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It is the fundamental goal of organized

crime, and they are achieving it
through many means—both legitimate
and illegitimate.
A. economic gain
B. economic control
C. control through fear
D. economic foothold
2. The following are characteristics of
organized crime, EXCEPT:
A. close-knit nature of its membership
B. their elaborate planning and lack of
C. violence and intimidation are
common tools
D. basically a street gang with criminal
3. It is undoubtedly one the greatest
money makers for organized crime,
and its gross profits have estimated to
exceed those of its legal counterparts.
A. gambling
B. drug trafficking
C. labor racketeering
D. prostitution
4. It can take many forms, and can also
be used to protect other traditional
rackets, such as gambling and loan-
A. gambling
B. drug trafficking
C. labor racketeering
D. prostitution

5. It has been said as the oldest
profession in world, and it is also being
capitalized by organized crime for
economic gain.
A. gambling
B. drug trafficking
C. labor racketeering
D. prostitution

6. It is another effect of organized crime
on the community, in addition to
pyramid effect.
A. corruption of institution
B. fear of crime
C. neighborhood decay
D. social pathology

7. The key to successful prosecution of
organized crime is:
A. combined cooperation
B. sharing of information
C. lifestyle check
D. none of these

8. Organized crime group is often the
result of __________ carried on over
many years.
A. modus operandi
B. long range planning
C. code of silence
D. intricate conspiracies
9. The operations of the organized crime
group are conducted under
__________, with swift and violent
reprisal to members who may violate
the code.
A. extreme secrecy
B. extreme planning
C. extreme influence
D. extreme carefulness
10. Investigation of organized crime
involves the following primary areas of
interest, EXCEPT:
A. organization & structure
B. number of persons victimized
C. membership & influence
D. goals & means
11. It indicates patterns of activity useful
in planning and decision making for
future operations against organized
A. artificial intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. line intelligence

12.It is used to short term needs in the
conduct of organized crime group
A. artificial intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. line intelligence

13. Some of the principal tools to combat
organized crime today are the
following, EXCEPT:
A. good intelligence
B. witness security
C. rigid statute
D. breaking of silence

14. Other useful tools helpful to combat
entrenched and corruptive organized
crime’s are as follows, EXCEPT:
A. country-wide investigation
B. anti-crime watch
C. inter-agency task forces
D. integrated patrol system

15. __________ aimed at organized crime
groups must take place during many
types of seemingly unrelated
A. intelligence gathering
B. undercover operations
C. surveillance activities
D. conduct of casing

16. The law enforcement agency that
maintains an effective intelligence program
should be able to answer all of the following
questions on organized crime, EXCEPT:
A. does it exists in this community & who
control it
B. portion of the population directly
C. leadership & extent of pubic corruption
D. effectiveness of police organization
17. It pertains to any group of suspects
who have formed a highly organized,
disciplined association engaged in
criminal activities
A. organized crime groups
B. white-collar crime
C. syndicated crime
D. street gangs
18. It is a non-violent crime for financial
gain committed by means of deception
by person utilizing their special
occupational skills and opportunities.
A. organized crime
B. white-collar crime
C. syndicated crime
D. street gangs

19. It occurs when a corporate executive
with direct knowledge of market-
sensitive information uses that
information for his or her own benefit.
A. insider trading
B. money laundering
C. confidence game
D. computer crime
20. It conceals the source of illegal
money and gives that money a
legitimate history and paper trail
A. insider trading
B. money laundering
C. confidence game
D. computer crime

21. As indicated, many different types of
crime are committed through this;
however, it is not well understood in the
criminal justice system community
because of its newness in criminal
A. insider trading
B. money laundering
C. confidence game
D. computer crime 21
22. It is set of computer instruction that
reproduces itself into computer
programs when they are executed
within unauthorized programs.
A. computer hacking
B. computer viruses
C. trojan horse
D. data didling
23. White-collar crimes are generally very
difficult to prevent and when detected
or reported, they pose many
A. investigative difficulties
B. investigative tasks
C. investigative problems
D. investigative burden

