employer

• Eliminate Transportation Issues

1. Have a car, GREAT!
2. Ride with a classmate you can depend on
3. Have a support group member drive you
4. Take a bus
It’s Study
Effective Study Habits

Study Time:
• Find a place to study that is best for you
• Have everything you need to study,
nearby while you study.
• Reward yourself for hard work.
• Create a checklist of all the tasks you
need to do before you begin to study.
• Keep a “worry pad” while you study.
Standard loose-leaf paper
– Pre-punched notebook paper
– 8 1/2 x 11” paper is best
– If you prefer unlined paper, pre-punch it
and have it in your binder for use
– Keep a small hole punch in your binder for
use with class hand outs
What is procrastination? – Putting
off or avoiding to do something that
must be done.
– Its natural to procrastinate occasionally.
However, excessive procrastination can
result in guilt feelings and anxiety about not
doing a task when it should be done.
– Procrastination can interfere with school
and personal success.
Why do students procrastinate?
• Perfectionism
• Fear of Failure
• Confusion
• Poor Motivation
• Task Difficulty
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Task Unpleasantness
• Lack of priorities
How to Eliminate procrastination!
• Motivate yourself to work on a task. Tell yourself things such
as: “There’s no time like the present.” or “The quicker I start, the
quicker I’m finished.”
• Prioritize the tasks you have to do.
• Commit your self to completing a task once you’ve started it.
• Reward yourself when the task is complete.
• Work on tasks at the times you work best.
• Break large tasks down into small, manageable parts.
• Make a schedule of the tasks you have to do and stick to it.
• Work on the smaller tasks first. This leaves more time for the
difficult and time consuming tasks.
• Find a good place to work that is free of distractions.
• Take breaks when working on a task so you don’t wear
Use a Study System
• Break large assignments, such as essays
or research papers, into smaller tasks.
• Study least difficult subjects first.
• Take breaks.
• Reward yourself.
• Study from YOUR OWN textbooks! Do
Not share books with a friend.
I like your
Learning Style!

• Visual

• Auditory
• Tactile
Discover and Use Your Learning Style
It is the key to successful learning.

Like everything else about you, your learning style

is uniquely your own, different from anyone
else’s. It is the conditions under which you find it
easiest and most pleasant to learn and work.
VISUAL Learner

• Prefer visual sense.

• Must see to understand.
• Learns best by reading and watching.

• Prefers auditory sense.

• Must hear to understand.
• Learns best by listening to an
• Prefers tactile sense.
• Must touch or feel to understand.
• Learns best by engaging in hands-on
What are your learning preferences?
1. I learn best by reading on my own.
2. I get the best results from listening to lectures.
3. I enjoy courses where there is some physical
4. I can learn how to do something by watching a
demonstration of how it’s done.
5. Class discussions are helpful to me.
6. I like to type and to use the computer.
7. Illustrations, charts, and diagrams improve my
8. I’d rather listen to the teacher’s explanation
than to do the assigned reading.
9. I get more out of lab classes than lectures
because of the hands-on approach.
10.How-to manuals and printed directions are
helpful to me.
11.I like to use audio lessons and exercises.
12.I’d rather work with machines and equipment
than listen to or read explanations.
13.I can learn to do something if someone shows
me how.
14.I can follow directions best when someone
reads them to me.
15.It’s not enough to show me; I have to do it
What these say about me…
• If you checked 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13 you have the
characteristics of a VISUAL LEARNER.
• If you checked 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14 you have the
characteristics of an AUDITORY LEARNER.
• If you checked 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 you have the
characteristics of a TACTILE LEARNER.

