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Isabelle Duran
Mentor: Dr. Wendy Alcanter
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
ISM: Ms. Kahlich
Dr. Wendy Alcanter
Emergency Medicine
Memorial Hermann
Experience • GREAT!
• See new things with different patients
• Schedule
• Fast paced
• Amazing teacher
Project about • Can also be known as wet lung.

• Pulmonary Edema is a condition in the lungs due to
having excess fluids, can also be related to the heart.
edema • Types of Pulmonary Edema- Acute, Chronic, High-
• This condition can be short term and cured quickly or
can be severe and take a little more time to do labs and
• One of the most common symptom is shortness of
breath, coughing, and difficulty speaking due to not
being able to breath.
• Ways to prevent this condition: healthy lifestyle,
annual visits to primary care.
Project about High-altitude pulmonary edema

• Caused when at high altitudes
• Common symptoms: coughing, fever, shortness of
edema cont. breath, and headaches.
Chronic pulmonary edema
• Caused by excess fluids
• Common symptoms: difficulty breathing, shortness of
breath, wheezing, and fatigue
Acute pulmonary edema
• Caused most commonly by heart problems
• Common symptoms: excessive wheezing, shortness of
breath is worse, irregular heartbeat, pale and cold
Project about • Pulmonary edema can be considered cardiogenic,
increase in pressure in the heart.
Pulmonary • L ventricle is overworked and not able to pump
edema cont. enough.
• Coronary artery disease, heart valve problems, and
high blood pressure.

• Noncardiogenic is pulmonary edema that isn’t caused

from pressure being increased.
• It is instead caused by leakage in fluid from your lung’s
air sacs.
• Acute respiratory distress, high altitudes, adverse drug
Product A lung model
• The model shows what pulmonary edema looks like on
the lungs.
• Researched what it looked like and took the time to be
able to create this to accurately represent this
• It is shown when the alveoli is enlarged and the air sacs
are filled with liquid
Conclusion Thank you to my mentor,
Dr.Alcanter, Ms.Khalich, my
parents, and Dr.Lucas.
I hope you all enjoyed my
Have a happy holiday
Works Cited
“Pulmonary Edema.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research, 8 Aug. 2018,
“Pulmonary Edema: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus,
U.S. National Library of Medicine,
“Similar Free PNG.” Hospital Emergency Logo PNG Emergency
Department Emergency Medicine Clipart Download - 659 * 659 - Free
Transparent Hospital Emergency Logo PNG Download.,
staff, Science X. “Immigrants in Your Lungs? Study Showing How
Bacteria Get There Could Help Disease Research.” Medical Xpress -
Medical Research Advances and Health News, Medical Xpress, 21 Feb.
Wedro, Benjamin. “What Is Pulmonary Edema? Symptoms, Treatment &
Risk Factors.” EMedicineHealth, EMedicineHealth, 1 Feb. 2019,

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