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Rotational Dynamics

PHY01 – General Physics 1

Senior High School Department
A net external force causes linear motion to change, but what causes
rotational motion to change?

Just as greater net forces cause greater linear accelerations, greater net
torques cause greater rotational or angular accelerations.

In summary, the torque depends on the

magnitude of the force, on the point where
the force is applied relative to the axis of
rotation (the hinge) and on the direction of
the force.
Definition of Torque

Direction: The torque τ is positive when the force tends to produce a counterclockwise rotation about the axis, and
negative when the force tends to produce a clockwise rotation.
SI Unit of Torque: newton · meter (N · m)
Terms to remember regarding TORQUE
• The line of action is an extended line drawn colinear with the force.
• The lever arm is the distance ℓ between the line of action and the axis of
rotation, measured on a line that is perpendicular to both.
• The torque is represented by the symbol τ (Greek letter tau), and its magnitude
is defined as the magnitude of the force times the lever arm:
Example 1.
In below a force (magnitude = 55 N) is applied to a door. However, the lever
arms are different in the three parts of the drawing: (a) ℓ = 0.80 m, (b) ℓ =
0.60 m, and (c) ℓ = 0 m. Find the torque in each case.

a. +44 N.m b. +33N.m c. 0 N.m
Example 2.
Figure a shows the ankle joint and the Achilles tendon attached to the heel at
point P. The tendon exerts a force →F (magnitude=720 N)F→ (magnitude=720 N),
as Figure b indicates. Determine the torque (magnitude and direction) of this force
about the ankle joint, which is located 3.6 × 10−2 m away from point P.

τ=−15 N⋅mτ=−15 N·m.

A rigid body is in equilibrium if it has zero translational acceleration and zero
angular acceleration. In equilibrium, the sum of the externally applied forces is
zero, and the sum of the externally applied torques is zero:
Conditions of Equilibrium to a Rigid Body

1. Select the object to which the equations for equilibrium are to be applied.
2. Draw a free-body diagram that shows all the external forces acting on the object.
3. Choose a convenient set of x, y axes and resolve all forces into components that
lie along these axes.
4. Apply the equations that specify the balance of forces at equilibrium: ∑Fx =
0 and ∑Fy = 0.
5. Select a convenient axis of rotation. The choice is arbitrary. Identify the point
where each external force acts on the object, and calculate the torque produced by
each force about the chosen axis. Set the sum of the torques equal to zero: ∑τ = 0.
6. Solve the equations in Steps 4 and 5 for the desired unknown quantities.
Example 3.
A woman whose weight is 530 N is poised at the right end of a diving board with a
length of 3.90 m. The board has negligible weight and is bolted down at the left
end, while being supported 1.40 m away by a fulcrum, as Figure a shows. Find the
forces →F1 and →F2 that the bolt and the fulcrum, respectively, exert on the
Illustration for Example 3

=1480 N
F2 =
Problem-Solving Insight 950 N
The choice of the axis is completely arbitrary, because if an object is in equilibrium, it is in
equilibrium with respect to any axis whatsoever.
Example 4.
In Animated Figure a an 8.00-m ladder of weight WL = 355 N leans against a
smooth vertical wall. The term “smooth” means that the wall can exert only a
normal force directed perpendicular to the wall and cannot exert a frictional force
parallel to it. A firefighter, whose weight is WF = 875 N, stands 6.30 m up from the
bottom of the ladder. Assume that the ladder's weight acts at the ladder's center,
and neglect the hose's weight. Find the forces that the wall and the ground exert
on the ladder.

Gy = 1230 N
P = 727 N
Gx = 727 N
The center of gravity of a rigid body is the point at which its weight can be
considered to act when the torque due to the weight is being calculated.
When an object has a symmetrical shape and its weight is
distributed uniformly, the center of gravity lies at its
geometrical center. For instance, figure on the side shows a thin,
uniform, horizontal rod of length L attached to a vertical wall by a
hinge. The center of gravity of the rod is located at the geometrical
center. The lever arm for the weight −→W is L/2, and the magnitude
of the torque is W(L/2). In a similar fashion, the center of gravity of
any symmetrically shaped and uniform object, such as a sphere, disk,
cube, or cylinder, is located at its geometrical center. However, this
does not mean that the center of gravity must lie within the object
itself. The center of gravity of a compact disc recording, for instance,
lies at the center of the hole in the disc and is, therefore, “outside” the
Suppose we have a group of objects, with known weights and centers of gravity,
and it is necessary to know the center of gravity for the group as a whole.
Example 5.
The horizontal arm illustrated in the Figure is composed of three parts: the upper
arm (weight W1 = 17 N), the lower arm (W2 = 11 N), and the hand (W3 = 4.2 N). The drawing
shows the center of gravity of each part, measured with respect to the shoulder joint. Find the
center of gravity of the entire arm, relative to the shoulder joint.

Xcg =
0.28 m
Newton's Second Law for Rotational
Motion About a Fixed Axis
The goal of this section is to put Newton's second law into a form suitable for
describing the rotational motion of a rigid object about a fixed axis.

