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Tripura Universityy
Department of Education
B.ED 1st semester
The word "science" probably brings to mind
many different pictures: a fat textbook, white lab coats and
microscopes, an astronomer peering through a telescope, a
naturalist in the rainforest, Einstein's equations scribbled on a
chalkboard, the launch of the space shuttle, bubbling beakers ….
All of those images reflect some aspect of science, but none of
them provides a full picture because science has so many facets:
One goal of science is to provide natural explanations
for events in the natural world. Science also aims to use
those explanations to understand patterns in nature and
to make useful predictions about natural
events. Science. An organized way of gathering and
analyzing evidence about the natural world.
The earliest roots of science can be traced
to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3500
to 3000 BCE. Their contributions
to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered
and shaped Greek natural philosophy.

• The history of science and technology in the

Indian subcontinent begins with prehistoric human
activity in the Indus Valley Civilization
• Irrigation was developed in the Indus Valley Civilization
by around 4500 BCE. The size and prosperity of the
Indus civilization grew as a result of this innovation,
which eventually led to more planned settlements
making use of drainage and sewerage.
In the early stages of civilization, man
used to be scared of the natural forces like thunder, storm and
lightning. He used to worship every object of nature like sky,
earth, trees, air, sun and moon and even animals were
worshipped. It was because man could not understand the
natural phenomenal. He was, dependent on nature. Today, man
has increased his knowledge and so has his power. The moon
and other objects no longer fills man with fear.

scientific studies have revolutionized everything.

Electricity is one of the many gifts of scientific invention. All
one has to do is to press a button and the room gets brightened
up, the fans give refreshing air, an air conditioner turns the
room into a hill resort.
Science is a blessing to us. In human life,
science has made many things simple.
Science has invented so many things life
sewing machine, refrigerators, household
utility materials which are very much
useful to the housewives.
Discovery of fire made the mankind protected
against wild animals and provided the light in
darkness and mainly not to eat raw flesh as like
past days.
Radio, televisions has made the worlds very improved of
thinking and understanding. These blessings of science
have made the world closer to all our countrymen.
Science has brought many changes in our daily
life in and around us. No area of activity has
been left untouched by the invention of
science. Science so has revolutionized every
man’s life.
Due to the blessings of science man has aware
of the reasons and causes of those natural
phenomena which is important to us.
The blessings of science can also be seen in the
field of transportation. The modern modes of
transportation has destroyed the barriers of time
and distance. The invention of engine, cars and
buses made the distance area closer. Human beings
can fly in the air. Aero-plane made the world very
nearer to us. Railway made the travels lovers to
move throughout the country, and people to travel
from country to country by water transport
facilities on very cheap cost from a continent to
another continent.
Science has already helped to travel in space.
Man has landed on the moon and some planets.
The message communication system through
phones, telegrams and recently by fax and by
e-mails made us favourable and happy to
communicate in a very quick and short period
of time. Now we get the help of pagers for the
better communication systems. It is also a gift
of science.
Several important work done in the field of
Microbiology and in the fields of special medicine to
get rid of many fatal diseases. Even artificial limbs,
and organs are available to replace and also to
newly main organs. It also can be said that different
types of natural deficiencies are corrected by oral
intakes of vitamins and also of minerals. Science
has also given eyes to the blind peoples and also for
the deaf peoples. Surgery and X-rays and
microscopes also simplified the complications of
treatment. E.C.G., etc. had made the dying people
alive at present.
Sewing machines, Radio, T.V. etc. made the
life charming. Young boys enjoy this very
Anyone can go about the charming situations
of science but mainly all of them use to take
the fruits of science all over the word. So fits
of science is to be recalled still now and all in
the coming future.
It has revolutionized our education system.
It has given us new medicines to fight
Due to various Scientific inventions, the jungle
tracts has been destroyed thus creating harm
to the ecological balance.
Today though the vehicles have reduced the
distance for us, the pollution it causes cannit
be overlooked.
Has lessened the amount of physical exercises
there by increasing several ailments and
posture diseases.
Many lost their lives in the leakage of
chernobyl Nuclear power plant and due to the
Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) gas leakage in Bhapal
a few years back. This was due to the so called
scientic advancement. This is because of
human failure to anticipate the Disasters.
According to our point of view science is both constructive as
well as destructive. For example cell phone can connect
people from NOOK and corner of the world. but at the same
time cell can become a hell if we misuse or overuse. We feel
that science is a kaleidoscope. We arrive at different
conclusion when we view it through different angles. Science
has proved a gift to society in terms of electricity, Healthcare,
ticket booking etc. Certain development in science has proved
derogatory for the creative growth of youth, though. They I
spend more time on-line chatting, rather than on studies,
prayers or useful discussion with friends. I don't think it is lack
of knowledge, but sheer, blind utilization of the apparent
luxuries that science offers. A student today knows the latest
specification of I-phone or I-pads. But not the cost of items of
daily use like Rice, vegetables, petrol... Sign of science is on
the one hand encouraging and on the other hand dismal. As we
know every coin has 2 sides, so there are good points as well as
the bad points of science..

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