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Name of the interviewee: Mr. Milan Katiyar

Age: 37 years

Sex: Male

SERVICE DETAILS Occupation: Software Professional

Type of Service: Comprehensive health Checkup

Vendor: Portea Medical

Price: Rs. 5000


 Who bought this service?

This service was bought by a 37 years old software professional named Milan Katiyar.

 Identify everyone who played a role in the decision process

Family Doctor
Office Colleagues

 What role did they play and at what stage/s

Problem Recognition – The health problems encountered by Mr. Katiyar were very obvious in his routine day to day activities, which was
recognized by Family, friends and Office Colleagues. When he decided to meet his Family doctor, he suggested him to go for a comprehensive health
Information Search – It was important for Mr. Katiyar to know which are the relevant tests that he has to undergo and which vendors are offering
that. He was helped by his Doctor who provided him the list of critical tests and his sister who was from a pharmaceutical background and could
understand the different test packages available in the market.
Alternative evaluation – Since Mr. Katiyar was going for this health checkup first time, and with the fact that he was not from the medical
background, his Sister played a role of finding out the different packages available in the market and comparing the individual costs with respect to the
number of tests being conducted.
Purchase Decision – Purchase decision was taken by Mr. Katiyar and his wife taking their budget into account.

 Mr. Katiyar identified the need of a health checkup because of certain health related problems that he was facing
from some weeks like restlessness, headache and weakness.
 The aim of the health check was to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of disease. ...Health checks
provided with an opportunity to look into his lifestyle, medical history and family history to find out if they're at
risk of any preventable health conditions.
 Important attributes of the health checkup were:
 74 different tests for individual body components
 Sample blood and urine collection at home
 Flexible timing for tests that could be done only at the medical center
 Physician consultation after the test results for free
 Lab reports with explanation and biological references on email within 24 hours
 Availability of specialists

 Mr. Katiyar, in his school/college and initial years of profession days was a football player. He was involved in many
physical activities and had a good controlled diet. He never felt the need for a health checkup.
 However, over the years, the physical activities reduced due to various factors and some or the other health
problems started cropping up. Initially he never felt the need for a health checkup and avoided the same. But,
when the problems started affecting his day to day activities, it was noticed by his family, friends and colleagues
who advised him to visit a doctor.
 When he met the doctor, he was advised to go through a comprehensive health checkup.
 This was the first time Mr. Katiyar decided to go for a health checkup and since he was not from the medical
domain, many tests, their meanings and significance were new to him. He did an extensive research on different
packages available, individual tests and price per package available in the market, in order to take this decision.
 In order to make the decision, Mr. Katiyar went through various sources in order to collect information. The
source's were:
 Internet search
 Information gathering from friends, colleagues and knowns.
 Personal visits to Labs and Medical centers
 References provided by Family doctor
 Advertisements

 Criteria for selections were:

 Number of tests
 Technology and process of tests (hygene, equipments, etc.)
 Ease of communication
 Availability of physicians
 Cost
 Location

 Based on the above criteria, Mr. Katiyar finalized 3 options – Apollo Clinic, SRL Diagnostics and Portea medicals.
The main factors for considering these were: - Technology, reputation in the market and the location.
 Decision to Finalize Portea Medicals:
 Cost – the price of the comprehensive package was much cheaper than the other 2 brands though the
number of tests and Technology was the same.
 Location – Portea medical center was located near to Mr. Katiyar’s residence which provided an upper
hand over the other 2
 Feedbacks – Mr. Katiyar received some positive feedbacks about Portea medicals from his friends and
Colleagues which became a supporting factor to justify his decision.

 Mr. Katiyar decided to go for a comprehensive health package with Portea Medicals.
 His initial search started with what to buy. He was provided with some basic list of critical tests by his doctor
along with recommendation for comprehensive health checkup. His first task was to understand the meaning of
those tests and their significance.
 Once he decided on what to buy, he started looking for various options available in market and making a list of
criteria's based upon which he can decide on the vendors.
 After making a list of vendors, he did an comparative analysis on the criteria and narrowed down to Portea

 Mr. Katiyar was very happy with the service offered by Portea Medicals. Though it was a less known brand
compared to Apollo Clinics and SRL Diagnostics, but the quality of service offered by the vendor exceeded his
 The timely response, the great service at lesser price, ease of communication and the location, impressed Mr.
Katiyar and he already referred this vendor in his society channels and friend circles.
 He decided to go for annual health checkup with the same vendor going forward.
 The brand which started out of requirement research, was a stranger relationship which is now turning towards a
close relationship.

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