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Butterfly Lovers

浙江省上虞区实验中学 张科军

Long long ago there was
a landlord surnamed Zhu.
He had a daughter named
Zhu Yingtai who was very
beautiful and smart and
liked learning very much.
However the girl was not
allowed to go to school
during that old time. So she
had to stay at home and
looked at the students
coming and going on the
street through the window
everyday. She envied them
very much and thought: Why
the girl has to stay at home
and do the embroidering?
Why I can't go to school?
Suddenly she went back
to the room and told her
parents with
courage:"Dad, Mum, I
want to go to Hangzhou
to have classes. I can
wear man's garments and
act like a man and I will
not be recognized .I
promise. Please let me go,
please! "The old couple
didn't agree at first but
had to do so later
because Yingtai kept on
At school she
met a classmate
named Liang
Shanbo who was
excellent and
Later, they
decided to be
sworn brothers
and became
closer than
before .
Three years had gone. It
was time to say goodbye
to her teacher and return
home. Zhu Yingtai felt she
loved Liang Shanbo very
much after three year's
studying together. Liang
also hated to see her
going home although he
didn't know that she was
a girl actually. They
missed each other day
and night after their
parting . Several months'
later, Liang Shanbo went
to visit Zhu Yingtai and he
found Yingtai a girl with
surprise .
Later, Liang
Shanbo sent a woman
matchmaker to Zhu's
to get the permission
of marrying to Yingtai.
But the landlord had
already agreed to the
advice of the young
master surnamed Ma,
a son of a rich family.
Liang Shanbo felt
very sad and got sick
seriously. Soon he
Yingtai who disagreed
to her father's decision
of marrying her to
master Ma became
strangely silent when
she received the
message of her brother
Liang's passing away.
She cried loudly and
sadly in front of the
tomb. A sudden thunder-
storm came and the
tomb split with a loud
noise. Yingtai who loved
Liang deeply jumped into
the tomb with smile
before others could
realize it.
Then the tomb
closed with a loud
noise again. The
wind stopped and
the sky was clear.
Flowers were
dancing in the
butterflies flying
out of the tomb
danced elegantly ,
freely and happily
in the sun.
Key words to describe the story:

Studying &Meeting

Seeing off


Dream shattering

Butterfly lovers
Read the passage and try to guess what the
words mean:
(1) So she had to stay at home and looked at the
students coming and going on the street through the
window everyday. She envied them very much. ( C )
A.hated B. laughed at
C. wanted to be D. left away from
(2) Why the girl has to stay at home and do the
embroidering? ( B )
A. 作业 B. 刺绣 C. 娱乐 D. 家务

(3) I can wear man's garments and act like a man

and I will not be recognized. (D )
A. finished B. studied
C. laughed at D. found
Read the passage again and decide the sentence
true or false. (T/F)

(1) In the old time, girls and boys were allowed to go

to school. (F)

(2) Yingtai’s parents agreed with their daughter to

study at once because they were rich. (F)

(3) During the three years of studying ,Liang knew

that his “brother” was a girl. (F)
(4) Yingtai’s parents married their daughter to a
master surnamed Ma. (T)

(5) The bomb broke out and the two lovers could be
together forever. (T)
Retell the story

1 Do you think it was fair for girls

not to get an education in the old

2 What can you learn from Yingtai?

3.What do you think of the ending

of the story?

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