24. It is usually the simplest, safest, and
most common method of computer
crimes; it involves changing data before
of during their input.
A. computer hacking
B. computer viruses
C. trojan horse
D. data didling

25. It probably the most practiced
confidence game of all times, and
comes in many varieties, in this scam, a
lot of losers pay a few winners.
A. pigeon drop
B. pyramid scheme
C. bank examiner scheme
D. lotto

26. It refers to the large-scale and complex
criminal activity carried on by groups of
persons, for the enrichment of those
participating and at the expense of the
community and its members.
A. Criminals
B. Organized crime
C. Organization of criminals
D. All of the above
E. None of the above 26
27. One who make arrangement for
killing and injuring either physically,
economically and psychologically the
member or non member of the
organized crime.
A. Enforcer
B. Corrupter
C. Corruptee
D. All of the above
E. Any of the above
28. What do you call a public official,
usually not a member of the
organization family, who can influence
on behalf of the organization interest.
A. Enforcer
B. Corrupter
C. Corruptee
D. All of the above
E. Neither of the above
29. It refers to the submission to a
dominating influence or the state
of a person who is chattel of
A. Slave
B. Slavery
C. White Slavery
D. Prostitution
E. White Slave
30. What do you call the engagement
in the business for profit, or enlistment
of services of any other person for the
purpose of prostitution.
A. Slave
B. Slavery
C. White Slavery
D. Prostitution
E. White Slave
31. What is the most
influential organized crime
group in Japan?
A. The Yakuza
B. The Boryokudan
C. The Mafia
D. A and B only
E. All of the above
32. What country has the lowest cases of
organized activities due to stringent laws
and severe penalties and the government
strong will power for the implementation
of laws?
a. United States of America
b. Philippines
c. Thailand
d. Singapore
e. Malaysia 32
33. What country is considered as
the haven for sex industry?
A. Taiwan
B. Thailand
C. United State of America
D. Japan
E. Philippines
34. What is considered to be as the
most notorious in the world in
terms of sex industry?
A. Taiwan
B. Thailand
C. United State of America
D. Japan
E. Philippines

35. It refers to the lending of
money at excessively high
rates of interest.
A. Illegal lending
B. Loan working
C. Working loan
D. Loan officer
E. Shylocking
36. Act defining the crime of Money
Laundering, providing penalties
therefore and for other purposes.
A. R.A. 9262
B. R.A. 9160
C. R.A. 9165
D. R.A. 8353
E. R.A. 6969
37. What law is otherwise known as
the “the Anti- Trafficking in Person Act
of 2003”?

A. R.A. 9262
B. R.A. 7610
C. R.A. 9344
D. R.A. 9208
E. R.A. 6975
38. An Act defining against Women
and their Children, providing for
protective measures for victims,
prescribing penalties therefore, and
for other purposes.
A. R.A. 7610
B. R.A. 9262
C. R.A. 9344
D. R.A. 9208
E. R.A. 6975
39. It refers to robbery in the high seas
or the unauthorized of another’s
production, invention, or conception
especially in infringement of a copy
A. Intellectual Property Right
B. Piracy
C. Theft
D. Robbery
E. All of the above
40. The act of conveying or introducing
surreptitiously to import or export
secretly contrary to law and especially
without paying duties imposed by law.
A. Piracy
B. Robbery
C. Bureau of Custom
D. Smuggling
E. Drug trafficking
41. The unlawful use of force or violence
against persons or property to intimidate
or coerce a government, civilian
population, or any segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or social objectives.
A. Terrorism
B. Terrorist
C. Terror
D. Bombing
E. Kidnapping 41
42. It is called the “Terror in the Mind of
God”. The mere existence of a demonized
enemy is evil, and any deviation from the
orthodox path potentially represents the
work of the devil.
A. Terrorizing Religion
B. Religion of Terrorist
C. Religious Terrorism
D. Terrorism of Religion
E. All of the above 42
43. In religious terrorism, what is
the meaning of Jihad?

