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Lecture - 3

Introduction to Production Systems and

Issues in Design of Search Programmes


R NO : 19092007
 Introduction to AI
 Production System(PS)
 Characteristics of PS
 Heuristic Search Process
 Issues in Design of Search
Traditional Programming Artificial Intelligence

Data Algorithm Data Algorithm Output

Machine Artificial Intelligence

Output Modified Algorithm

Huge data , High computing power , High Performance
Algorithms demanded AI.

Machine learning and Deep Learning are integral parts

which form CORE part of intelligence.
AI problem solving technique

 Define the problem with all

necessary specifications,
initial state and final state.

 Analyze the problem by

decomposing it into micro

 Search & Process individual

solution and integrate to
form a final solution.

 Integration with least effort

will be our optimal path.
Production System
Core of Intelligence

Search & Process “Production Systems” are

structures which
provides and facilitates
the performing of these
search processes
A Production System mainly consists of :
1) Rule : Action lookup

2) DataBases

3) Control Strategies
Production Systems

Rule:Action DataBase Control

This lookup Which will Strategy
will help you to contain the Which helps to
determine necessary determine the
which action to knowledge base order in which
perform when Of the required the rules should
Rule is Domain(s). be applied.
Designing a Production System

Problem Statement

Micro Micro Micro

Problem-1 Problem-2 Problem-n


Set-1 set-2 . . . . . set-n

Production System
Features of Production System


Modifiability Production Modularity



Production System Characteristics:
We can characterise a Production System based on which
Class of Production System it belongs to and what is the
Relationship between the production system and problem

Classes of Production System:

 Monotonic : The application of a rule never prevents the

later application of another rule that could also have been
applied at the time the first rule was selected.

 NON- Monotonic: isn’t a monotonic!

 Partially Commutative : which have a property that if
a set of rules in this PS convert the state x of a process
to state y , then any permutations of those rules, that is
allowable, will also convert state x to state y.

 Commutative: A production system which is both

monotonic and partially commutative.

 Not Partially Commutative : which have a property

that if a set of rules in this PS convert the state x of a
process to state y , then any permutations of those rules,
that is allowable, will never convert state x to state y.
Production System Problem

Monotonic Ignorable

NON- Recoverable

Partially Irrecoverable

Commutative Certain/

Class of PS Monotonic Non-

Partially Theorem Blocks
Commutative Proving Problem
(Ignorable & (Recoverable
Certain) and Certain)
Not Partially Irreversible Card games
Commutative process (Irrecoverable
(chemical and
synthesis) Uncertain)
Control Strategies of PS
 As we learned, we require a good and suitable control
structure, for the production system ,so that the search can
be as efficient as possible.
 A search method provides a way to find solution for a
problem by trying different sequences of actions/
operators until a solution is found.
 Some of the Control Strategies(Search Methodologies) are
 Search Strategies are evaluated along the following
 Completeness
 Optimality
 Time & Space complexities

(0,3) (5,0)

(3,3) (2,3)

(5,1) (0,2)


 From above we could design a PS:
Consider both the jars(x-> 5liters jar,y -> 3 liters jar)
are empty in first step therefore :
(x=0,Y=0 : Fill up the 3-liter jar(y=3)
(Rule : Action)

Similarly it can be structured completley using

different rules and these rules are accessed using
control strategies.
Figure 1

Ref: Elain Rich & Kevin Knight

Multiple Nodes may occur
Matching: Direction
Improper of
Matching Traverse:
may lead to Issues in Forward /
Locked Design Backward
states, due to according to
redunancy of the Problem

Node Representation:
Dynamic node
representation needed
Matching and Redundancy:

If Proper Matching is not performed due to the Redundant

states (0,0) &(4,3) may lead to locked states which results in
the paths of arbitary lenghts.
Dynamic node

A node in a chess
may require an array
of Positions along
with cartesian
co-ordinates and
a set of variables
to count the number
of deadspots to
predict the further
Issues in Design of Search Programs
 So instead of traversing a search Tree we traverse a
search Graph.

 Since all the nodes are saved in the search Graph ,

redundancy can be eliminated.(Fig:2)

 But here in the directed graphs we could see the loop like
structures (Lock stage) which are created due to
redundancy and may lead to paths with arbitrary length.

 So it may become more difficult to show that a graph

traversal algorithm is guaranteed to terminate.
Issues in Design of Search Programs
 Graph search process are especially useful for dealing
with the partial commutative PS in which the given set of
operations may produce identical states regardless of the
order in which operations are applied.

 Thisis what we observed in the above water jug model

Additional Problems:
 Missionaries and Cannibals
 Crypto arithmetic…etc

Artificial intelligence is not merely a science of toy

problems but many of these techniques that have
been developed from these problems have become
the Core of the systems used to solve vital queries.

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