Ethics Reporting-2.2

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Ellipse System is an EAM software application

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We live in age of innovation, growth of free

markets, and world economy. New government
authorities, world’s business leaders and up-to-
date technologies being players on global scene
form business relations and set standards
throughout world-wide business
More civilizations have started cooperating
together creating one globalized
communication system. Nevertheless, during
creating the one universal system of business
communication each civilization follows its
unique philosophy of life understanding and
usually this understanding of life is being
formed by religion.
With increasing urgency, market and social
forces are also rewriting the roles and
responsibilities of business. Modern businesses
are expected to be responsible stewards of
community resources working towards the
growth and success of both their companies
and their communities. We are convinced that
markets become free or remain free if their
players are responsible and respect the basic
values of honesty, reliability, fairness and self-
discipline being basic of their business ethics.
Most people involved in business sector –
grading from a small business owner to
employee, or even CEO of a multinational –
eventually face ethical or moral dilemmas at the
workplace. Ethical content of business behavior
has been a matter of public concern for a long
period of time. Nowadays we observe different
approaches to solve ethical dilemmas and try to
reveal new refined possibilities to avoid delicate
questions of modern everyday updating
business rules. Arising from my research and as
they say
“cogitations poenam nemo patitur” ( lat. Law –
nobody is responsible for thoughts) we assert
that each community has its own business
culture. In fact, this culture has been formed
by various factors among which almost the
highest position is under religion. That is why
various religion views influence on business
ethics in our modern world. Many beliefs have
a source –“code of rules” and many businesses
rely on these ethical guidelines, which
correspond with ethical standards of local
Four basic worlds
religions that
influence in business
Christian Business Ethics:

Christianity, the basis of this theology is the

Old Testament and the New Testament. The
Christian in commerce should not desire “to
get another’s goods or labour for less than it
is worth.” One must not try to obtain a good
price for his own wares by extortionth
If one is buying from the poor,
“charity must be exercised as well as justice;”
purchaser must pay the full price that the
goods are worth to him. Moreover, purchaser
shouldn’t admit suffering of the vendor
because he cannot stand out for his price, but
vendor should offer a loan or persuade some
one else to do so.
Jewish Business Ethics:

Judaism, which relies on the Torah for its

written law, has had a great impact on
marketing and business ideology. Jewish
culture, values, and ideas have penetrated
into many aspects of modern life including
modern market. Some points examined in
this paper include: honesty on the
market,fair pricing and business relations.
honesty on the market. Merchants are
prohibited from falsifying weights and
measures, owning a dishonest weight by the
Torah. fair pricing. "If you sell something to
your neighbour or buy something from your
neighbour’s hand, you shall not cheat each
other." Similarly, if an individual is unaware of
true value of an item and wishes to sell it,
one must not take advantage of the seller’s
ignorance and underpay.
Price stability is of great concern to the
Talmud. business relations. Employers are
required to pay employees on time. Indeed,
business ethics occupies such an important
place in Jewish Laws, culture, and tradition
that the Talmud has as the very first question
to an individual at the final judgment: "Were
you honest in your business dealings?"
Muslim Business Ethics:

For Islam, the basis of these laws is the

Qur'an. Islamic teachings strongly stress on
observance of ethical and moral code in
human behaviour. Muslim ethics include
avoidance of people’s exploitation through
lending them money at interest and
prohibitions against false advertising. Under
Islamic Laws, if a vendor sells an item by
making false claims about it, customer has the
right to have the transaction cancelled.
Buddhist Business Ethics:

The Buddhist business code and professional

ethics are closely tied with respect for
environment. Essentially, according to Buddhist
teachings, ethical and moral principles are run
by examining a certain action, which has to
avoid any harm. Therefore some Buddhist
texts emphasise on the role of enlightenment
- one of the elements which prohibits
occupations associated with violence (such as
arms dealing).
Overall, it is worth pointing out that each
religion has its own prejudices. Nevertheless,
the main idea of each of them is that faith
should give rise to a commitment to create
favorable environment at work. That is why
our modern society can not exclude the
impact of religion on modern business and
should be aware and respect differences in
values in various communities. So while there
are global ethical norms, we also have to
show respect to different values of each

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