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I.T. Holiday Homework

 In our day today life activities it is very essential to
take care of our health. Healthy foods are very good
for our health and it contains many nutrients like
–carbohydrates , fats , vitamins and minerals ,
proteins etc. Food gives us energy to play . It helps
us to grow . it keeps us healthy and makes us
strong . We get food from plants and animals . The
food items are classified into:
 Energy giving foods- Food that gives us energy
giving foods these foods are rich in
carbohydrates and fats for example-Potato ,
sugar ,butter and rice.
 Body-building foods-Food that helps us to grow
are called body-building foods for example- eggs,
milk, pulses & chicken.
 Protective foods-Foods that protect us from
diseases are called protective foods these foods are
rich in vitamins and minerals for example-
fruits , vegetables and milk.
 Dietary fibres & water are also important
component of food.
 Carbohydrates- Carbohydrates are main
energy giving nutrients of the food.
Carbohydrates are formed in green plants
during photosynthesis. For example- rice , wheat
, maize and fruits etc.
 Fats-Fats are greasy foods. They are also
energy giving nutrients. This nutrient is
obtained from animal fats for example-egg
yolk , fish , cheese and ghee etc.
 Proteins –Proteins are body building nutrients
for example- pulses , cereals , groundnuts and
beans etc.
 Proteins –Proteins are body building nutrients
for example- pulses , cereals , groundnuts and
beans etc.
 Vitamins- Vitamins are protective nutrients they
are essential for our growth and normal
functioning of the body. There are two classes of
 1. Water soluble vitamins-Vitamins B & C are
water-soluble vitamins they are absorbed in
bloodstream & excess amount is thrown out of the
body these vitamins are not stored in the body
they need to be supplied regularly through food.
 Fat-soluble vitamins-Vitamins A, D, E & K are
fat-soluble vitamins these are stored in the body
fat & are used only when the body needs them.
 Minerals-Minerals are protective nutrients it
helps in growth & maintenance of good health
our body needs in small amounts as compared to
other nutrients they are divided as follows:
 1.Macrominerals-They are needed in small
quantities for example-iron, calcium,
phosphorus, sulphur etc.
 Microminerals-They are required in very small
quantities for example-copper, zinc, cobalt,
flurine etc.
The diet which contains all the nutrients in right
proportion is called balanced diet a balanced diet
provide us:
The sufficient amount of energy required by our
Materials to prepare the damaged cells & tissues of
the body.
Materials for growth and reprouduction.
A balanced diet for a normal & healthy person
should contain carbohydrates 60% proteins 25%
& small amounts of vitamins & minerals.
Materials for growth and reproduction.
A balanced diet for a normal & healthy person should
contain carbohydrates 60% proteins 25% & small
amounts of vitamins & minerals.
CONCLUSION : We conclude that healthy food habits play
a vital role in this unhealthy polluted environment.

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