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Incorporating Sources:

Quoting, Paraphrasing,
and Summarizing
 Researchers have pointed out that
the lack of trained staff is a common
barrier providing adequate health
education (Fisher, 1999) and services
(Wcisc & Christodulu, 2000).

Direct Quote or Paraphrased text?

 The close of the millennium was marked
by a deep suspicion of the natural world
and an increasing reliance “upon the
pronouncements of soothsayers and
visionaries, who caused hysteria with
their doom-laden forecasts of the end
of the humanity” (Mulligan, 1997, p.

Direct Quote or Paraphrased Text

Principles observed in citation
1. Always cite the author:
a. to differenciate ideas
b. to have access to the actual text,
thereby avoiding plagiarism
c. to remember the exact word of the
d. to allow researcher to comment on
the information at the very moment a
piece of information is received
• 2. Know the different citation
a. APA- American Psychological
b. MLA – Modern Language Association
c. Turabian
d. Chicago
3. Use as many sources as possible
a. shows how well-read the researcher
b. displays knowledge of the research
c. though it may be claimed that citing
different sources may show the topic
is stale, the challenge is to highlight
the research gap
• 4. quoted/cited texts must be
pursued with interpretation and
a. research writing is not just compiling
related texts
b. research findings must be
correlated, associated, or linked to
establish reliability of analysis
c. can be done by using correct
transitional devices
• 5. determine which one is to be
quoted in verbatim or to be
a. be able to maintain balance among
quoted, paraphrased, and summarized
Why paraphrase?
Paraphrasing- restating a statement or passage
in your own words
Some reasons for paraphrasing:
*A research should be an original work, not a
mere duplicate.
*Sometimes a research needs input from other
*Text is too long.
*Language used or tone is inconsistent
*Text is too technical.
*There is a need to change the order of ideas.
Things to remember in paraphrasing:
a. message conveyed should be the same as
that of the original
b. length should be the same or almost the
c. structure is different from the original
d. technical terms or generally accepted terms
may be retained
e. source is indicated in parenthesis
• Steps in paraphrasing:
1. read and understand the text.
2. identify technical terms or major ideas.
Ex. Gredler (2001) said, “the reinforcements
delivered to peers and others are all
influences on learning” (p. 322).
3. express these major ideas in your own
Influences on learning-factors in learning
-effects on learning
Reinforcements - encouragements
• Delivered to peers and others- given to
peers and other individuals
• * the encouragements given to peers and
other individuals affect learning
4. use paraphrasing strategies.
• a. change the parts of speech
– Mary Smith, an English teacher…
- Mary Smith, who teaches English…
b. Use synonyms
- Richard argues- Richard contends
- Global problems- global crises
c. change the structure of the text
Mary Smith, an English teacher, lives with
Mary Smith, who is an English teacher,
lives with me.
Learning is affected by the
encouragements given to peers and other
The encouragements given to peers and
individuals affect learning.
• Checking the correctness of the paraphrased
1. is the meaning the same as that of the
2. is the structure different from that of the
original source?
3. is the length the same or almost the same
as the original?
4. does the paragraph indicate the source?
• Which one is a better paraphrased?
In explaining something to a peer, a student must clarify and
organize the material learned and in so doing may discover
gaps in his knowledge or inconsistencies with other’s work.
a. A student, when explaining something to a classmate, must
expound and logically present what he has learned, allowing him
to identify ideas which are not clear to him or irregularities in
other’s texts.
b. When explaining something to a classmate, a student must
expound and logically present what he has learned, and by
doing it may identify ideas which are not clear to him or
irregularities in other’s texts.
• The task of teaching is entrusted not only to the
school but to parents, as well, who are in constant
interaction with their children.
• a. Teaching is the responsibility not only of the
school but also of the parents who are in constant
interaction with their children.
• b. Teaching is the responsibility not only of the
school but also of the parents because they often
interact with their children.
 Proper ways of having in-text citation

 If the author’s name is in your text, put

the date in parenthesis

 As Wesson notes (1999), …

 According to Dole and Wilfred (1998), …
 If the author’s name is not used in the
sentence, put the author’s name in the
parenthesis with the date

 We know that… (Wesson, 1999).

