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• is a natural process, which converts a refined metal to a
more chemically-stable form, such as its oxide, hydroxide,
or sulfide. It is the gradual destruction of materials
(usually metals) by chemical and/or electrochemical
reaction with their environment. Corrosion engineering is
the field dedicated to controlling and stopping corrosion.
• In the most common use of the word, this
means electrochemical oxidation of metal in reaction with
an oxidant such as oxygen or sulfates. Rusting, the
formation of iron oxides, is a well-known example of
electrochemical corrosion. This type of damage typically
produces oxide or salt of the original metal, and results in a
distinctive orange coloration.
Uniform corrosion
• is considered an even attack across the surface of
a material and is the most common type of
corrosion. It is also the most benign as the extent
of the attack is relatively easily judged, and the
resulting impact on material performance is fairly
easily evaluated due to an ability to consistently
reproduce and test the phenomenon. This type of
corrosion typically occurs over relatively large
areas of a material’s surface.
Pitting Corrosion
• is one of the most destructive types of corrosion, as it can
be hard to predict, detect and characterize. Pitting is a
localized form of corrosion, in which either a local anodic
point, or more commonly a cathodic point, forms a small
corrosion cell with the surrounding normal surface. Once a
pit has initiated, it grows into a “hole” or “cavity” that takes
on one of a variety of different shapes. Pits typically
penetrate from the surface downward in a vertical
direction. Pitting corrosion can be caused by a local break
or damage to the protective oxide film or a protective
coating; it can also be caused by non-uniformities in the
metal structure itself. Pitting is dangerous because it can
lead to failure of the structure with a relatively low overall
loss of metal.
Crevice Corrosion
• is also a localized form of corrosion and usually results from a
stagnant microenvironment in which there is a difference in the
concentration of ions between two areas of a metal. Crevice
corrosion occurs in shielded areas such as those under washers,
bolt heads, gaskets, etc. where oxygen is restricted. These smaller
areas allow for a corrosive agent to enter but do not allow enough
circulation within, depleting the oxygen content, which prevents re-
passivation. As a stagnant solution builds, pH shifts away from
neutral. This growing imbalance between the crevice
(microenvironment) and the external surface (bulk environment)
contributes to higher rates of corrosion. Crevice corrosion can often
occur at lower temperatures than pitting. Proper joint design helps
to minimize crevice corrosion.
Intergranular Corrosion
• An examination of the microstructure of a metal
reveals the grains that form during solidification
of the alloy, as well as the grain boundaries
between them. Intergranular corrosion can be
caused by impurities present at these grain
boundaries or by the depletion or enrichment of
an alloying element at the grain boundaries.
Intergranular corrosion occurs along or adjacent
to these grains, seriously affecting the mechanical
properties of the metal while the bulk of the
metal remain intact.
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
• is a result of the combination of tensile stress and a corrosive
environment, often at elevated temperatures. Stress corrosion may
result from external stress such as actual tensile loads on the metal
or expansion/contraction due to rapid temperature changes. It may
also result from residual stress imparted during the manufacturing
process such as from cold forming, welding, machining, grinding,
etc. In stress corrosion, the majority of the surface usually remains
intact; however, fine cracks appear in the microstructure, making
the corrosion hard to detect. The cracks typically have a brittle
appearance and form and spread in a direction perpendicular to the
location of the stress. Selecting proper materials for a given
environment (including temperature and management of external
loads) can mitigate the potential for catastrophic failure due to SCC.
Galvanic Corrosion
• is the degradation of one metal near a joint or juncture
that occurs when two electrochemically dissimilar metals
are in electrical contact in an electrolytic environment; for
example, when copper is in contact with steel in a saltwater
environment. However, even when these three conditions
are satisfied, there are many other factors that affect the
potential for, and the amount of, corrosion, such as
temperature and surface finish of the metals. Large
engineered systems employing many types of metal in their
construction, including various fastener types and
materials, are susceptible to galvanic corrosion if care is not
exercised during the design phase. Choosing metals that
are as close together as practicable on the galvanic series
helps reduce the risk of galvanic corrosion.
Characteristics of water:
• Chemical and physical properties of water
like alkalinity, presence of ions or impurities,
temperature, hardness, flow or stability and
pH, dissolved solids influence the rate of
corrosion of metal. Low pH, soft or with
primarily non-carbonate hardness,
low alkalinity increases the rate of
corrosion. Excess of oxygen, carbon dioxide
and dissolved solids in water also increases
the rate of corrosion.
• Presence of bacteria in surrounding
also accelerates the rate of corrosion. This is
because accumulation of bacterial colonies
increases the
oxygen cell concentration accelerates pitting
and tuberculation. Bacterial colonies also
produce carbon dioxide and block the
deposition of calcium carbonate scale.
Other Factors:
• Characteristics of the metal, electrical currents
are some other factors that influence the rate
of corrosion.
Definitely there are many harmful effects
of corrosion. Some of them are listed
• Lose of efficiency
• Contamination of product
• Damage of metallic equipments
• Inability to use metallic materials
• Lose of valuable materials such as blockage of pipes,
mechanical damage of underground water pipes
• Accidents due to mechanical lose of metallic
bridges, cars, aircrafts etc.
• Causes pollution due to escaping products from
• Depletion of natural resource ( Metals)
Metal Type
• One simple way to prevent corrosion is to use
a corrosion resistant metal such
as aluminum or stainless steel. Depending on
the application, these metals can be used to
reduce the need for additional corrosion
Protective Coatings

• The application of a paint coating is a cost-effective

way of preventing corrosion. Paint coatings act as a
barrier to prevent the transfer of electrochemical
charge from the corrosive solution to the metal
• Another possibility is applying a powder coating. In this
process, a dry powder is applied to the clean metal
surface. The metal is then heated which fuses the
powder into a smooth unbroken film. A number of
different powder compositions can be used, including
acrylic, polyester, epoxy, nylon, and urethane.
Environmental Measures

• Corrosion is caused by a chemical reaction

between the metal and gases in the surrounding
environment. By taking measures to control the
environment, these unwanted reactions can be
minimized. This can be as simple as reducing
exposure to rain or seawater, or more complex
measures, such as controlling the amounts of
sulfur, chlorine, or oxygen in the surrounding
environment. An example of this would be would
be treating the water in water boilers with
softeners to adjust hardness, alkalinity, or oxygen
Sacrificial Coatings

• Sacrificial coating involves coating the metal

with an additional metal type that is more
likely to oxidize; hence the term “sacrificial
• There are two main techniques for achieving
sacrificial coating: cathodic protection and
anodic protection
A. Cathodic Protection
• is a technique used to control the corrosion of
a metal surface by making it the cathode of an
electrochemical cell. A simple method of
protection connects the metal to be protected
to a more easily corroded "sacrificial metal" to
act as the anode.
B. Anodic Protection
• is a technique to control the corrosion of a
metal surface by making it the anode of an
electrochemical cell and controlling the
electrode potential in a zone where the metal
is passive.
Corrosion Inhibitors

• Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that react with

the surface of the metal or the surrounding gases
to suppress the electrochemical reactions leading
to corrosion. They work by being applied to the
surface of a metal where they form a protective
film. Inhibitors can be applied as a solution or as
a protective coating using dispersion techniques.
Corrosion inhibitors are commonly applied via a
process known as passivation.
Design Modification

• Design modifications can help reduce

corrosion and improve the durability of any
existing protective anti-corrosive coatings.
Ideally, designs should avoid trapping dust and
water, encourage movement of air, and avoid
open crevices. Ensuring the metal is accessible
for regular maintenance will also increase

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