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The Socio – Cultural

Theory of
(Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky)
Lev Vygotsky
• Socratic Method – a systematic question
and answer approach.

• Vygotsky was given the idea together with

his interests in literature and his work as a
teacher, that led him to recognize the
connection between social interaction and
language as central factors of cognitive
development through his observation
during his studies.
His theory asserts 3 themes

1. Social Interaction

2. ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)

3. MKO ( More Knowledgeable Other)

Social Interaction
• This plays a fundamental role in the
process of cognitive developments.
The Social environment or the
community takes a major role in ones
cognitive development. Through
participation in social activities,
making the social context of learning
crucial thus the learning happened.
•Parents, teachers, and
other adults in the
learners environment
all contribute to the
• They explain, model, assist, give
directions and provides feedback
to the learner as well.
• Language - open doors for
learners to acquire knowledge
that others already have.
Language serves as social function
but it also has an important
individual function.
ZPD – Zone of Proximal Development

ZPD ( Zone of Proximal Development)
• The distance between the students ability to
perform a task under adult guidance and with
peer collaboration & the students ability solving
the problem independently.
• Therefore Learning occurred in this zone.
• The social interaction is also there through the
teacher and students collaboration in solving,
answering or knowing something.
• But the proximal development will not be called
as proximal but an Actual Development without
the assistance of the;
MKO ( More Knowledgeable Other)
• Competent adult or more advanced peer that
helps the children, assist them, and instruct
them on the things they need to do. Now there
is the presence of the ZPD. The zone represents
a learning opportunity where a knowledgeable
adult can assist the child’s development based
also on their capabilities and reach of their mind.
• Scaffolding – a term for the appropriate
assistance given by the teacher to assist the
learner accomplish the task without any need for

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