01-Deployment Testing v2c

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Deployment Testing

Definitions: Verification and Validation

• The International Software Testing Qualifications Board

(ISTQB) has the following definitions:
– Verification – Confirmation by examination and through the
provision of objective evidence that the specified requirements have
been fulfilled. i.e. Is the system correct to the specification?
– Validation – Confirmation by examination and through the provision
of objective evidence that the requirements for a specific intended
use or application have been fulfilled. i.e. Is this the right
specification or, is this what the customer wanted?

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Mapping VVT to the full Deployment Cycle

Cust’ Requirements
Deploy Service CAT

User Specifications
Build Service UAT

Tech Design Test Design Build Systems FAT

Analyst Configure Data

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Deployment Testing: Goals & Challenges

• Goals
– Ensure the best possible Customer Experience at Go Live
– Ensure the “Go Live System” meets the business needs of both
Unisys & the Customer
– Ensure the Go Live system is identical to the system as tested
– Minimise the time gap between final testing & Go Live
• Challenges
– UAT & PROD not functionally identical
– UAT to PROD data transfer not error free
– Time taken to transfer from UAT to PROD

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Deployment Testing

Legend: Environment: UAT Environment: PROD

Verification Validation
Can be combined
if necessary. Customer
Customer & Unisys
Delivery Team

Unisys Delivery Acceptance
Team Test

Deployment Foundation Foundation

Analyst Data Validation Data Validation

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Full Test Lifecycle

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Backup Slides
Term/Acr. Description
BAU Business As Usual
Customer Acceptance Testing this is where the customer will
CAT perform their own service level testing to confirm readiness to
accept the service into Steady State.
Is a failure in the tool or configuration that means the
requirements are not met.
Dynamic Testing that involves the execution of software or a component of
Testing a system.
Factory Acceptance Testing is where the delivery teams execute
FAT internal service level test scenarios to confirm readiness for
Foundation Data Validation is where the account and project
FDV team check the data that has been loaded into the tool against
the templates and operational procedures/structure.

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Term/Acr. Description
Integration Integration Testing is; testing that each component integrates and
Testing works with each other. E.g. SLM and IM work together.
A potential defect. That has yet to be confirmed as a defect. This
Issue may turn out to be ‘User Error’, ‘By Design’, Query for
clarification, etc.
ISTQB International Software Testing Qualifications Board
ITSM IT Service Management
A potential defect that has yet to be confirmed as a defect. This
may be user error, ‘By Design’, Query for clarification, etc.
International Software Testing Qualifications Board a governing
ISTQB board in the Software Testing industry set up to define a common
language and standards.
Scenario A Test Scenario is a complete story based on a process.
Is the steps, input and expected output required to test a feature
Script or function. There may be more than one script to complete a
scenario. However currently we use one script per scenario.

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Term/Acr. Description
Testing of a component or system at specification or
implementation level without execution of that software. E.g.
review of static code or designs.
System In our context a system can be considered ITSM, SRMS, Portal
Testing etc.
System of
System of Systems Testing is when all components and systems
come together to form the service to be delivered.
Unit testing is when the Engineers test their components in
Unit Testing isolation from the whole service. In our context a unit would be
SLM, IM, CM etc.
Unisys User Acceptance Testing, AKA Operations Testing, is
UAT where the Account Teams run scenarios to confirm readiness to
accept the service into Steady State
VVT Verification and Validation Testing

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