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Customer perception of quality

Group Members:

Syed Shah Mohammad 46

Customer is

• Anyone who receives the company’s services, including:

• external customers (outside the organization, business customers, suppliers, partners, end

• internal customers (inside the organization, e.g., other departments, fellow employees
Perception (from the Latin perceptio) is the organization, identification, and
interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the
presented information, or the environment.

Perception is subjective ( it can vary person to person)

Sources of perception
• Seeing
• Hearing
• Smelling
• Touching
• Testing
Example of perception
Perception is not reality
Identify Which straight line is longer of the following?

Perception can be deceiving

How do we judge quality?
Customer perception of quality and customer
Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction
• Product quality
• Service quality
• Price
• Specific product or service features
• Consumer emotions
• Attributions for service success or failure
• Perceptions of equity or fairness
• Other consumers, family members, and coworkers
• Personal factors
• Situational factors
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