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Regulation of Gene Expression

in Prokaryotes
(KCSP 17)

Genetics 244
Introductory Molecular Biology

Departement Genetika

Genetics Department
Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes

Efficient expression of genetic information is

dependant on control mechanisms that promote or
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

suppress gene activities.

• Studies were performed on bacteria and yeast: easy to

culture and mutate, fluctuating protein levels
• Adaptation hypothesis: lactose in yeast growth medium
induces expression of enzymes specific for lactose
• Constitutive, inducible, repressible systems,
negative/positive control
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

the big picture…

Inducible system:
Lactose metabolism in E. coli

• Lactose = galactose +
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes


• Enzymes responsible for

lac metabolism:
5-10 copies vs. 1000s in
presence of lactose inducer

The lac operon
• Gene complex (operon) consists of 3 structural genes
and 2 regulating “genes” (cis & trans action)
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• Structural genes (related functions):

• lac Z – -galactosidase
• lac Y – -galactoside permease
• lac A – transacetylase

The lac operon
• Polycistronic mRNA: order Z-Y-A
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

How does lactose regulate
transcription of the 3 structural genes?
• Gene activity repressed in absence of lactose –
lactose induces
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• Not through interaction with enzymes – IPTG

(gratuitous inducer)
• Constitutive mutations – lac I - and lac Oc
Operon model (negative control)

Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

Functioning of the lac operon

Mutations in the lac operon
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

Example of negative
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes
Lac I mutation

Genetic proof for the Operon Model
• Hypothesis:
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• lacI produces a diffusible product

• lacO has no gene product
• lacO must be adjacent to the structural genes in order to
regulate them

• Partially diploid bacteria – F’-plasmids (Table 16.1)

• Repressor isolated and proven to be a protein

(4 subunits, 38kDa each)
Lac operon gene activity
-Galactosidase activity
Genotype Lactose present Lactose absent
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

I+O+Z+ + -
I+O+Z- - -
I-O+Z+ + +
I+OCZ+ + +
I-O+Z+ / F’ I+ + -
I+OCZ+ / F’ O+ + +
I+O+Z+ / F’ I- + -
I+O+Z+ / F’ OC + -
ISO+Z+ - -
ISO+Z+ / F’ I+
- - 12
Positive control:
Catabolite Activating Protein
What happens if glucose is present in abundance in the
• catabolite-activating protein (CAP) involved in the repression of
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

expression of the lac operon

• catabolite repression
• CAP binding on 5’ side of the promotor
• effective promotor-binding only in presence of cAMP
adenyl cyclase
• Glucose inhibits adenyl cyclase
• Thus: In the presence of glucose – poor CAP binding, poor Rp
binding and resultantly poor transcription/translation
• Example of positive control – facilitates Rp binding
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes


Tryptophan metabolism:
A repressible system
• Presence of tryptophan in environment results in repression of
tryptophan synthesis
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• 5 enzymes, encoded by 5 consecutive genes (trp E, trp D, trp

C, trp B, trp A), are responsible for tryptophan synthesis

Functioning of the trp operon
• Hypothesis – inactive repressor cannot interact with operator
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

Functioning of the trp operon
• In the presence of tryptophan – allosteric transition; now
possible to bind to operator and prevent transcription
• Example of negative control
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• tryptophan is a co-repressor
• attenuation

Arabinose regulating protein:
Positive and negative control
• Arabinose metabolism – ara B, ara A and ara D structural genes
• ara C gene – regulating protein (dimer)
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

• Operator region
• Inducer site with CAP binding site

Functioning of the ara operon
• Arabinose present
• protein only binds to the I-region – serves as a inducer;
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

positive control
• cAMP present – CAP binds

Functioning of the ara operon
• Arabinose absent
• protein binds to I-region and O2-site – serves as a repressor;
Genetics 244 – Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

negative control


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