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 As the name suggests Flat lens is a lens with flat surface.

 The possibility of a flat surface lens was predicted by a
Russian scientist Victor Veselago
in 1967
 Flat lens came into a reality in 2012
 Main advantage of Flat lens is in its ability
provide distortion-free image Victor Veselago

 Main difference between flat lens and spherical lens is in its

ability to focus light.
 Light captured at every angle of a spherical lens does not line
up correctly with the rest of light , creating a fuzzy image.
 To correct these lenses use extra pieces of glass adding mass,
bulk and complexity
 Flat lens is a perfect solution for this problem , it is free from
chromatic aberration
Metamaterials are materials which are engineered to have
properties that are not found in nature . They are made from
assemblies of multiple elements which are fashioned from
composite materials such as metals or plastics. The materials are
usually arranged in repeating patterns, at scales that are smaller
than the wavelengths of the phenomena they influence.
Metamaterials derive their properties not from the properties of
the base materials, but from their newly designed structures. Their
precise shape, geometry size, orientation and arrangement gives
them their smart properties capable of
manipulating electromagnetic waves: by blocking, absorbing,
enhancing, or bending waves, to achieve benefits that go beyond
what is possible with conventional materials.
2.Negative Refractive Index
Materials with negative refractive index are also known as
left-handed materials.
In 1968Victor Veselago's paper showed that the opposite
directions of EM plane waves and the flow of energy was derived
from the individual Maxwell curl equations. In
ordinary optical materials, the curl equation for the electri
field show a "right hand rule" for the directions of the electric
field E, the magnetic induction B, and wave propagation, which
goes in the direction of wave vector k. However, the direction of
energy flow formed by E × H is right-handed only
when permeability is greater than zero. This means that when
permeability is less than zero, e.g. negative, wave propagation is
reversed (determined by k), and contrary to the direction of
energy flow. Furthermore, the relations of vectors E, H,
and k form a "left-handed" system – and it was Veselago who coined
the term "left-handed" (LH) material, which is in wide use today .
2.Bi-Metallic Sandwich
The first flat lens used a thin wafer of silicon 60 nanometers
thick coated with concentric rings of v-shaped gold
nanoantennas to produce photographic images. The antennas
were systematically arranged on the silicon wafer and refract
the light so that it all ends up on a single focal plane, a so-
called artificial refraction process. The antennas were
surrounded by an opaque silver/titanium mask that reflected
all light that did not strike the antennas. Varying the arm
lengths and angle provided the required range of amplitudes
and phases. The distribution of the rings controls focal length.
The refraction angle — more at the edges than in the middle
— is controlled by the antennas' shape, size and orientation.
2.Bi-Metalic Sandwich
A later flat lens is made of a sandwich of alternating
nanometer-thick layers of silver and titanium dioxide. It
consists of a stack of strongly-coupled plasmonic waveguides
sustaining backward waves and exhibits a negative index of
refraction regardless of the incoming light's angle of travel.
The waveguides yield an omnidirectional left-handed
response for transverse magnetic polarization.
 In cameras lens with better focal point enables us to take
photos with better clarity
 In Microscope this can replace ordinary lens and result in
about 30% better magnification
 They find their best application in Endoscopes, due the small
size and better magnification

We can find other applications for flat lens which will make
revolutions in industrial and medical areas…

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