*If your checks spread evenly among 2 or more

categories, you may be equally comfortable using
one or more of your senses when learning.
Experiment . .
Learning Style Experiment . . .
1. Fold your hands.
2. Look at which thumb is on top. Left or Right?
3. Now, fold your hands again so that the other
thumb is on top. Does this position feel
comfortable to you?
4. Fold your hands your preferred way and notice
any difference in feeling.
Let’s ADAPT . . .
• Lecture (Auditory) • Take notes.(tactile & visual) Watch
for visual cues such as gestures &
facial expressions that emphasize
important points.(visual) Pay attention
• Media presentations- to visual aids or written information on
the board. (visual)
use of visual aids
• Listen to instructor’s explanations or
(Visual) comments and COPY them into your
notes. (auditory & tactile)

• Hands-on activity • Summarize presentation in your notes

(Tactile) & read it aloud to review. (auditory &
Listen to any explanation that
accompanies the activity. (auditory)
What enables you to put two
and two together? How do
you know what you know?

It’s the magic of

What is “Critical Thinking?”
• When you think critically you are conscious and
aware that you are thinking with a purpose.
• You are constructing and evaluating meaning
in a logical way that helps you analyze
everything you read, see and hear.
• Critical thinking also involves self-reflection,
examining your actions, the consequences and
determining whether changes are needed.

There are 4 steps to critical thinking:

1. Examine your assumptions
2. Make predictions
3. Sharpen your interpretations
4. Evaluate what you learn.
• Assumption - is an idea or belief taken for granted. It is
based on what we know or have experienced.
Assumptions are compelling. Your beliefs, the ideas you
take for granted, shape your thoughts and actions.

This chart shows how you can examine your assumptions to

use them for Critical Thinking.

Reading Writing Math Problem Solving

Determine what Brainstorm to Determine what Determine what you
you already know generate ideas. is given in a assume or believe to be
about a topic; build ideas. problem. true about the problem,
background for what you think you can
reading. or cannot do.
Assumption Exercise
Assumption Exercise

1. What can you assume about this man based on his clothing?
2. What time of day do you assume it is?
3. Based on his expression, what can you assume about what
he is doing?
4. How do your assumptions about the man in the picture relate
to your own experiences?
Prediction - is a decision made beforehand about the outcome of an event.
Predictions are based on assumptions. Because you believe that certain
things are true, you expect or believe that certain things will happen. They are
usually the result of asking yourself questions and looking for answers.

Make Predictions: How you can use Critical Thinking to

Make Predictions.

Reading Writing Math All Decision

Courses Making
Turn headings Have a Determine Anticipate Look ahead
into questions purpose for the kind of exam questions to the outcome.
to guide your writing. Have answer you and make What do you
readings. a plan to need: practice tests. think will happen?
follow. a fraction?
a percent?

1. What do you think will happen next?

2. What do you think caused this emotion?
3. What will the outcome be?
4. How did you come up with your answer?
Interpretation - occurs on 2 levels: literal that is the stated
meaning, the author’s or speaker’s main idea and details,
and implied that is the suggested meaning-what you can
guess or conclude from what is said or deliberately been
left out or is unsaid.

Interpretations: How you can use interpretations

in Critical Thinking.

Reading Writing Math Science Decision Making

Read for Develop your Identify both Determine Gather facts, learn
literal and ideas logically what is significance from experience,
implied meaning. and draw valid known and of research and decide, what
conclusions. what is findings or you want to do.
unknown. lab results.
Deep in the Maine woods,
On a starless September night,
Lights flicker, then go out.
Miles from any incandescence,
I sit in the middle of fear,
Black, thoroughly,
And mourn the sudden loss of sight
As if it were not temporary.
The mind adjusts, takes its measure
Of eternity.
My book lies open in the dark;
I read by lights I cannot see.

A writing by Carol Kanar about reading a favorite poem.

Deep in the Maine woods,
On a starless September night,
Lights flicker, then go out.
Miles from any incandescence,
I sit in the middle of fear,
Black, thoroughly,
And mourn the sudden loss of sight
As if it were not temporary.
The mind adjusts, takes its measure
Of eternity.
My book lies open in the dark;
I read by lights I cannot see.