Equatio above is the form of Newton's second law we have been seeking. It indicates that the net external torque τ is
directly proportional to the angular acceleration α. The constant of proportionality is I = mr2, which is called
the moment of inertia of the particle. The SI unit for moment of inertia is kg · m2.
The version of Newton's second law given in the Equation applies only for rigid
bodies. The word “rigid” means that the distances r1, r2, r3, etc. that locate each
particle m1, m2, m3, etc. (see Figure 9.16a) do not change during the rotational
motion. In other words, a rigid body is one that does not change its shape while
undergoing an angular acceleration in response to an applied net external torque.
Example 6.
Two particles each have a mass M and are fixed to the ends of a thin rigid rod, whose
mass can be ignored. The length of the rod is L. Find the moment of inertia when this
object rotates relative to an axis that is perpendicular to the rod at (a) one end
and (b) the center. (See Interactive Figure below)

a. 𝑀𝐿2
b. 2 𝑀𝐿2
Rotational Work and Energy
The rotational work WR done by a constant torque τ in turning an object through
an angle θ is

Requirement: θ must be expressed in radians.

SI Unit of Rotational Work: joule (J)
Rotational Kinetic Energy
The rotational kinetic energy KER of a rigid object rotating with an angular
speed ω about a fixed axis and having a moment of inertia I is

Requirement: ω must be expressed in rad/s.

SI Unit of Rotational Kinetic Energy: joule (J)
Angular Momentum
The angular momentum L of a body rotating about a fixed axis is the product of
the body's moment of inertia I and its angular velocity ω with respect to that

Requirement: ω must be expressed in rad/s.

SI Unit of Angular Momentum: kg · m2/s

The total angular momentum of a system remains constant (is

conserved) if the net average external torque acting on the system is
Rotational Kinematics
Rotational Motion and Angular
In the simplest kind of rotation, points on a rigid object move on circular paths.
In Figure below, for example, we see the circular paths for points A, B, and C on a
spinning skater. The centers of all such circular paths define a line, called the axis of
Angular Displacement
The angle through which a rigid object rotates about a fixed axis is called
the angular displacement.
When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, the angular displacement is the angle
Δθ swept out by a line passing through any point on the body and intersecting the
axis of rotation perpendicularly. By convention, the angular displacement is
positive if it is counterclockwise and negative if it is clockwise.
SI Unit of Angular Displacement: radian (rad)*
Units of Angular Displacement
• The first is the familiar degree, and it is well known that there are 360 degrees in a
• The second unit is the revolution (rev), one revolution representing one complete turn
of 360°
• The most useful unit from a scientific viewpoint, however, is the SI unit called
the radian (rad)

According to this definition, an angle in radians is

the ratio of two lengths; for example,
meters/meters. In calculations, therefore, the radian
is treated as a number without units and has no
effect on other units that it multiplies or divides.
To convert between degrees and radians
Example 1.
Synchronous or “stationary” communications satellites are put into an orbit whose
radius is r = 4.23 × 107 m. The orbit is in the plane of the equator, and two adjacent
satellites have an angular separation of θ = 2.00°, as Figure below illustrates. Find
the arc length s (see the drawing) that separates the satellites.

1.48×10^6 m (920 miles)
Angular Velocity and Angular

SI Unit of Angular Velocity: radian per second (rad/s)

Example 2.
A gymnast on a high bar swings through two revolutions in a time of 1.90 s,
as Figure below suggests. Find the average angular velocity (in rad/s) of the

−6.63 rad/s
Instantaneous angular velocity ω

is the angular velocity that exists at any given instant

Note: The magnitude of the instantaneous angular velocity, without reference to

whether it is a positive or negative quantity, is called the instantaneous angular
speed. If a rotating object has a constant angular velocity, the instantaneous value
and the average value are the same.
Angular Acceleration

SI Unit of Average Angular Acceleration: radian per second squared (rad/s2)

Example 3
A jet awaiting clearance for takeoff is momentarily stopped on the runway. As seen
from the front of one engine, the fan blades are rotating with an angular velocity of
−110 rad/s, where the negative sign indicates a clockwise rotation (see Figure below).
As the plane takes off, the angular velocity of the blades reaches −330 rad/s in a time
of 14 s. Find the angular acceleration, assuming it to be constant.

−16 rad/s2
The Equations of Rotational Kinematics
Symbols Used in Rotational and Linear
Example 4.
The blades of an electric blender are whirling with an angular velocity of +375 rad/s
while the “puree” button is pushed in, as Figure below shows. When the “blend”
button is pressed, the blades accelerate and reach a greater angular velocity after the
blades have rotated through an angular displacement of +44.0 rad. The angular
acceleration has a constant value of +1740 rad/s2. Find the final angular velocity of the

+542 rad/s
Angular Variables and Tangential
Tangential velocity
Tangential Acceleration
Example 5.
A helicopter blade has an angular speed of ω = 6.50 rev/s and has an angular
acceleration of α = 1.30 rev/s2. For points 1 and 2 on the blade in Figure 8.11,
find the magnitudes of (a) the tangential speeds and (b) the tangential
Point 1 = 122 m/s (273 mph)
Point 2 = 273 m/s

Point 1 = 24.5 m/s2
Point 2 = 54.7 m/s2
Centripetal Acceleration and Tangential
Rolling Motion
The Vector Nature of Angular Variables
Right-Hand Rule
Grasp the axis of rotation with your right hand, so that your fingers circle the axis in
the same sense as the rotation. Your extended thumb points along the axis in the
direction of the angular velocity vector.

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