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Read the statements carefully.

Choose only the letter of the correct

answer and write it in the corresponding number in your answer
1. During the classical period, if you live a life described
as a “rags-to-riches” story, you must be like?
a. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Ludwig Van Beethoven
d. Michelangelo
2. If your character and personality are mainly calm and
balanced you are almost like?
a. Michelangelo
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Ludwig Van Beethoven
d. Franz Joseph Haydn
3. You are searching about a child prodigy and most amazing
genius in musical history. The person would be?
a. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Michelangelo
c. Ludwig Van Beethoven
d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
4. A person who loves experimenting objects, every day he has a
new idea. The person was?
a. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Michelangelo
d. Ludwig Van Beethoven
5. Your family loves music and all of you are good singers too.
His family is similar with you, who is he?
a. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Ludwig Van Beethoven
d. Michelangelo
6. This is a multi-movement work for solo instrument, which
means to make a sound.
a. Development
b. Exposition
c. Sonata
d. Recapitulation
7. What is the first part of a composition in sonata form that
introduces the theme?
a. Sonata
b. Exposition
c. Recapitulation
d. Development
8. This is the middle part of the sonata-allegro form wherein
themes are being developed.
a. Sonata
b. Recapitulation
c. Development
d. Exposition
9. If there’s a repetition of theme in a music as they first
emerge in the opening exposition the term is called?
a. Sonata
b. Development
c. Exposition
d. Recapitulation
10. This is a multi-movement work, designed for an
instrumental soloist and orchestra. What term is this?
a. Concerto
b. symphony
c. Opera
d. Opera Buffa
• 11. A multi-movement work for orchestra, the symphony is
derived from the word “Sinfonia” which literally means “a
harmonious sounding together”. It is a classical music for the
whole orchestra, generally in four movements.
• a. Concerto b. symphony c. Opera
d. Opera Buffa
• 12.It is a drama set to music where singers and musicians
perform in a theatrical setting.
• a. Concerto b. symphony c. Opera
d. Opera Buffa
• 13. It usually implies heroic or tragic drama that employs
mythological characters, which was inherited from the
Baroque period.
• a. Opera Seria b. symphony c. Opera
d. Opera Buffa
• 14. What composition of music that use everyday characters
and situations, and typically employed spoken dial
• a. Opera Seria b. symphony c. Opera
d. Opera Buffa
• 15. What is the general texture of Classical music?
• a. monophonicb. heterophonic c. homophonic
d. polyphonic
• 1. What period in classical music where there is an
enthusiasm in studying ancient philosophy and artistic
• a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Opera Seria
d. Opera Buffa
• 2. What period in classical music wherein there is great artistic and
intellectual achievement with the birth of secular art.
• a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Opera Seria
d. Opera Buffa

• 3. What is the term derived from the Portuguese word barocco which
means “irregularly shaped pearl or stone.”
• a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Opera Seria
d. Opera Buffa
• 4. It was a period of artistic styles in exaggerated motion,
drama, tension, and grandeur.
• a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Opera Seria
d. Opera Buffa

• 5. He is considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime. He was?
• a. Michelangelo b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Raphael
d. Donatello

• 6. He was a painter, architect, scientist, and mathematician.
He was popularized in present times through the novel and
• a. Michelangelo b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Raphael
d. Donatello
• 7. He is an Italian painter and architect of the high Renaissance
period. He was?
• a. Michelangelo b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Raphael
d. Donatello

• 8. He is one of the Italian great artists of the period. He was?
• a. Michelangelo b. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Raphael
d. Donatello

9. He is an Italian artist who wanted to deviate from the
classical masters of the Renaissance. He was?
a. Michelangelo Merisi
b. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
c. Peter Paul Rubens
d. Rembrandt
• 10. He practiced architecture and sculpture, painting, stage
design, and was also a playwright.
• a. Michelangelo Merisi
• b. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
• c. Peter Paul Rubens
• d. Rembrandt

• 11. He was well known for his paintings of mythical and
figurative subjects, landscapes, portraits, and Counter-
Reformation altarpieces.
• a. Michelangelo Merisi
• b. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
• c. Peter Paul Rubens
• d. Rembrandt Harmenszoon

• 12. He was a brilliant Dutch realist, painter, and etcher. He is generally
considered as one of the greatest painters and printmakers in
European art.
• a. Michelangelo Merisi b. Gian
Lorenzo Bernini
• c. Peter Paul Rubens d.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon
• 13. He was one of the finest masters of composition and one
of the most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age.
• a. Michelangelo Merisi
• b. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
• c. Peter Paul Rubens
• d. Rembrandt Harmenszoon
• 14. It means “an irregular shaped pearl”
• a. Renaissance
• b. Baroque
• c. Sculpture
• d. Last Supper
• 15. One of his famous works is the “Conversion of St. Paul”.
• a. Caravaggio
• b. Bernini
• c. Rubens
• d. Rembrandt
• 1. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances
primarily intended to get to know other people in a certain
formal or semi-formal occasion?
• a. ballroom dances
• b. dance sport
• c. festival dances
• d. social dances
• 2. What is the general term referring to the DOs and DON’Ts in social
• a. behaviour b. character c. dance demeanor
d. dance etiquette

• 3. Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and
Modern Standard Dances. Which of the following is an example of
Modern Standard Dances?
• a. cha-cha-cha b. jive c. rumba d.