A. War that is holy

B. Holy warriors
C. Holy War
D. Sacred War
E. All of the above

44. Who where the victims of the
Abu Sayyaf first major attack in
A. American soldiers
B. American evangelists
C. Italian evangelists
D. Chinese businessmen
E. American Tourists

45. Who is the first leader Abu Sayyaf
who fought in the international Islamist
brigade in Afghanistan during the Soviet
A. Abdurajak Janjalani
B. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri
C. Nur Misuari
D. Hashim Salamat
E. Osama Bin laden
46. What is considered to be the
"terrorist safe haven“?
A. Autonomous Region of Muslim
B. Southern Philippines
C. Luzon
D. Central Luzon
E. Philippines
47. What is the Terrorist organization
which is based in Indonesia and has
operated in the Philippines, has had
particularly strong ties to al-Qaeda?
A. Abu sayyaf
B. Al Qaeda
C. Yakuza
D. Jemaah Islamiyah
E. New People’s Army
48. Who is the leader of Al Qaeda
when the terrorist group attacked
the World Trade Center in New York
A. Jose Maria Sison
B. Khadaffy Janjalani
C. Hashim Salamat
D. Osama Bin laden
E. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri
49. Who is the Present Leader of
al-Qaeda's who use to be the
theological leader of Al-Qaeda
and adviser of Osama Bin Laden?
A. Abdurajak Janjalani
B. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri
C. Nur Misuari
D. Muammar Gaddafi
E. None of the above
50. What is the urban hit squad of
the Communist Party of the
Philippines New People's Army, was
formed in the mid-1980s.

A. Alexes Boncayao Brigade

B. Alex Boncayaw Brigade
C. Alex Boncayao Brigade
D. Aleck Boncayao Brigade
E. Alex Boncayao Granade
51. The law that is known as the
Human Security Act of 2007?

A. R.A. 9262
B. R.A. 7610
C. R.A. 7160
D. R.A. 9165
E. R.A. 9372
52. It refers to the intentional
destruction of a national ethnic,
racial, or religious group of people.
A. Multiple murder
B. Massacre
C. Multiple homicide
D. Genocide
E. All of the above
53. What law is otherwise known
as the Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012?
A. RA 10022
B. RA 10028
C. RA 10158
D. RA 10175
E. None of the above
54. The term used by the early
leader of Mafia to refer to the
ultimate boss of the families or the
“Boss of all the Bosses”?
A. Capo di capodecina
B. Capo di capo
C. Capo di tutti capi
D. Capo di capo bastone
E. All of the above
55. The organization is designed
to last through time beyond the
lifespan of current members via
a mix of legitimate “fronts”.
A. Ideology of Economic
B. Monopoly
C. Strict Discipline
D. Parasitic
E. Perpetuity
56. Organized Crime extorts
money from illegal
entrepreneurs under a threat of
A. Limited Membership
B. Exclusive Membership
C. Parasitic
D. Reciprocal
E. A and C only
57. Italian Mafia is a collection of
Italian American organized “families”
that has been operating since 1920’s.
this group is referred to as
A. La Cosa Nostra.
B. The Mafia.
C. The Mob.
D. The Outfit.
E. all of the above
58. What organized crime group creed of
“murder or drawing of blood is a pre-
requisite for membership, and those
seeking to resign will be killed”?
A. Yakuza
B. Jingi
C. Mexican mafia
D. Oyabun-kobun
E. None of these
59. Chinese Triads has a triangular
symbols found on flags and banners used
by the Hung clan. Each corners of the
triangle represents the following
A. Man, Heaven and Earth Society.
B. Human, Earth and Sky.
C. Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.
D. Mt. Province, Kalinga and Benguet.
E. any of the above
60. Yakuza is otherwise known as
the “Boryokudan”. Boryokudan
A. Yakuza
B. Foster Child
C. family head
D. violent groups
E. Capo di capo
It is one of the rituals of Japanese
particularly the Yakuza of finger
cutting as a form of penance or
A. Yubitsume
B. Pearling
C. Either A or B
D. Neither A nor B
E. none of the above
If a member wishes to depart from the
organization he needs to prepare a
resignation letter or the red letter and send
it to all members of the boryokudan which
is a sign of being no longer a part of the
group. This red letter is know as
A. Pearling
B. Homojo
C. Credo
D. Blood-in
E. Blood-out 62
One of the famous organized crime
group in the Philippines is formerly
known as the Dragon or the Kuratong
Baleleng Group. What is the present
name of the Kuratong Baleleng Group?
A. Francisco Group
B. Alex Boncayao Brigade
C. Dragon Group
D. Baleleng Francisco Group
E. Octagon Group 63
What Organized Crime Group in
the Philippines that is involved in
carnapping, operating in NCR, and
region 3 and 4 all in Luzon?
A. Dominguez Group
B. Lexus Group
C. Manuel Group
D. Velasquez Group
E. Marquez Group
The most common form of kidnapping
applied by terrorist groups especially
the Abu Sayaff.
a. kidnapping of tourist
b. kidnapping of priests
c. kidnapping of foreigners
d. kidnapping for ransom
It is the portfolio of a person,
organization, entity or company which
is posted on the Internet for
accessibility worldwide.
a. Web page
b. Home page
c. Website
d. Search engine
Computer hacking, release of computer
worms and other virus over the internet
is a crime. To be able to prevent this, law
enforcement devised this area of the
crime laboratory to study cyber crimes.
a.Forensic Pathology
b. Forensic Anthropology
c. Toxicology
d. Forensic Computer Technology
In cyber crime investigation, this copy is
being used in analysis and
investigation purposes.
a. Original Copy
b. Back up Copy
c. Working Copy
d. none of the above
The following are elements of cyber
crime, EXCEPT:
a. Computer as a target
b. Computer as a weapon
c. Computer as an accessory
d. Computer as means of terrorism

