Ilokusi Dalam Film To All The Boys I've Loved Before

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Resea rch


Kiki Amelia Ramadhani
TO D A Y ' S

a.Background of Research
b.Identification of Problems
c. Scope of problems
d.Objectives and Benefits of study
e.Research Object and Research Method
f. Literature review
g. Research finding and data analysis
h. References
a. Background of Research

Basically in our daily life, we always use language as means of

communication with others for instance making a dialogue, asking,
joking, commanding, apologizing, and so on. For example, “Gimme a
coffee! Make it black!” means the speaker wants someone to do
something. The speaker wants the hearer to make a coffee and make it
black and this is a kind of directives illocutionary acts (commanding).
This study utilizes linguistic approach, which takes the pragmatic
aspect as one of the branches of Linguistics Study, illocutionary acts. An
illocutionary act is one topic of pragmatics that related with the act of
expressing the speaker’s intention. Edmirson (1981:30) defines
illocutionary acts as viewed utterances by means of which a speaker
communicates his feelings, attitudes, belief, or intention with respect to
some events or state of affairs.
In this case, the writer is interested in discussing pragmatics as the
study of language meaning with the context. The authors will analyze
the types of illocutionary speech acts and what strategies are used in
expressing the illocutionary speech acts that occur in To All The Boys I've
Loved Before Movie.
This is a teenage romance movie directed by Susan Jhonson based
on Jenny Han's novel in 2014. The film was released by Netflix on August
17, 2018. Judging from the conversation contained in this film, there are
several kinds of speech acts with different speech situations. Therefore,
the problem or topic chosen for this research is to analyze what speech
acts of illocution are contained in To All The Boys I've Loved Before
b. Identification of Problem
1.What are types of illocutionary acts which found in To All
The Boys I’ve Loved Before Movie?
2. What are the strategies that used to express illocutionary
acts in To All The Boys I’ve Loved BeforeMovie?

c. Scope of Problem
In this study the authors limit the problem under study in
order to prevent the spread of the problem. This research is a
pragmatic study with the core discussion of illocutionary acts.
The object of this research is type of illocutionary acts and
what strategies are used in expressing the illocutionary acts.
d. Objectives and Benefits of study
1.To identify what types of illocutionary acts which found in
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Movie.
2. To identify what are the strategies that used to express
illocutionary acts in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Movie.

The result of the research is expected to give the benefits

academically for both the writer and the readers.
Furthermore, the research is expected to enrich the
knowledge, especially in pragmatics study about the types of
illocutionary acts occur in the dialogue.
e. Research Object and Research

The object of this research is about utterances that contain

illocutionary acts in To All the Boys I've Loved Before Movie by Susan
Johnson. In the movie, there are various theories of speech acts of
pragmatic study, especially illocutionary acts in conversations between
The method that the writer use to analyze the data is descriptive
analysis method; by making an explanation in accordance with the
facts, describing it systematically, analyzing it according to the speech
component and make the conclusions.
a. The Concept of Pragmatics
The study of what speakers mean to convey when they use a
particular structure in context is called the study of pragmatics (Hatch,
1992: 260). Pragmatic studies the purpose of speech, that what is “X”
utterance done for. And basically pragmatics asks "What do you mean
by X?” Not “What X means?”. Therefore, by studying pragmatics, we can
understand what people intended, their assumptions, and their goals or
purposes when they speak in certain context. So that pragmatics
comprehension is really important for us in order to make good
communication between one and each other.
b. Speech Acts
In the study of pragmatic, there is an entity that is central and
fundamental to be understood by the students. It is Speech acts. An
actions performed via utterances generally called Speech Acts and
are commonly given more specific labels, such as apology,
complaint, compliment, invitation, promise or request (Yule, 1996:47).
Speech acts has more interpretation than those that are found in the
utterance alone because there possibly will be different
interpretation to one identical utterance. In other words, we can
simply say that the speech act is an utterance that contains an
Classification of Speech Acts
Searle defines three types speech acts into;
a. locutionary act
b. illocutionary act
c. perlocutionary act.
c. Classification of Illocutionary Acts
Austin in Leech (1983:281) classified illocutionary acts into five
types according to their illocutionary force. They are verdictives,
exercitives, commissives, behatitives and expositives.Searle
classified illocutionary acts based on varied functions, they are
representatives, directives, commissives, expressives and
d. Speech Acts Strategy
Speech act strategies are delivered in two ways:
2. Indirectly
e. Context
According to Leech (1983: 13) "Any background of knowledge is
assumed to be shared by speaker and hearer and which contributes
to hearer's interpretation on what speaker means by a given
utterance", meaning that the context is the background of
knowledge shared by the speaker and the interlocutor who help the
interlocutor to interpret the meaning of the speaker's speech.
Cutting (2003: 3) divides the context into 2 parts:
a. Situational Context.
b. Background Knowledge Context.
a. Representative Illocutionary Acts
Data 1
Peter Kavinsky : “Look, I just w a n n a be super clear.”
Lara Jean : “Peter Kavinsky, I'm not trying to date you.”
Peter Kavinsky : “Your mouth is saying something, but your
mouth said something different.”

b. Directive Illocutionary Acts

Data 2
Dr. Covey : “It's only gonna take a second. Just smile.
Cheese!” (camera shutter snapping)
Lara Jean : “Ready to go?”
Kitty : “Let’s go!”
c. Commissive Illocutionary Acts
Data 3
Margot : “If you need me, I'm a Skype call away.”
Lara Jean : “Until you start going to pubs and eating haggis
with your Scottish friends, and forget about us.”
Margot : “I ca n pr omise you I w ill never, ever...
ha ggis.” ea t

b. Expressive Illocutionary Acts

Data 4
Peter's Mom : “Aw. Well, how about you mom? Your mom must love
having girls. And me? I'm stuck with these two
Peter Kavinsky : “Mom, I told you. Lara Jean's mother passed away
when she was little..”
Peter's Mom : “I am so sorry, Lara Jean, I am so sorry to hear that....”
e. Declarative Illocutionary Acts
Data 5
Peter Kavinsky : “Hi. Ready to go?”
Lara Jean : “Did you go to Gen's room last night? And you gave her
my favorite scrunchie? Am I just a joke to you, Peter?”
Peter Kavinsky : “No, you're not. You just don't understand the situation.”
Lara Jean : “No, I understand completely. This is over, in every
possible w a y. ”
Related References

Aitchison, Jean. 2003. Linguistics: Teach Yourself: London: Hodder&Stoughton.

Austin, J. L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. New York: Oxford University

Leech, Geofrey: 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London dan New Longma

York: n

Searle, John. R. 1979. Expression and Meaning. Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Melbourne:
Cambridge University Press.

Mey, J. L. 2001. Pragmatics An Introduction (2nd Editions). Oxford:

Blackwell. Tarigan, H.G. 2009. Pengajaran Pragmatik. Bandung:


Yule, George. 1996a. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

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