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General Departments in Shipping Company

 Legal and Marine Insurance

 Finance and Accounting

 Administrative

 Technical

 Liner Department

 Chartering- Dry Cargo, Tanker

 Marketing

 Quality

 Fleet Personnel Department

 Operations Team
• * Legal and Marine Insurance
• The Technical Team
• The Purchase and Procurement Team
• The Operations team-
• The Finance team
• The Fleet Personnel Department
• Quality Department
• The Marketing team
• Administrative Department
• Chartering Department
• There are 5 major participants in any of the transportation process:
• Shipper/ Consignee- These are the parties at two ends, interested in physical movement of goods.
Shipper is the exporter who ships goods and consignee is the importer who receives goods.
• Carrier- Carrier is the medium who provides mode of transportation. These include shipping
company, railways, airways and lorry operators.
• Government- Government is the most important factor as it frames the legal and political
environment for a transportation. Government can provide conducive environment to the
transportation by making favorable transportation policies relating to taxes, cross-border movement
and cabotage. Generally government aims to improve transportation conditions as it leads to
economic development of the nation. A major portion of any country’s GDP is spent on its logistics
• Internet-it provides a network which connects all the parties of the transportation process. It helps
in sourcing of most cost effective fuels, equipment and supplies and finding appropriate
transportation according to customer requirements.
• Public- This is the most important player in the transportation process. It affects transportation by
creating demand of goods around the world. The quantum of demand created by public, affects the
quantity of goods to be transported and the final cost of transportation.
• Inland Carrier
• Freight Forwarder
• Port Authorities-
• Inland Container Depot
• These are dry ports equipped for handling and temporary storage of containerized cargo as well as
empties. This means that hinterland customers can receive port services conveniently closer to their
premises. These are well connected by railway lines and roads to allow easier movement to/from the port.
All formalities like custom clearance and documentation can be done at ICDs to enhance the export
• Container Freight Station (CFS) are sometimes confused with ICDs. But, there exists a clear difference
between the two. CFS is an extension to the existing port, providing the facility of loading, unloading and
segregation of containers. Custom’s function relating to processing of import/export documents that are
filed by the exporter/importer and assessment of bill of entry/shipping bill are performed in the Custom
House/Custom Office that exercises jurisdiction over the parent port/airport/ICD. Main aim of CFS is the
decongestion of ports. ICD is an independent entity, with its own custom station.

• Custom Authorities
• Insurance agencies

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