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Network Diagram

Project Construction Management

Ma. Claudine F Verzosa
Every project is composed of works,
activities, tasks or functions that are related
to one another in some manner. But
generally, the main goal of project
completion is under the following
• Completion of the project at the
earliest minimum time.
• Effective use of all available
manpower, equipment and other
• Completion of the project with
minimum capital investment
without causing delay.
Construction management basically consider
TIME as the controlling factor of all available
resources from money, manpower, facilities and
equipment as a controlling factor:

• Time Vs Manpower

• Time Vs Number of Equipment

• Time Vs Peso
Planning and Scheduling

In planning, the logical sequence of the job

to be performed must be formalized under
the following considerations:
1. The logic of its sequence must be reviewed for
2. Further review should be entertained to
ascertain that all phases of work should appear.
3. The scope of work is correctly interpreted.
Resources which
are required in
performing each job
must be in place and
available when needed.
Resources can be time,
manpower, equipment
facilities, and money.

must review the plan
and resource
requirements and then
select a project plan
that offers the best for
the project.
Planning Objectives

The project manager’s objective in planning could

be summarized as follows:
1. To represent graphically the specific job and proper
sequence of the job.
2. To establish a medium for estimating the times, manpower
or other resources necessary for each job.
3. To have available sequential arrangement of the jobs, an
accurate estimate of resources and alternative plans based
on the scope of work.
• Considered secondary to planning.

• It is the process of allocating

calendar dates to jobs based on the
approved plan.

• General time boundaries are

determined for each job.
Definition of terms

Critical Path
The longest route in the network of activities representing the
project. The sum of all activities duration along this route is the
duration of the project.
The time required to complete the project is numerically to
equal the length of the route which is called critical path.
Activities along the critical path are called critical activities of
the project and delay in their completion may result in the
delay of the entire project.
There may be more than critical path in a network and the
critical path may shift as the project moves to completion.
Definition of terms

Earliest Event

The earliest time of occurrence of a event sometimes called

Earliest Event time. It is the earliest time an event can happen
without delaying the earliest start of any activity.

The earliest event time is numerically equal to the longest

path of activities in series from project start to finish. Unless
specified, the earliest event time of the starting event is
assumed to be zero.
Definition of terms

Earliest start
The Earliest start of an activity cannot be earlier than the
earliest event time of the event.
In other words, the earliest start of any activity is always equal
to the earliest event at the beginning of an arrow which is
sometimes called i-node. The point of an arrow is called a j-
i-node j-node
Definition of terms

Earliest Finish
The Earliest Finish (EF) of an activity is equal to the earliest start
plus duration and time.


ES = ES + Duration

EF = Early event + Duration

Definition of terms

Latest Event & Finish

The Latest Event time is the latest time the event may occur
without delaying project completion. It is numerically equal to
the length of the critical path minus the longest path from the
project and event to the event in question.

The Latest Finish of an activity cannot be later than the latest

even time of its j-node. In short, all activities with the same j-
node have the same finish which is the same latest event time
at their common node.
Latest Start plus Duration is equals the Latest Finish

LS + D = LF or LS = LF – D
Definition of terms

Activity Total Float or Activity Total Slack

Activity Total Float or Activity Total Slack is the span of time an
activity can be delayed at its earliest start time without
delaying the project completion. It is numerically equal to the
total time for the activity minus the activity duration.
LS + D = (ES + D)

LS - ES = Total Float
Definition of terms

Free Float
The activity Free Float is the span of time an activity can be
delayed after its Early Start without delaying the Early Start of
any succeeding actual activity that may be availed of and
still allow its succeeding real activities to begin at their earliest
start time.
It is numerically equal to the ES of any of its succeeding real
activities minus the Earliest Finish (EF) of an activity in question.

Activity Free Float is equals the Early Event time at the i-node
of the next succeeding real activity minus the EF is the activity.

FF = ES – ( ES +D )
Definition of terms

Independent Float
Independent Float is that portion of the activities Free Float
that would remain if all its preceding activities used up their
float. It is numerically equal to the ES of the succeeding real
activity minus the LF of the preceding activities minus the
Duration of the activity in question.
When the result of applying this formula is
I.F. = ES – (LF-D) negative, it means that there is no independent
float. The independent float is equal to zero.
Computing the Early Start and the Early
An algorithm is used to develop four types of
information about the network activities, they are:
ES = the Early Start of time activity. This is assuming
that all preceding activities tart at the earliest time.
EF = the Early Finish of time activity.
LS= Latest time the activity can Start and not delay
the project.
LF= Latest time the activity can Finish and not delay
the project.