This is one of the very important things
to consider in fire investigation during
the scene search.
a. worth of damages
b. interview witness
c. physical evidence
d. color of fire
When two or more separate fires broke
out within the building, it is an
indication of:
a. Arson
b. Terrorism
c. Intentional fire
d. none of the above
The act of sowing and creating a condition of
widespread and extraordinary fear and
panic among the populace, in order to
coerce the government to give in to an
unlawful demand.
a. Cyber Crime
b. Terrorism
c. Exploitation
d. none of the above
How many days is given by the court to Law
Enforcement officer to conduct surveillance
and bugged all types on communication of a
suspected person involved in terrorism?
a. 15 days
b. 30 days
c. 25 days
d. 10 days

Upon acquittal, any person who is accused of
terrorism shall be entitled to the payment of
damages in the amount of ____ for every day
that he or she has been detained or deprived of
liberty or arrested without a warrant as a result
of such an accusation.
a. 300 Thousand
b. 400 Thousand
c. 100 Thousand
d. 500 Thousand
Is the deliberate creation and
exploitation of fear for bringing about
political change.
a. Cyber Crime
b. Terrorism
c. Exploitation
d. none of the above
OC is organized in a hierarchical manner
which makes it “organized”. How many
hierarchal levels/ ranks do criminal
organizations have for them to be
considered organized crime group?
A. 2 (two)
B. 3 (three)
C. 4 (four)
D. 5 (five)
Ndrangeta or Calabrian mafia were formed
when group of Sicilians were exiled to the
Island in 1860’s. The word Ndrangeta came
from the Greek word meaning_____.
A. Love
B. Loyalty
C. Pride
D. Trust

What is the other term of YAKUZA?
A. good for something
B. good for everything
C. good for anything
D. good for nothing

It is a type of connection between organized
crime and illegal business where OC extort
money but provides service e.g. debt
collection or restricting market entry.
A. Reciprocal
B. Idealistic
C. Entrepreneurship
D. Materialistic

It is a principle in OCG that is highly observed
for specialization purposes so that jobs will
be accomplished based on the highest
strength of their manpower.
A. Hierarchy
B. Extensive rules and regulations
C. Written communications
D. Division of labor

The larger the organization the more
vulnerable it is to the police infiltration
because all members would not be
necessarily personally known to another.
A. True
B. False
C. Partially True
D. Partially False

The following are the commandments of
Sicilian Mafia, except one;
A. Never be seen by cops
B. Wives must be treated with respect
C. Money can be appropriated if it belongs to other
or other families
D. When asked for information, the answer must be
the truth

The following are the effects when motor vehicle is
used in the commission of a crime, except one;
A. MV would be an aggravating circumstance, if the
crime was committed as a means thereof
B. The use of MV is not aggravating where there is
no showing that the same was purposely used to
facilitate the commission of the crime
C. MV are aggravating circumstances in the
commission of theft
D. MV will lessen the arrest of the perpetrator
because they can escape easier and faster.