• 4. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in
Modern Standard Dances?
• a. black/white shirt b. black/white sweat
• c. black/white long sleeves d. coat and tie
• 5. Social dancing can prevent some diseases, caused by
sedentary lifestyle, if regularly performed. Which of the
following does NOT belong to the group?
• a. diabetes
• b. lung cancer
• c. obesity
• d. weight gain
• 6. Which of the following best describes social dances?
• a. Social dances are for pairs only
• b. Social dances can be competed
• c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and
• d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in
attendance to a social function
• 7. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned
in social dancing to enhance your community’s fitness?
• a. I will render an intermission number with my partner
during fiestas
• b. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity
• c. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young
and old, about social dances
• d. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a
social dancing program for the community
• 8. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well-
• a. They help make one physically engaged and active
preventing lifestyle diseases
• b. They cure lifestyle diseases
• c. The help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
• d. They develop one’s talent in dancing
• 9. “It takes two to Tango.” What does this quote mean?
• a. A Tango requires two individuals to dance
• b. One cannot exist without the other
• c. It takes two to make any endeavor work
• d. There should always be two individuals dancing the Tango
• 10. The following are dance etiquettes that should be
considered in a social dancing activity EXCEPT ONE:
• a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
• b. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial
combinations with your partner
• c. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or
• d. Always follow counterclockwise as line of direction social
• 11. “May I have this dance?” This line implies…
• a. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing
• b. A boy forcing a girl to dance
• c. A boy with no one to dance with pleading
• d. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody
• 12. Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be
developed if one engages in social dancing activities?
• a. Respect
• b. sense of community
• c. courtesy
• d. all
• 13. The following are reasons why fitness is a universal
concern EXCEPT ONE:
• a. We face different challenges everyday and it’s just but
proper to keep ourselves fit all the time if we are to overcome
• b. Everyone needs to be physically fit to meet daily physical
• c. One can influence the community fitness consciousness
effectively if he or she fosters fitness and well-being
• d. To be a good athlete or player in a certain sport
• 14. What happens if one doesn’t have a physically active
• a. He/she is prone to weight gain, obesity which may lead to
diabetes and other cardio-vascular diseases
• b. He/she will not be physically fit
• c. He/she will become sickly
• d. He/she will become fat
• 15. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What
values can be developed in such training?
• a. Leadership
• b. obedience
• c. respect
• d. all of the above
1. Any substances or chemicals which when taken into the
body either nasal, oral, transdermal, or intravenous way have
psychological, emotional and behavioral effects on a person.
• Drug abuse
• b. Drugs
• c. Drugs dependence
• d. Drug tolerance
2. A cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive
phenomena of variable intensity in which the use of drugs
takes on a high priority there by creating a strong desire to
take the substance.
• Drug abuse
• b. Drugs misuses
• c. Drugs dependence
• d. Drug tolerance
3. The condition of the body to adopt the effects of
substances to the body thus requiring an even larger amount
of substance to experience the same physiological and mental
effect experience when taking the small dosage.
a. Drug abuse
b. Drugs misuses
c. Drugs dependence
d. Drug tolerance
4. The use of substance incoherent or inconsistent with the
prescribed dosage or frequency of use.
a. Drug abuse
b. Drugs misuses
c. Drugs dependence
d. Drug tolerance
5. The use of substance for non medical proposes.
a. Drug abuse
b. Drugs misuses
c. Drugs dependence
d. Drug tolerance
Fill the missing word.
• The Dangerous Drugs Board listed three major drugs of abuse
in the Philippines. These are methamphetamine
hydrochloride (6) _______________, cannabis sativa (7)
_________ and
__are those influences which increase the chances of using,
misusing and(10).__________________ are those influences
which decrease the chances of using, misusing and abusing
Identify whether the statement is true or false;
write your answer on the space provided.
• ___________11. Drugs of abuse improve memory.
• ___________12. Drug of abuse help in the digestion of food.
• ___________13. Drug of abuse make a person bold and brave.
• ___________14. Drug of abuse removes life’s problems and
• ___________15. Drug of abuse heat up the body.

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