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Artificial Intelligence in HR

AI algorithms simplify the task by

AI finds out patterns and reasons that
searching resumes, finding eligible
cause stress to employees and affect
internal candidates, identifying top
their performance adversely. They can
performers, and analyzing data about
be addressed in a timely manner.
shortlisted candidates who are more
Intelligent chatbots are used to make
likely to succeed. This even
interactions quick and easy.
eliminates interview bias.

AI is used to accurately predict Algorithms quickly pull data and sort it on

employee exit based on transactions different parameters like age, culture,
generated by the employees and previous learning experiences, educational
machine learning. With the data background, work experiences,
insights, AI equips the leadership and performance, activities and behavior of
HR into employee satisfaction levels individuals, and analyze data to create
and predict future sources of turnover. custom learning programs for them.
Companies are using AI for
recruitment and selection
Example of companies providing recruitment and selection services

 AI-based for video and audio

 Face-to-face video interview or Hire
interviews with short technical and
candidate only interview aptitude mobile hiring to evaluate
 At any time, can review the digitally candidates remotely
recorded interviews  Clients: PWC, Koeing

providing SCIKEY

JIM  Measure human mind-set and

 Conducts candidate screening for (Jobs predict best fit for the job, team and
those applying to be wealth Intellige
the organization
planning managers Maestro)
Some more examples

Mya Mettl Dark Personality Inventory (MDPI) Olivya

 Automates tedious parts  Screening tool to help  Engages with candidates via
of the recruitment process employers gain access to the web, various mobile
such as sourcing, otherwise hidden platforms and/or social
screening and scheduling information channels
 Creates candidate profiles  Personality diagnostic tool  Uses natural language
and shortlists applicants through psychometric, processing
aptitude and coding test  Handles the scheduling part
of the recruitment process
Example of L’oreal using AI in recruitment and selection

The Mya chatbot is able to ask candidates factual questions to determine whether their profiles match the position requirements
Some of the sample questions from chatbot:
 Are you available at the internship start date and throughout the entire internship period?
 Do you have any questions for me regarding the company culture, application process, or position details?

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