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By :- Divyam verma
Ankur kumar
Deepak kumar
Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
 The area of chemistry that is concerned
with the speeds, or rates, of reactions is
called chemical kinetics.
 Reaction rates depend on the frequency
of the collisions between the particles.
 The four factors that affect the rate of
reaction are the physical states of the
reactants, concentration of reactants,
temperature, and presence of a catalyst.
Physical States
 Reactions occur the fastest when the
molecules are colliding quickly.
 When the reactants are the same state of
matter, reactions tend to occur faster.
 When a solid has a larger surface area
(crushed), a reaction proceeds faster.
 Most chemical reactions proceeds faster
if the concentration of one or more of the
reactants is increased.
 The increase in reaction rate is due to an
increase in collisions of particles.
 The rate of a chemical reaction increases
as temperature increases.
 As temperature increases, the particles
collide more frequently and with greater
 Catalysts speed up a reaction be
changing the mechanism that leads to
the products.
 Catalysts are not considered reactants or
products and are listed about the yield
Reaction Rates
 Therate of a reaction can be expressed as either
the disappearance of the reactant or the
appearance of the product.
Appearance of B = D[B]

Disappearance of A = -D[A]
Reaction Rates with Time
 Itis typical for rates to decrease as a
reaction proceeds because the
concentration of reactants decreases.
Instantaneous Rate
 Graphs showing us the change in concentration
with time allow us to calculate the instantaneous
rate, the rate at a particular moment.
 The instantaneous rate is the slope of a line drawn
at a point on the graph. (tangent)
 When determining the reaction rates for a chemical
reaction, the coefficients must be used.
aA + bB  cC + dD

Reaction = - 1 D[A] = -1 D[B] = 1 D[C] = 1 D[D]

Rate a Dt b Dt c Dt d Dt
The Rate Law: The Effect of
Concentration on Rate
 The rate law shows how the rate of a
reaction depends on the concentration
of the reactants.
 The rate law of a reaction can only be
determined experimentally, not by the
coefficients of a reaction.
Rate Law

 The rate law is written as follows:

aA + bB  cC + dD
Rate = k[A]m[B]n

k = rate constant which changes with

m and n = typically small whole numbers
Determining Rate Law

Using the chart, we can see that the rate

law would be
Rate = k[NH4+][NO2-]
Since the rates change with a direct
proportion to the concentrations of both
Reaction Orders
 The exponents m and n in a rate law are
called the reaction orders.
 The overall reaction order is the sum of
the reaction orders.
Rate = k[NH4+][NO2-]
NH4+ = 1st order
NO2- = 1st order
Overall reaction order = 2nd order
Units for Rate Constants
 Theunits for the rate constant depend on
the overall reaction order of the rate law.
The Change of Concentration with
A first order reaction is one whose rate
depends on the concentration of a single
reactant to the first power.
Differential Rate Law Rate = k[A]
Integrated Rate Law ln[A]t = -kt + ln[A]0

 You
can use this equation to solve for
concentration or time.
Reaction Rate Graphs
 For a 1st order reaction, a graph of ln[A]t
vs. time will give a straight line.

ln[A]t = -kt + ln[A]0

y = mx + b
Second Order Rates
A second order reaction is one whose
rate depends on the reactant
concentration to the 2nd power or 2
reactants to the 1st power.
Differential Rate Law Rate = k[A]2
Integrated Rate Law 1/[A]t = kt + 1/[A]0
y = mx + b
 The half-life of a reaction, t1/2, is the time
required for the concentration of a
reactant to reach one-half of its initial
value, [A]t1/2 = ½ [A]0.
 A fast reaction will have a short half-life.
 Half-life for a 1st order reaction.
t1/2 = 0.693/k
 Using the equation from the previous slide,
you can see that the half-life of a first
order reaction does not depend on initial
 In a 1st order reaction, the concentration
of the reactant decreases by ½ in each of
a series of regularly spaced time intervals,
Half-life for 2nd Order
 The half-life of a 2nd order reaction does
depend on initial concentration.
t1/2 = 1/k[A]0
The lower the initial concentration, the
larger the half-life.
Temperature and Rate
 The rates of most chemical reactions
increase as the temperature increases.
 The rate constant for a reaction increases
as temperature increases.
Collision Model
 The collision model is based on the idea
that particles must collide in order to
 The greater the number of collision, the
greater the reaction rate.
 As the concentration of reactants
decreases, the number of collisions
Collision Model
 Asthe temperature increases, the number
of collisions increases. The energy of the
collisions also increases.
Activation Energy
 Toreact, colliding molecules must have a
total kinetic energy equal to or greater
than a minimum value called the
activation energy, Ea.
Activation Energy
 The activation energy is energy difference
between the energy of the reactants and
the highest point on the energy pathway.
 The highest point on the energy pathway
is called the activated complex or
transition state.
Transition State
 The transition state is very unstable.
Arrhenius Equation
 Arrhenius discovered that most reaction
rate data obeyed 3 factors:
1. fraction of molecules possessing Ea.
2. number of collisions per second.
3. fraction of collisions with proper
Reaction Mechanisms
A balanced equation for a chemical
reaction indicates the substances present
at the start of the reaction and those
produced as the reaction proceeds.
 The process by which a reaction occurs is
called the reaction mechanism.
Elementary Reactions
 Reactions that occur in a single step are
called elementary reactions.
 The number of molecules that participate
are reactants in an elementary reactions
defines the molecularity.
 Unimolecular = a single molecule is
 Bimolecular = 2 molecules collide.
 Termolecular = 3 molecules collide.
 Elementary reactions that involve 3 or
more molecules colliding are rarely
 An
intermediate is a substance formed
and then consumed during the reaction
Rate Laws
 Every reaction is made up of a series of
one or more elementary steps, and the
rate laws and relative speeds of these
steps will dictate the overall rate law.
 If a reaction is an elementary reaction,
then its rate law is based directly on its
A  products
Rate = k[A]
A catalyst is a substance that changes
the speed of a chemical reaction without
undergoing a permanent chemical
change itself in the process.
 A catalyst that is present in the same
phase as the reacting molecules is called
a homogenous catalyst.
 Neither a catalyst nor an intermediate is
listed in the overall reaction.
 The catalyst is there at the start of the
reaction, whereas the intermediate is
formed during the course of the reaction.
 A catalyst lowers the overall activation
energy for the chemical reaction.
A heterogeneous catalyst
exists in a different phase
from the reactant molecules,
usually as a solid in contact
with either gaseous reactants
or with reactants in a liquid
 The initial step in
heterogeneous catalysis is
usually adsorption of

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