It is a theory in OC where delinquent acts
result when the persons bond to the society
is broken or weak and the strength of this
bond is dependent on external and internal
A. Strain Theory
B. Anomie Theory
C. Differential Association Theory
D. Social Control Theory
The Cali Cartel operated as tight group of
independent criminal organizations. What
kind illegal drug were they trading at the
starting moment of their operation?
A. Shabu
B. Cocaine
C. Opium
D. Marijuana

 It is any card, plate, code, account number,
electronic serial number, personal identification
number, or other telecommunication service,
equipment or other instrumental identifier, or
other means of account access that can be used to
obtain money, goods, services, or anything of
value or to initiate a transfer of frauds.
A. Credit card
B. Access device
C. ATM device
D. Electronic device
Loansharking is the lending of money
where the percentage is exorbitant.
What is the other term for the said
A. Lending
B. Shylocking
C. Lockshying
D. Sharking
It is an act defining the crime of Child
Pornography, prescribing Penalties
therefore and for other purposes.
A. RA 9995
B. RA 9775
C. RA 3019
D. RA 10175

This kind of theft is done through gaining
access to the Login ID and Password of the
target, afterwards it makes use of victims
internet hours.
A. Internet time robbery
B. Internet time theft
C. Internet robbery
D. Internet hour theft

It is a special case of street prostitution
where they mainly serve those who are
in the trucking industry at truck stops
or in the stopping centers.
A. Escort prostitution
B. Lot lizard
C. Skeezers
D. Sex tourism
It is a hierarchy of OCG that is characterized
by a single leader, relatively clearly defined
hierarchy, systems of internal discipline are
strict and strong social and ethnic identities
can be present.
A. Standard Hierarchy
B. Integrative Hierarchy
C. Complicated Hierarchy
D. Chain Of Hierarchy
 Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
was founded in 1968 to create a Bangsamoro
Republic in Mindanao. Who is the founder
of the said terroristic group?
A. Hashim Salamat
B. Nur Misuari
C. Abdurajak Janjalani
D. Osama Bin Laden

This is a kind of corruption being done by
high officials of the government whereby
non-existing projects are financed by the
government while non-existing personnel or
pensioners are being paid salaries and
A. Tax evasion
B. Evasion of public bidding
C. Nepotism
D. Ghost projects
 It is the unauthorized use of copyrighted
material in a manner that violates one of the
copyrighted owner’s exclusive rights, such as
the right to produce or perform the
copyrighted work, or to make derivative
works that builds upon it.
A. Intellectual property
B. Illegal copyright infringement
C. Intellectual copy right
D. Intellectual property code
It is the procedural action responses
against terrorist attack to mitigate its
effects and expediting the return to
A. Target hardening
B. Hostage Taking
C. Intelligence
D. Incident management
It is a kind of fraud where members of the
scam are required to attract others to join
the group with rewards in order to
compensate with the original investment.
A. Pyramid scheme
B. Binary compensation
C. Chain referral
D. All of the these

The following are works not protected by
copyright; except one,
A. News of the day and other mere items of
press information
B. Published books and articles
C. Any official txt of the legislature,
administrative or legal body
D. Any work of the government of the
 Al Qaeda had the current goal to
establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate
throughout the world. What is the
other term of Al Qaeda?
A. The face
B. The vase
C. The race
D. The base
It is a tier defense system against terrorism
which involves the act of knowing the
enemy strengths, number of members,
vulnerabilities, networks or alliances
through covert or overt operations.
A. Target hardening
B. Hostage Taking
C. Intelligence
D. Incident management

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