Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

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1.1 Research Background

English is one of subject taught at school in indonesia. It is taught to the
students at elementary school level to college level.
the researcher is interested in English teaching learning process in Senior
High School, especially teaching learning of writing skill.
Writing is one of the difficult skills, especially writing something in a foreign
language like English. Learners are not only demanded to transfer their
ideas through words, but also consider how to write well and systematically
correct as well. The learners must be able to develop their ideas and
organize the element of writing inorder to write well.
According to English syllabus of school based 2013 curriculum of the
eleventh grade of MAN Kota Palangka Raya in the first semester, the
students are taught to be able to write various genres of text. Such as
Descriptive text, Recount Text, Narrative text and Procedure Text. Wrting
Procedue text is not an easy task for eleventh grade students in Palangka
Raya, because to write a task the students have to know about the generic
structures and language features.
Procedure text is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to describe
how something is completely done through a sequence of series.According to
Toendan (2016:227), procedure text is akind of text that is used to describe how
something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.Based on the
observation in MAN Kota Palangka Raya the researcher found that students were still
not able to write a good procedure text although it a simple recipe and also they still
had problems in writing procedure text because they still dod not understand well
about genre of that text.
Based on the interview with an English teacher at MAN Kota Palangka Raya, the
teacher said that the students writing score was still low. Many students could not
make a correct sentence, the studemts did not know how start writing well. It
happened because they still lack of vocabularies and many more. In this research, the
researcher wants to find out in which part that the students still have problems in
writing procedure text.
1.2 Research Problem

1. What are the problems in writing procedure text faced by

the eleventh grade students of MAN KOTA Palangka Raya?

2. What is the dominant problem in writing procedure text

faced by the eleventh grade students of MAN KOTA Palangka Raya?
1.3 Reseach Objective
The objective of the research is to find out the problems in writing procedure text faced by
eleventh grade students of MAN KOTA Palangka Raya.

1.4 Reseach Delimitation

In this research, the reseacher delimits the research to find out the problems in generic structure
(content, organization) and language features(vocabulary,grammar, and mechanics) in writing procedure
text faced by the eleventh grade students of MAN KOTA Palangka Raya.

1.5 Research Significance

The significance of the research of the research are as follows :
1. For the English teacher
The result of this research can show the students’ problems.
2. For the students
The result of this research will be useful evaluation for the students to know their ability in writing
procedure text.
3. For other researchers
The result of this reseacrh can be used as reference for other researchers if they want to conduct
other research about the same topic.
1.6 Definition of key Terms
1. Problem : Something that is difficult to do and understand.In this
research, the problems means diffculties in writing procedure text faced by
the eleventh grade students of MAN KOTA Palangka Raya. The problemare
generic structure and language features

2. Writing : Writing is an activity to write something on a piece of

paper or other media which can be written on it. In this research, writing
means writing procedure text about recipes for making pan cake and ice

3. procedure text: procedure text is used to tell someone how to make or to

do something. In this research, procedure text is only focused on recipe.
Literature Review
01 02 03

• Definition of Text
Writing • Kind of Text
s of Good


Definition of Purpose of
Procedure Text Contents Procedure Text

Kind of Generic
Procedure Text Contents
Contents Structure of
Procedure Text

Language Example of
Features of Procedure Text
Procedure Text
2.5 The Problem in Writing Procedure Text

• The Problem in Content

• The Problem in Organization

• The Problem in Vocabulary

• The Problem in Grammar

• The Problem in Mechanics

2.6 Judgment Indicators in Writing a Procedure Text

Content Organization Vocabulary

Mechanics Grammar
2.8 Previous Research

2.9 Framework
The following scheme describes the way how
the researcher dose the research:

Kind of Research and Approach
The researcher will use this method because the reseacrcher only describes the problems faced by
students in writing procedure text, especially the problems in generic structure (content
,organization) and language features (vocabulary,grammar and mechanics).

Research Setting and Subject

The researcher will conduct the research at MAN Kota Palangka Raya. This school is located at Tjilik
Riwut Street. The researcher will collect the data from the eleventh grade students of MAN Kota
Palangka Raya in Academic year 2019/2020, which is divided into 10 classes.

Procedure of research
In this procedure of the research, the researcher will use these following steps :
1. Identifying and formulating research problems.
2. Deciding research method and research instruments
3. Collecting Data
4. Checking Data
5. Processing and analyzing the data
6. Concluding the result of the research.
3.4 Technique of Data Collection
3.4.1 Instrument
In this research, the researcher will use two types of intruments to
collect data for the research. The first one is essay task and the second one is
quetionaire. Essay Task
The first instrument to measure students’ skills in writing procedure
text is essay task. This instrument is designed to collect students’ scores in
order to know the problems made by students in writing procedure text. Questionaire
According to Toendan (2017;130),”a questionnairebis a
device that enables respondents to answer questions”. Questionnaire is the
second instrument in this research in order to get more detailed information
about their problem in writing procedure text. Instrument Try Out
In this research the researcher will not make any try out of
the instrument because the instrument will be adapted from the book that
students used at school,”Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI” published by Kemendikbud
and the researcher makes a few modifications in the instructions of the
instrument. Instrument Reliability
According to Toendan (2017;102),”reliability addresses the question of whether the
results of measuring process are consistent on occasions when they should be consistent”. In this research
the researcher will not use instrument reliability because the researcher will develop the instrument based
on the students’ English textbook. Instrument Validity
According to Toendan (2017;114), “Validity of data collection addresses the question of
whether a data collection process is really measuring what is purpose to be measuring”. In this research,
the researcher designs the instruments to measure students’ writin ability to make procedure text , so the
researcher prepares an essay task and scoring system contained only to the aspects of procedure text.
3.4.2 Process of Data Collection
These are the following steps to collect the data:
1. The researcher will come to the place where the researcher conduct: MAN
Kota Palangka Raya.
2. The researcher will explaine what to do to accomplish the task.
3. The researcher will give 45 minutes to the students to write the procedure
4. The researcher will use the second instrument ( questionaire) tp collect
more information from students about their difficulties or problems in writing
a good procedure text.
5. The researcher will give a code to every student’s worksheet to keep their
privacy or keep students. Identify anymously.
6. The researcher will give score to the students’ worksheet based on the
criteria in scoring rubric that have been made in table 3.1.
7. The last step, the researcher will tabulate the data to make it easier to be
8. The reseacher will analyze the data
9. The researcher will conclude research
Technique of Data Analysis
There are several steps in technique of data analysis :
1. The reseacher will give essay task
2. The researcher will give the score for the students’ achievement
3. After the score was obtained the researcher will convert total score
4. Based on the result of the table, the researcher will classify students
problems based on the score they will get .
5. next steps , the researcher will analyze and describe the problems made by
students in generic structure and language features in writing procedure
6. 6. Next, the researcher will ask the students to fill the questionaire to get
more information from the students about their problems in writing
procedure text.
7. 7. after that , the researcher will explain the result of the questionaire that
students already answer before
8. . based on all information from questionaire and students’ score, the
researcher will make conclusion of the research.
Thank You

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