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Branch of WIRC & WICASA of ICAI)

Minimum Alternate Tax/Alternate Minimum

Tax - International Perspectives

Prepared and presented by :

Shiv Chhatwani
Introduction and Object

First Introduced by USA Secondary in nature

Prevent wealthy from artificially

Assure that high net worth
reducing their tax bill using tax
individuals pay some tax
preference items

Get into tax net those

companies who earn substantial
profits and distribute handsome
dividends but pay no tax due to
the exemptions, deductions and
high rate of depreciation
enjoyed by them.
Role of Fiscal Policy

Role of Fiscal Policy

Impact of Fiscal Policy

Tax incentives

Ease of

of Growth
Minimum Tax System in
Different Countries vis-à-
vis India

  USA Canada India
Year of  1969 1986 1996
Rate (for  i. 26% on the first 16% of adjusted 18.5% of adjusted total
individuals) $187,800 (for 2017) taxable income less a income
of Alternative basic exemption of
Minimum Taxable $40,000
Income less
ii. 28% in excess of
Rate (for  On 22 December 2017, No minimum tax for 18.5% of Book Profit
Corporates) US President Donald Corporates (whether
Trump signed the Tax resident or non-
Cuts and Jobs Act which resident) except the
eliminated the AMT for province of Ontario
corporates where Corporate
Minimum tax of 4% is
levied on adjusted book
Credit Amount of tax exceeding Amount of tax Amount of tax exceeding
regular liability is allowed exceeding regular regular liability is allowed as
as credit but the liability is allowed as credit and can be carried
utilization is limited so credit and can be forward for 15 years
that regular tax is not carried forward for upto
reduced below AMT for 7 years
the year
A glimpse on some other Asian Countries

Country AMT System
Malaysia A Labuan company carrying on a Labuan business activity
may elect to pay a fixed amount of Malaysian Ringgit(MYR)
20,000 or to be taxed at 3% of the audited accounting
Mauritius Repealed with effect from 1 July 2015
Philippines A minimum corporate income tax (MCIT) equal to 2% of
gross income is imposed on both domestic and resident
foreign corporations beginning in the fourth taxable year of
operations. Any excess of MCIT over the normal income tax
may be carried forward and credited against the normal
income tax for the following three taxable years.
Taiwan Tax residents in Taiwan with AMT taxable income of more
than NTD 6 million may be subject to a 20% AMT.

A profit-seeking enterprise with a fixed place of business or

business agent in Taiwan is subject to a separate AMT
calculation if it earns certain income that is tax exempt or
enjoys certain tax incentives and the enterprise's basic
income exceeds NTD 0.5 million. The AMT rate is 12%.
Illustration to understand

Particulars   Amount in $ 
(For single taxpayer, 2017) Example I Example II
Adjusted Gross Income after  1,00,000 1,40,000
deductions (A)
Specific tax preferences (B) 15,000 10,000
AMT Taxable Income (AMTI) (C =  1,15,000 1,50,000
AMT exemptions
Exemption phase-out threshold  1,20,700 1,20,700 phase out at 25
(D) cents per dollar
Exemption amount (D) 54,300 54,300-7,325 = earned once AMTI
hits threshold.
Alternative Minimum Taxable  60,700 1,03,025 (1,50,000-
Income  (C – D) 1,20,700) x 25% =
Alternative Minimum Tax 26% x 60,700 = 26% x 1,03,025 7325

15,782 =26,787
Issues in Minimum tax
System across the globe

Distorts taxpayers’
incentive decisions
other than work and
saving decisions

Targets people in the

upper-middle class,
not the uber-rich

Comply with two

different tax codes
making it complex and

Indian IFSC is not

globally competitive
Minimum tax in India

Prior to introduction of MAT 

Large number of companies showed

book profit

Claimed depreciation on Distributed huge

Plant and Machinery dividends

These companies didn’t pay any tax to the government

as they reported either nil or negative income under
provisions of the Income-Tax Act.
Applicability and Non-

Corporate Non-Corporate
MATAssessees AMTAssessees

Applicable to every company

whether public or private and
whether Indian or foreign
excluding specified non-
resident companies

Applicable to every non-

corporate taxpayer who has
claimed (i) deduction under
section 80H to 80RRB (except
80P), (ii) deduction under
section 35AD and (iii) deduction
under section 10AA
Applicability of MAT to
Foreign Companies

Applicability of MAT provisions in case of foreign companies
had been a subject matter of litigation for long.

Finance Act 2015 inserted new clause (fb) and (iid) to

Explanation 1 wherein adjustments were provided with
respect to the capital gains from securities and interest,
royalty and FTS. These provisions were made applicable
w.e.f. 01-04-2016.

This resulted in an ambiguity as to whether MAT provisions

were implicitly applicable on foreign companies even prior to
the amendment by Finance Act 2015.

Finance Bill 2016 clarified that the MAT provisions shall not be
applicable to a foreign company with retrospective effect from
01-04-2001 subject to the condition that the foreign company
is a resident of country with which India has a DTAA and the
foreign company does not have a PE in India in accordance
with the provisions of such DTAA or the foreign company is not
required to be registered under any law for the time being in
force relating to the companies.

MAT/AMT Credit vis-à-vis
Foreign tax Credit

Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) rules vide Notification No. 54 of
June 2016 dated July 27, 2016, which came into effect from 1
2016 April 2017. Rule 128 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962
deals with the manner of computation of FTC

Budget A new proposal in line with Rule 128 had been introduced
2017 to restrict the carry forward of MAT/AMT credit
• To carry forward the difference between the
tax paid under MAT/AMT and the tax
computed under the normal provisions as
Till AY 2017-18 credit for future years and be set off against
tax payable under normal provisions

• MAT/AMT credit will not be allowed to be

From AY 2018- carried forward to the extent that the

amount of FTC that can be claimed against
MAT/AMT exceeds the amount of FTC that is
19 onwards claimable against tax computed under the
normal provisions

Rule 128(7) provides that when FTC against MAT/AMT liability exceeds FTC
against tax payable under normal provisions, such excess would be ignored
while computing credit under section 115JAA or section 115JD
Illustration to understand
MAT credit vis-à-vis
Foreign Tax credit

Example I: A Ltd. has earned income from Singapore on which tax has been
withheld in Singapore to the extent of INR 50,000. This is exempt under Section
10AA of Income Tax Act, 1961. However, tax as per MAT comes to INR 1,00,000.

Example II: Considering that everything else remains same, let us assume that
the above income is dividend income and tax as per Income Tax Act, 1961
comes to INR 50,000
    Amount in INR
  Example I Example II
Particulars Before AY From AY Before AY From AY
2018-19 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19
Tax under Normal Provisions  Nil Nil 50,000 50,000
Tax under MAT (B) 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Tax withheld in Foreign  50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Tax liability for the year  1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
(Higher of A or B)
FTC utilized against MAT  50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
liability (C)
FTC against tax payable  Nil Nil 50,000 50,000
under normal provisions (D)

MAT credit allowed as per  1,00,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

section 115JAA
(B-A) [(B-A) – (C- (B-A) [(B-A) – (C-
D)] D)]
Concluding Thoughts


Target The reality

Thank You
Shiv Chhatwani


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