After determining the value of each activity, we can

proceed to find the following:
1. Expected duration of the project.
2. The slack time
3. Determine which activity falls under the critical
Rules in computing the ES and the EF:

Rule no.1: The Earliest Finish (EF) for any activity is equal to its
earliest starting time plus expected duration time t.
EF= ES + t
Rule no.2 : For nodes entering the arrow, ES for activities at such
node to EF of the entering arrow. For nodes with multiple entering
arrows, the ES for activities leaving such node is equals the largest
EF of the entering arrow.
Computing ES and EF

Using the following Network Diagram, compute for the Value

of ES and EF times.
Computing ES and EF

Assume an Early Start (ES=0) for activities without predecessors
or we start from 0. Hence, activities 1-2 and 1-3 as starting
activities are assigned as 0.
The EF times for those activities are:
1) The EF1-2 = 0 + 10 = 10 and EF1-3 = 0 + 6 = 6
2) The Early Finish (EF) of activity 1-2 becomes the ES for the
two activities 2-4 and 2-5 that follows it.
3) Similarly, the EF of activity 1-3 becomes the ES for activity
3-5, Therefore:
ES2-4 = 10
ES2-5 = 10
ES3-5 = 6
Computing ES and EF
EF1-2 = 0 + 10 = 10
ES2-4 = 10

ES2-5 = 10

ES3-5 = 6

EF1-3 = 0 + 6 = 6
Computing ES and EF

4) Therefore, the corresponding time for these activities are:
EF2-4 = 10 + 8 = 18
EF2-5 = 10 +13 = 23
EF3-5 = 6 + 12 = 18
EF4-5 = 18 + 4 = 22
5) The activity 4-5 has an early starting time ES equal to EF2-4 =18
and an early finish time of 18 + 4 = 22.
6) Activity 5-6 with three predecessors has an early starting time
ES equal to 18, 22 and 23. Select the largest number which is 23
plus duration 2 = 25, the early finish EF.
Computing ES and EF
EF2-4 = 10 + 8 = 10

EF2-5 = 10 + 13 = 23 EF4-5 = 18 + 4 = 22

EF3-5 = 6 + 12 = 18
Computing ES and EF


Note: the Latest Finish is the duration of the project.

Therefore, the expected length of the project is 25 weeks.
Computing LS and LF
Computing the Last Start and the Last
The Latest Start (LS) of an activity plus the
duration is equals the Latest Finish (LF)



Computing LS and LF

1) It was found in the previous solution that EF5-6 = 25, and this
EF automatically becomes the LF.
Thus, EF = LF = 25 weeks
2) Solve for the values of LS going backwards from node (6)
starting from 25 weeks.
3) LS5-6 = 25 – 2 (time) = 23
4) For activity 5-6 start not later than week 23 all immediate
predecessors must be finished not later than that time.
5) For activity 4-5 subtract;
LS4-5 = 23 – 4
= 19
Computing LS and LF

Solution: LS2-4 = 19 - 8= 11
LS1-2 = 10 -10 = 0

LS4-5 = 23 – 4 = 19
LS1-3 = 11- 6 = 5 LS2-5 = 23 – 13 = 10

LS5-6 = 25 – 2 = 23

EF = 25 = LF
LS3-5 = 23 – 12 = 11
Computing LS and LF

6) For activity 3-5 subtract;
LS4-5 = 23 – 12 = 11
7) In the same Manner:
For activity 2-5 subtract;
LS2-5 = 23 – 13 = 10
For activity 2-4 subtract; LS2-4 = 19 – 18 = 11
For activity 1-2 subtract; LS1-2 = 10 – 10 = 0
For activity 1-3 subtract; LS1-3 = 11 – 6 = 5
6) Take note that in node (2) we use the smallest value of 10 not 11
weeks in solving backward for LS/LF. Unlike that in the previous solution
we use the largest value of ES as we go forward for the next value of EF.
7) Since there are two arrows leaving Node 2, that is the activity 2-4 with
LS = 11 and activity 2-5 with LS = 10 the Latest Finish (LF) for activity 1-2
which is 10 will be used being the smallest LS for a leaving arrow.
Computing ES and EF

The Value of LF and LS found will be tabulated as follows:
The activity oriented CPM network diagram
is made under the following rules:
1. When the activity is only the predecessor of one or
more successors, the activity’s Early Finish (EF) is equal to
the Early Start (ES) of any of its successors. This is true
because a successor activity cannot start until its
predecessor activity has not been completed.
2. When two or more activities have a common
successor, the latter’s Early Start (ES) is equal to the
Latest Early Finish of its predecessors. In short, when an
activity has more than one predecessor, its Early Start
(ES) is equal to the Latest Early Finish of its predecessors.
This is true because an activity cannot start until all of its
predecessor activities are completed.

3. When the activity has only one successor activity, its

Latest Finish (LF) is equal to its Latest Start (LS) of the
successor. This is true because a successor activity
cannot start until its predecessor activity has been
The activity oriented CPM network diagram
is made under the following rules:
4. When two or more activities have only one successor
activity the Latest Start (LS) of the successor activity
equal to the Latest Finish (LF) if any of its predecessor
activities. This is true because a successor activity can
only start after all its predecessor activities have been
completed, and provided that their LF do not exceed
the LS of their predecessor, project completion will not
be delayed.

5. When an activity has two or more successors, the

Latest Finish (LF) of the activity is equal to the earliest of
the Latest Start of its successor activities. This is so,
because the Latest Finish (LF) of an activity cannot be
later than the latest start (LS) of any of its successor
Thank you!!

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