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Aspects of Verbs

Inferring Meaning of
Compound Words
Based on Word
EN5-Ia-12 and 13
A. Setting the Stage
Look at these pictures.

Do you take care of your environment?

What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment?
B. Explaining the Students What to Do

 You have learned that verbs are

action words. Today, you will be
learning different aspects of verbs.
Before proceeding to the topic of the
day let us first have a drill.
C. Modeling for Students
Read and analyze the following words.

postdate post(after) + date= after the date

supernatural super(more than) + natural= more than the natural
- ex- president ex( former)+ president= former president
nonsense non(without) + sense= without sense
multitask multi(many) + task= many task
colorless color+ less(without)= without color
cheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheer
breakable break + able (having the quality= having the quality
to break
adulthood adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state of
being adult
In what part of the words in set A do the
syllables added? (at the beginning)
-Syllables added at the beginning of a word are
called prefixes.

In what part of the words in set B do the

syllables added? (at the last part)
-Syllables added at the last part of the word are
called suffixes.

Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of

The president continues The teachers continue to
to motivate people to take motivate pupils to take care of
care of the environment. the environment.

Study the following sentences

He continued working They wil continue
with the group his father to inspire people of all
founded since 2002. ages.
Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are
you going to add –s or –es in your verb?
Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added
to a regular verb when the action was done
already? How about in irregular verb?
Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the
base form of the verb to express futurity?
D. Guided Practice

The class will be divided into 5 and play a

game called “E-Raffle” .Each group will be receiving
metacards to write their answer. As the raffle goes,
there are verbs to be flashed with corresponding
tense of verb. Each group will compose clear and
coherent sentences using the verb in the tense
asked. 2 minutes will be used to answer each item.
1st word: play tense: future
2nd word: cook tense: past
3rd word: run tense: future
4th word: use tense: present
5th word: see tense: past
The following sentences are written in past tense. Rewrite them in
present and future tense on the lines below.

a. The rain fell on the green valley.

Present tense:____________________
Future tense:________________________

b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser.

Present tense:_____________________
Future tense:______________________

c. The shark swam through the ocean.

Present tense:___________________
Future tense:________________

E. Independent Practice
Exercise 2
Compose sentences using the given sets of
words. Refer to the word enclosed in the parentheses
to know the tense of the verb to be used in each item.
Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)
Carlito swims at the beach.
a. Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)
b. Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)
c. Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)
F. Closure/ Assessment

Verbs are action words.

• There are three aspects of
 If the action is being done in the
present time, the verb is in
present tense.
 If the action is done already in
the past time, the verb is in past
 If the action is to be done in
future time , the verb is in
future tense.
Day 3

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures- aspects of verbs.
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on word
Appreciate the beauty of the environment

Subject Matter
Aspects of Verbs
Inferring Meaning of Compound Words Based on Word Parts

EN5-Ia-12 and 13

laptop, pictures, metacards
I. Procedure

A. Setting the Stage

The teacher will show pictures of trees, flowers, birds, rivers
Do you take care of our environment?
What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment?

B. Explaining the Students What to Do

Say: You have learned that verbs are action words. Today, you will be learning
different aspects of verbs. Before proceeding to the topic of the day let us first have
a drill.
A. Modeling for Students
Read and analyze the following words.

postdate post(after) + date= after the dat
supernatural super(more than) + natural= more than the natural
- ex- president ex( former)+ president= former president
nonsense non(without) + sense= without sense
multitask multi(many) + task= many task

colorless color+ less(without)= without color
cheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheer
breakable break + able (having the quality= having the quality
to break
adulthood adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state of

being adult
In what part of the words in set A do the syllables added? (at the beginning)
-Syllables added at the beginning of a word are called prefixes.

In what part of the words in set B do the syllables added? (at the last part)
-Syllables added at the last part of the word are called suffixes.

Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words.

Study the following sentences.

The president continues The teachers continue to

to motivate people to take motivate pupils to take care of
care of the environment. the environment.
He continued working They will continue
with the group his father to inspire people of all
founded since 2002. ages.


Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are you going to add –s or –es in
your verb?
Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added to a regular verb when the
action was done already? How about in irregular verb?
Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the base form of the verb to express
D. Guided Practice
The class will be divided into 5 and play a
game called “E-Raffle” .Each group will be receiving
metacards to write their answer. As the raffle goes,
there are verbs to be flashed with corresponding
tense of verb. Each group will compose clear and
coherent sentences using the verb in the tense asked.
2 minutes will be used to answer each item.
1st word: play tense: future
2nd word: cook tense: past
3rd word: run tense: future
4th word: use tense: present
5th word: see tense: past
E. Independent Practice
Exercise 1
The following sentences are written in past tense. Rewrite them in
present and future tense on the lines below.

a. The rain fell on the green valley.

Present tense:_____________________________________________________
Future tense:______________________________________________________

b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser.

Present tense:_____________________________________________________
Future tense:______________________________________________________

c. The shark swam through the ocean.

Present tense:____________________________________________________
Future tense:_____________________________________________________
Exercise 2
Compose sentences using the given sets of words. Refer to the word
enclosed in the parentheses to know the tense of the verb to be used in each
Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)
Carlito swims at the beach.

a. Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)

b. Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)
c. Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)
F. Closure/ Assessment

A. Closure/ Assessment
 Verbs are action words.
There are three aspects of verbs.
 If the action is being done in the present time, the verb is in present
 If the action is done already in the past time, the verb is in past tense.
 If the action is to be done in future time , the verb is in future tense.

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