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Silway-8 National High School

Sample Form Used

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Silway-8 National High School
Brgy. Silway-8, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel No. (083) 225-2714

Silway-8 National High School Silway-8 National High School

Endorsement Sample Form Used


Silway-8 National High School Silway-8 National High School

Sample Form Used DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love
their country and whose values and
competencies enable them to realize their
full potential and contribute meaningfully
to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the

Department of Education continuously
improves itself to better serve its

DepEd Mission
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to
quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education where:

• Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive,

safe, and motivating environment.
• Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture
every learner.
• Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution,
ensure an enabling and supportive environment for
effective learning to happen.
• Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively
engaged and share responsibility for developing life-
long learners.

Core Values


Silway-8 National High School Silway-8 National High School
Introduction Referral Mechanism/System Referral
Every student should feel safe and protected from any System
form of abuse which, in this policy means any kind of neglect, non DepEd, MSWD,
accidental physical injury, sexual exploitation or emotional illness. Adviser/Subject appropriate
Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 40 , s. 2012, Silway-8 Teacher Child judicial body
National High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting Protectio
the welfare of the student and expects all internal and external Complainant (Intake Sheet, n
stakeholders to share this commitment. Anecdotal Committ
Report, Incidental ee (CPC) Monitoring &
Report) Evaluation
Scope and Limitation System

This policy is delimited to the students of Silway-8

National High School and in any related to school child protection
incidents that may occur within and outside the school premises SCHOOL CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE
that require proper and/or appropriate action.
Chairperson: Benny M. Toribio, SSP-III
Vice Chairperson: Geroel D. Dagsan, MCPC Rep.
Definition of Terms Secretary: Mayflor B. Neri, Guidance Coor.
• Child- refers to any person below (18) years of age or those Members:
over but unable to fully take care of themselves or protect Kag. Nelly O. Calvo, Brgy. Rep. Ananias D. Binobo, Faculty Pres.
themselves from abuse , neglect, cruelty , exploitation or Natylen D. Dingal, VAW Desk Eveland M. Roldan, Student Rep.
discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or Alfredo C. Ramos, SGC President Ronnie O. Misal, PTA President
condition ; ( RA 7610). This also includes students who may be
eighteen (18) years of age or older but are in school. Referral Guidelines
• Student- means a child who regularly attends classes in any
level of the basic education system, under the supervision and A referral to the higher authorities will not normally be
tutelage of a teacher or facilitator. made where;
• School personnel- means the person singly or collectively • The complaint does not involve a serious criminal offense;
working in a public or private school. • The case is one that can be satisfactorily investigated and dealt
• Child protection – refers to programs, services, procedures with under the school’s internal procedures.
and structures that are intended to prevent and respond to • However, if during the course of internal procedures, it appears
abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination, and violence. that the situation is more serious, the committee will again
• Parents- refers to biological parent, step-parents, adoptive consider whether a referral should be made.
parents and the common law spouse or partner of the parent.
• Guardians or custodians- refers to legal guardians, foster Confidentiality and Information Sharing
parents, and other persons including relatives or even non-
relatives, who have physical custody of the child. The school will keep all child protection records
• School Visitor or Guest- refers to any person who visits the confidential, allowing disclosure only to those who need the
school and has any official business with the school, and any information in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of the
person who does not have any official business but is found student. The school will cooperate with the higher authorities or
within the premises of the school. social services to ensure that all relevant information is shared for
the purposes of child protection investigations to safeguard the


Silway-8 National High School Silway-8 National High School
Action and Penalty Definition of Terms
•written warning on anecdotal • Discrimination against children- refers to an act of exclusion ,
1st Offense
record with parent’s notice distinction, restriction or preference which is based on any
•written warning on anecdotal ground such as age, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and
2nd Offense record in the presence of the gender identity, language, religion, political or other opinion,
parents national or social origin , property, birth, being infected or
•discipline with parent’s affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired
3rd Offense
information Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), being pregnant, being a
•advice to transfer to other child in conflict with the law, being a child with disability or
4th Offense other status of condition, and which has the purpose or effect
school or institution
of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise
by all persons, on an equal footing, of all rights and freedoms.
Duty of the Faculty and Staff • Child exploitations- refers to use of children for someone
else’s advantage, gratification or profit often resulting in an
Every faculty and staff of the school is duty bound to: unjust , cruel and harmful treatment of the child. These activities
 Abide to the Vision and Mission and Core Values of the Department of
disrupt the child’s normal physical or mental health, education,
 To protect students from abuse;
moral and social emotional development. It covers situation of
 To be aware of the school’s child protection procedure and to follow manipulation, misuse, abuse, victimization, oppression or ill-
them; treatment.
 Give attention to the health, nutrition, and medical needs of the students; • Bullying - is committed when a student commits an act or a
 To acquaint on how to access and implement the procedures, series of single acts directed towards another student, or a
independently if necessary; series of single acts directed towards several students in a
 To keep a sufficient record of any significant complain, conversation or school setting or a place of learning, which results in physical
event; and mental abuse, harassment, intimidation, or humiliation.
 To report any matter of concern to the CPC;
• Cyber-bullying- is any conduct defined in the preceding
Child abuse, exploitation, corporal punishment, violence and paragraph, as resulting in harassment , intimidation, or
discrimination cases shall be penalized in administrative proceedings humiliation, through electronic means or other technology, such
as Grave or Simple Misconduct depending on the gravity of the act as , but not limited to texting, email , instant messaging,
and its consequences under existing laws , rules and regulations. chatting, internet , social networking websites or other platforms
( DepEd Order no. 40, s. 12 section 15) and format.
• “Child Abuse” – refers to the maltreatment of a child , whether
habitual or not.
Procedures • “Bullies” or “victim” – refers to any student who experiences
The CPC hearing the complaint of abuse must; the acts of bullying or retaliation as defined by Republic Act
 Listen carefully to the student and keep an open mind. 10627 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
 Reassure the student but not give a guarantee of absolute • “Bully” –refers to any student who commits acts of bullying as
confidentiality. defined by the Republic Act 10627 and its Implementing Rules
 The members of the committee should explain that they need to pass and Regulations.
the information to the higher authorities who will ensure that the • Bystander – refers to any person who witnesses or has personal
correct action is taken. knowledge of any actual or perceived acts or incidents of
 Keep a sufficient written record of conversation securely. The record bullying or retaliation as defined by these implementing rules.
should be signed by the person making it and should use names, not


