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 has a high ratio of police officers to inhabitants and
three police forces, often with confusing and
overlapping roles, although the government plans
to amalgamate the three forces to improve co-
ordination and make better use of skills and

Three police forces

1.Municipal Police 2. National Police
3. Civil Guard
 Municipal Police

 are attached to local town halls in towns

with a population of over 5000.

 They wear blue uniforms with white

chequered bands on their hats and
sleeves, and usually patrol in white or blue

 Deal with minor crime such as traffic

control, protection of property, civil
disturbances and the enforcement of
municipal laws.
National Police

 replaced the despised armed police (policia


 Policia armada were much hated and feared,

but the national police are now quite popular.

 they’re stationed in towns with a population of

over 20,000 and deal with serious crime such as
theft, rape and muggings and are also used to
control demonstrations and crowds.
Other duties:
* Guarding Embassies
* Railway Stations
* Post Offices
* Army Barracks in most towns and cities
when they’re armed with submachine guns.

The national police are housed in a police

station. . .

There are also plain clothes policemen in

urban areas.
Civil Guard

 Patrol Spain Highway and rural areas, often

on motorcycles (which operate in pairs), and
deal with road accidents.

 They also act as immigration officers and

frontier guards and use helicopters to
combat crime.

 In villages, there are also usually barracks

(cuartel) a police station.
They wear avocado green uniforms
and olive-green caps, which have
replaced the black, patent-leather,
tricorn hats now worn only on
ceremonial occasions.

They’re one of the world’s most

efficient police forces and have a
reputation for honesty and courtesy.
Spain Police Hierarchy
 The national civilian police force of Spain
is commonly referred to as the National
Police Corps.
 The CNP is that agency in Spain which is
responsible for policing the urban areas of
the country.
 Some of the tasks and duties which CNP
handles include immigration matters,
criminal investigations and judicial and
terrorism related matters.
Educational police
 Born or naturalized Spanish
 Must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
 At least 1.65 metres (5 ft 5 in) tall, for men, and
1.60 metres (5 ft 3 in) metres for women
 Not to have been convicted of fraud or dismissed
by the state, autonomous or local governments,
or prevented from holding public functions.
 Hold a driving licence of the class specified by the
Basic Scale:
Have or to be in conditions to obtain the Certificate of Bachillerato or
Executive Scale:
 Have a Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, Qualified
University student or equivalent or top formation degree.
Competitive examination
 The applicant can choose between a Basic Scale career or an Executive Scale
career. Applicants must pass the following basic tests before starting the
Physical test
 Multiple-choice exam
 Aptitude test
 Volunteer language test (English or French)
 Medical examination
 Interview
 Training academy
Spain Police Hierarchy
 Direct General of Police
 Operational Deputy Director
 Sub Director General
 Commissary General and Divisional Chief
 Superior Chief
 Senior Commissory
 Commissory
 Chief Inspector
 Sub Inspector
 Police Officer
 Policeman/Policewoman
Spain Police Specialist Units
 GEO (Grupo Especial de Opraciones)

 GOES ( Grupos Operativos Especiales de

 BIT (Brigada de Investigacion Tecnologica)

 UIP (Unidad de Intervencion Policial)

 UDYCO (Unidad de Drogas Y Crimen Organizado)

 UDEV (Unidad de Delincuencia Especializada y Violenta)

 UDEF (Unidad de Delincuencia Economica y Fiscal)

 Guias Caninos
Age of retirement
 MADRID — Spain’s government and main labor unions agreed on
Thursday to raise the retirement age as part of an overhaul of the
country’s pensions system, averting threatened organized protests
and responding to investors who have been demanding that Spain
clean up its public finances.
 After a year of negotiations, the draft deal ensures that Spain’s
normal retirement age will rise to 67 from 65.
 As part of a compromise, however, the government agreed that
workers could retire at 65 if they had contributed to the state
pensions system for at least 38.5 years.
 The agreement is also intended to cut the cost of future pension
payments by basing the calculation for such payments on a worker’s
last 25 years of earnings, rather than the 15 years under current law.
Pension age in Spain
 The current pension age in Spain is 65 years and six months
for both men and women, a figure that will rise
incrementally to 67 years by 2027.
 Retirement will still be possible from 65 years, however, if
you have paid 36-and-a-half years of social security
 You can retire two years before state pension age (or four
years if you have been dismissed), as long as you have at
least 33 years of contributions.
 If you have a disability or work in certain jobs with high
hazard rates, you may be able to claim a full Spanish
pension from age 60, or as low as age 52 in some
 As a Police Officer typically earns around 2,461
EUR per month.

 Range between 1,009 EUR per month (minimum

salary) to 3,790 EUR per month (maximum salary)

 Median salary is 2,559 EUR per month

half (50%) of people working as PO earning less
than 2,559 EUR
Prepared by :

Siarot, ryan h.
CORONado, mary jade
Bscrim- 4B

1. It is a towns and cities when they’re armed with submachine


2. It is a Spain’s government and main labor unions agreed on Thursday to

raise the retirement age as part of an overhaul of the country’s pensions

3. After a year of negotiations, the draft deal ensures that Spain’s normal
retirement age will rise to?

4. How many population that deal with serious crime such as

theft, rape and muggings and are also used to control
demonstrations and crowds.
5-7 List down at least three of other duties of national

8. are attached to local town halls in towns with a

population of over 5000?

9-10. List down at least two of the police forces in


11-13. List down at least three of the Spain Police


14-20. list down the Spain Police Specialist Units

 1. Army Barracks
 2. Madrid
 3. 67 from 65
 4. over 20,000 or 20,000
 5-7
Guarding Embassies Railway Stations
Post Offices Army Barracks

 8. Municipal Police
 9-10
1.Municipal Police 2. National Police
3. Civil Guard
 11-13
Direct General of Police
Operational Deputy Director
Sub Director General
Commissary General and Divisional Chief
Superior Chief
Senior Commissory
Chief Inspector
Sub Inspector
Police Officer
 14-20 GEO (Grupo Especial de Opraciones)

 GOES ( Grupos Operativos Especiales de

 BIT (Brigada de Investigacion Tecnologica)

 UIP (Unidad de Intervencion Policial)

 UDYCO (Unidad de Drogas Y Crimen Organizado)

 UDEV (Unidad de Delincuencia Especializada y


 UDEF (Unidad de Delincuencia Economica y Fiscal)

 Guias Caninos

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