A writing by Carol Kanar about reading a favorite


1. What was the author’s or speaker’s meaning in this

2. What is implied in the writing?
3. Are there any unfamiliar words or passages?
4. What is implied in this writing?
Evaluate what you learned.
Evaluate - This means you determine the worth or value, and you will
judge whether you something is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair.
You use this critical thinking strategy in every aspect of your life. It is a
measurement of worth in continuing or stopping an action or situation.

Evaluate what you are learning: This is Critical to Thinking and Learning!

Reading Writing Math All Problem

Courses Solving
Determine Evaluate your Use a Learn from Evaluate
the reliability writing/work. formula or your mistakes. your plan. Is
objectivity, and Proofread to system for Determine why it working?
usefulness of find errors; checking you make them Revise plan as
online and revise for content your work. and how you can needed, or
printed sources. and organization, overcome them. make new plan.
edit grammar, etc.
To Evaluate…
• Reliability:
1. Who says so?
2. What are his or her qualifications?
3. How does he or she know?

• Objectivity
1. What is the purpose?
2. Are all sides of the issue presented?
3. Is the language free of slanted or manipulative words?

• Usefulness
1. What have I learned?
2. Will I use what I have learned either now or in the future?
3. Does the new knowledge relate to my course of study?
4. Having learned the material, am I now more interested in the topic?
What TIME is it?

Make your time

work for YOU!
Time Management
• Control your time, don’t let it control
• Don’t procrastinate, “get’r done” !
• Make effective use of time spent
The G.R.A.B. Method
• “G” Goal Set a goal.

• “R” Responsibilities Determine your responsibilities.

• “A” Analysis Analyze where your time goes.

• “B” Balance Balance work, class, studying,

and leisure time.
I Love It
When a
Plan to Work & Work
your Plan
• Use a planner or calendar
• Schedule everything - school, work,
family, etc.
• Don’t forget anything by writing it in the
• Write assignments, tests and projects in
planner by when they are due
It all starts NOW….
• Enter when classes begin and end, work schedule, special events,
other important dates
• Review the instructor’s syllabus and write in the dates listed, especially
tests and assignment due dates
• Enter any other information, events, or activities you want to include.
For example: sporting events, holidays, birthdays, etc.
• Be sure to leave enough space in square to add items as the month
goes on.
• Consider using different color pens or pencils for the importance of the
events you list.
• Don’t miss class! When you miss class,
you miss instruction.
• Skills for each class are taught in
sequence. Each lesson builds on the
• Regular attendance lets you know what to
expect in order to be successful in the
• Punctuality is essential! If you arrive late,
or leave early, you miss instruction.
• If you can’t get to class on time,
can you get to work on time???

• If you don’t go to work, would

your boss pay you, or allow you
to continue to work there???
What are YOU going to do?
• If you’re going to earn your
associates degree, then you’ve got

• Anything worth this much of your

time should be taken seriously.

Your success is up to

You’ve got to get
You need supplies
– 3-ring Binder Notebook
– Dividers
– Pens, Pencils, & Highlighters
– Paper
– Note cards
• Choose a notebook that suits
– Not too big, not too small
– Sturdy! You don’t want to have to
replace it.
– View binder or non-view binder.
– Price doesn’t always reflect quality.
– If you buy wisely, you can use it for a
long time.
Tab dividers
– Purchase pre-made tab dividers
– Make your own
– Re-useable tabs
I can name that in a
• Note-taking is a important strategy for
classroom success.
• There is NO BEST WAY to take notes.
• Find a style of note taking that consistently
gives you good results.
Guidelines for Note Taking
Keep track of your notes by heading
your paper with:

– Date
– Name of Course
– Lecture Topic
– Number pages
– Write headers within each set of notes
Keep notes from one class separated
from the notes for other classes.

– Use dividers to keep notes separated.