Silway-8 National High School Silway-8 National High School
Signs of Abuse
Code of Conduct (Based in School memorandum of Agreement)
Possible signs of abuse include (but are not limited to):
 The student says s/he has been abused or asks a question which gives rise Minor Offenses
to that inference;
 There is no reasonable or consistent explanation for student’s injury is 1. Borrows and tampers school identification card (ID) and litters in &
unusual in kind or location; there have been a number of injuries; there is a outside the classroom.
pattern to injuries; 2. Is not in prescribed haircut & applies inappropriate hair dye or highlights.
 Display consistent aggression-frustration, maladjustment and anti-social 3. Always absent from classes, shouts and makes unnecessary noise during
behavior; class hours.
 The student’s behavior stands out from the group as either being extreme 4. Applies inappropriate nail polish
model behavior or extremely challenging behavior; or there is a sudden 5. Does not practice RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act;
change in the student’s behavior; 6. Wears fashion bandanas and sunglasses during class hours.
 The student’s development is delayed;
 The student is reluctant to go home, or has been openly rejected by his/her Major Offenses
parents or guardians.
1. Is caught in dope addiction, use or possess dangerous or prohibited
Interventions/Policies 2.
drugs or violating RA 9165, Anti Dangerous Drug Act;
Smokes inside and outside (50m away) from the school campus during
school days.
The school will take all reasonable measures to:
3. Involves gambling in any form during school days;
 Ensure proper recruitment of personnel who will safely work with the
4. Is of immoral conduct;
5. Organizes/joins membership in illegal gangs or activities contrary to
 Assure appropriate child protection desks and procedure apply; school Vision, Mission , Core Values and policies;
 Protect each student from any form of abuse, whether from an adult or
6. Reports to school and attends classes under the influence of liquor.
another student;
7. Gross disrespect to DepEd and/or school officials, teachers, personnel and
 Be alert to signs of abuse both in school and from outside the school school stakeholders;
campus; 8. Brings and uses or involves in selling of deadly weapon or explosive
 Deal appropriately with every suspicion or complaint of abuse by evaluating, devices inside the school campus;
verifying, and confirming first the matter; 9. Gravely defies the legal and moral instructions of teachers and school
 Adopt and operate procedures which promote this policy and which, so far
as possible, ensure that teachers and others who are unaware of the
10. Absent from classes due to computer addiction, videoke & other related
allegations shall not be prejudiced in the conduct of proceedings or
11. Destructs and or steals school properties and or facilities;
 Support students who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed
12. Forges or tampers official signatures or school official document
child protection plan;
13. Is dishonest and cheats during examination;
 Be alert to the health, nutrition, and medical needs of the students;
14. Threatens or coerces fellow student/s or any school authority or inflicts
 Operate robust and sensible health & safety procedures;
physical injury to others;
 Operate clear and supportive policies on bullying; 15. Verbally or physically assaults a person or jumps over the fence;
 Consider and develop procedures to deal with any other safeguarding issues
16. Wears earrings (among male students);
which may be beneficial and specific to individual students in the school. 17. Uses offensive, malicious, indecent or blasphemous words or slanderous
Note: Every complain or suspicion of abuse from within or outside the school will be dealt
accordingly and in all proper circumstances will be referred to the school child protection 18. Brings cell phones and other electronic gadgets that disturb classes;
unit or in DepEd jurisdiction or in an external agency such as Municipal Social Welfare and 19. Habitually wears colored T-shirt not accepted as school uniform inside the
Development (MSWD), child protection unit of the police or any appropriate legal entity, school campus;
unit, department and or judicial body. 20. Displays affection with opposite sex in public;
21. Uses eye liners, trims eye brows and uses lip colors (refers to male


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