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Methods of Teaching

 Department of the school or a class

puts up their work for showing it to
the people outside the school -

 The pieces of work done by the

students for an exhibition - Exhibits.

 Includes preparation, display and

explanation - by students - invites
parents and others to see them and
interact with students.

 Exhibitions are the effective means to

achieve the binding – community and
around them.

 Exhibition - Prominent part of the college

Requisites for Exhibition

 Central theme with a few subthemes.

 Exhibits - Clean and labeled properly.

 Concepts - Contrast in color and size.

 Exhibits - Well placed.

 Well- lighted
Requisites for exhibition

 Both motion and sound should be


 Exhibits with operative mechanism.

 Lot of demonstrations.

 To relate various subject areas


 Inspire the students to learn by doing

things themselves - sense of involvement

 Gives a sense of accomplishment/sucess

& achievement.

 Develop social skills - Communication

Cooperation and Coordination.

 Foster the healthier school community


 Diffuse and disseminate interesting new

work among students.

 Connects information with pleasure.

 Foster creativity among students.

Points should be kept in mind

 Exhibits should be prepared by the

students : Low-cost materials.

 Over come fund problems – raising


 Displaying relevant A.V. Aids.

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