– Some prefer to use several spiral notebooks,
rather than 1 large binder.
– Keep a small hole punch to place instructor
handouts with your notes.
Use the right writing instrument!
1. Use ballpoint pens for note-taking.
2. Felt-tip pens blur and soak through the
paper, leaving spots underneath.
3. Pencils smear and fade over time.
4. Stick with standard color ink, blue or
1. Equal: = 11. Introduction: intro.
2. With: w/ 12. Information: info.
3. Without: w/o 13. Department: dept.
4. Number: # 14. Advantage: adv.
5. Therefore: th4 15. Organization: org.
6. And: + 16. Maximum: max.
7. And so forth: etc. 17. Individual: ind.
8. For example: e.g. 18. Compare: cf.
9. Against: vs. 19. Association: assoc.
10. Government: gov’t 20. Politics: pol.
I don’t understand you…
It doesn’t matter how much you know if
the instructor can’t understand what you
*If you know your handwriting is poor,
print everything. Illegible handwriting
makes what you write, hard to read.
This could cost you the grade you
Practice makes perfect!
Copy this…
We the people,
In order to form a more perfect union,
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity
Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
• “T” Try not to doodle while taking notes.
• “A” Arrive at each class prepared.
• “S” Sit near the front of the classroom.
• “S” Sit away from friends.
• “E” End daydreaming.
• “L” Look at the teacher.
• Try not to doodle while taking notes.
1. Doodling breaks your concentration and takes your focus
from note taking.
2. Each time you feel yourself wanting to doodle, take that
urge and write down what the teacher is saying.
• Arrive at each class prepared.
1. Read all assigned readings and review all previous lecture
notes so that you will understand what is covered in the
2. If you are not prepared, you will be more likely to
daydream and become distracted
• Sit near the front of the classroom.
Sit near the front so you can clearly see the teacher, the
board, and any overheads, Power Point or computer
• Sit away from friends.
1. If you sit near friends, you will be tempted to talk or pass
notes to them.
2. If you have assigned seats and you have to sit near
friends, resist talking to them or passing notes during

• End daydreaming.
1. If you become aware that you are daydreaming,
immediately change your position. Sit forward and look at
the teacher.
2. Turn your attention to the teacher and write down
whatever he/she is saying, even if you may later find that it
was not important.
• Look at the teacher.
1. Make eye contact with the teacher as much as possible.
This will give the feeling that you are having a
conversation with the teacher.
2. Whenever you are not taking notes or looking at the board,
overheads, Power Point presentation, or computer screen,
keep your eyes on the teacher.
• Class time, note taking, study time;
these are all “NO CELL PHONE”
read, Read, READ!!!
“The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.”

~ Dr. Seuss ~
Read to Know
Reading is a lifelong skill and is key to your
success in school and in your career.
It is also a necessary part of any study
system. You gain essential information
from your textbooks by using these 3
strategies to improve the way you read.
1. Take control of you reading by becoming an
active reader.
2. Read for main ideas, details, and their
3. Use a marking system to focus your attention
and identify information to recite and review.
• When reading a text, look for signal words or
– “first”, “next”, “also”, etc.
– “one reason” and “third reason”
These help you learn things in the right order or
confirm what you have in your notes from a
class lecture.
I remember when…
You will always be required to memorize
information for tests.
– Use the BREAK method
1. Break memorizing into short time
2. Recite information aloud.
3. Establish mnemonics.
4. Always try to picture information in your
5. Key words help.
Break memorizing into short
time periods.
1. Never try to memorize a lot of
information at one time.
2. Try to arrange short, frequent
blocks of time for memorization.
Recite information aloud.
1. Read aloud the note cards you are
2. After reading aloud, test yourself on the
information by shutting your eyes and
asking and answering the questions
3. If you get the answer wrong, write it
several times as you say it over and over.
List the 6 Eubacteria
kingdom Protista
system of Plantae
classification Animalia
Mnemonics to help you
remember information


King Phillip Came Over from Germany Stoned

White Blood Cell Types

Never Neutrophil 40-70%

Let Lymphocyte 20-25%
Monkeys Monocyte 3-8%
Eat Eosinophil 2-4%
Bananas Basophil <1%
Now You Try

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