 Research (Dole and Wilfred, 1998) shows….
• Copying word for word a part or a
portion of other’s work ( line, phrase,
sentence, paragraph )
a. strongly supports the idea, meaning
that it comes from an authority
b. language used by the source author
is memorable and adds interest to your
c. language used by the source writer is
clear and economical... paraphrasing is
d. increases credibility of your research
e. paraphrasing may not capture the main
f. to be used sparingly because too many
quotes may not make the paper scholarly.
• Crowe et al. ( 2002 ) explained that
“many people resist that new
knowledge does not conform to
existing schemata” ( p. 149 ).
• “Many people resist that new
knowledge does not conform to
existing schemata” ( Crowe et al.,
2002, p. 149 ).
1.Santos (2005) emphasized,
“Learners learn from each other”
(page 15).
2.Santos emphasized,”Learners learn
from each other” (p. 15).
3.Santos (2005) emphasized, “Learners
learn from each other ( p. 15).”
4.”Learners learn from each other”
(Santos, p. 15).
5.”Learners learn from each other”
(Santos, 2005, p. 15).
• Summarizing is writing the short version of
the original text.
a. provides the major points; does not just announce
what the text is all about
b. focuses on certain sections of text such as the
introduction, methodology, results, conclusions or
* Lee (2011) studied parents’ reading practices.
* Lee (2011) found in her study of parents’ reading
practices that a majority of the parents seldom read
to their children.
• Which of the following is a good summary?
1. The study conducted by Puzon ( 2011) revealed that more
parents belonging to the highest income level read to their
children everyday, compared to parents in the lowest income
2. The study of Coley (2012) delved on research introductions
of thesis writers.
3. Cooley (2012) studied how often parents from different
income levels read to their children.
4. The study on research introductions of thesis writers
conducted by Puzon ( 2011) found that the introductions
observed different patterns.
5. the research conducted by Kou et al. (2004) noted that
daily reading is associated with parents’ education.
Documenting Sources
APA Format
Reasons for using &
documenting sources

 Citation: giving credit for an idea or

fact in the text of your research
 Documentation: giving the
bibliographic information that
readers would need to go back to
your original sources
Creating A Reference

 List everything you’ve cited in your

text, but only what you have cited.
 Arrange references alphabetically by
the author’s last name.
 If you have more than one source by
the same author, arrange them
Creating a Reference List
 Book Format

• One author:
 Gardner,H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of
multiple intelligence.London: Macmillan.

 Two to six authors:

 Cargill, O., Charyat, W., & Walsh, D.(1996). The
publication of academic writing. New York: Modern
Language Association.

 More than six authors:

 Cooper,L. et al. (1982). How to stay younger while
growing older: Aging for all ages. London:
Creating a Reference List
• Book Format

• No publication date given:

• Smith, J. (n.d.). Morality tin masquerade. London: Churchill.

• An organization or institution as “author”

• University of Minnesota. (1985). Social psychology.

Mineapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
• U.S. Census Bureau. (2000). Statistical abstract of the
United Startes.
• Washingon, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office

• An editor as “author”
• Updike, J. (Ed.). (1999). The best American short stories of
the century.
• Boston: Hoghton Nifflin.
• journal/periodical(non-continuous pagination
Sawyer, J. (1966). Measurement and prediction, clinical, and statistical. Psychological
Bulletin, 9 (3), 178-200.

• Journal article with three to six authors:

• Tolin. D. , Abromowitz, J. , Brigidi, B., Amir, N., Street, G., & Foa, E. (2001). Memory
and memory confidence in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Research &
Therapy, 3 (9 ), 913-927.

• Journal article with seven or more authors:

• Mariani R., Ottini, L., Caramiello, S., Palmirotta, R., Mallgni, F., Rossi, L. et
al. (2001). Taphonomy of the fossil hominid bones from the Acheulean site
of Castel di Guido near Rome, Italy. Journal of Human Evolution, 4 (1 ),

• Newspaper
• Monson, M. (1993, September 16). Urbana firm obstacle to office project.
The Manila Bulletin, p.A8.

• Magazine:
• Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead therapy won’t help most kids.
Science News, pp. 78 – 80.
• Books (Online)

• An entire electronic book retrieved from a

• Murray, T. H. (1996). The worth of a child. Berkeley:
University of California Press. Retrieved from netLibrary database.

• an entire electronic book with direct link to item:

• Bryant, P. (1999). Biodiversity and conservation Retrieved
• An article or chapter in an electronic book:
• Symonds, PM. (1958). Human drives. In C.L. Stacey and M.
DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding human motivation (pp. 11-
22). Retrieved from PsycBOOKS database.
• Books (online)

• Website of an organization or government:

• Wisconin Department of Natural Resources, (2001). Retrieved from
• Midwest League. (n.d.) Retrieved form http://www.midwestleague.com/indivpitching.html

• A personal homepage: (retrieval date is included

due to possibility of change)
• Duncan, D., (1998, August 1). Retrieved July 30, 2007 from

• A posting to an onlie discussion group of listserv:

• Marcy, B. (1999, April 3). Think they’ll find any evidence of Mallory & Irvine listserv. Message
posted to http://everest.mountainzone.com/99.forum.

• An online video:
• Norton, R. (2006, November 4). Video posted on
Abu-Lughod, L. (1991). Writing against culture. In
R.G. Fox (Ed.), Recapturing anthropology: Working in the present (pp.
137-162). Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Allen, D. G. (1996). Knowledge, politics, culture and
gender: A discourse perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing
Research. 28(1), 95-102.

Appadurai, A. (1996). Moderiuty at large: Cultural

dimension of globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Archer, M.S. (1985). The myth of cultural

integration. The British Journal of Sociology, 36(3), 333-353.

Bhabha,H.K. (1994). Location of culture. London:

• Cruz, L. ( 2004 ). Methods of
research ( 2nd ed. ). Quezon City,
Philippines: National Bookstore.
• Requijo, E. ( 2012 ). Problems and
expectations of beginning members
of PNP. Unpublished master’s thesis,
De La Salle University-Dasmarinas,
Dasmarinas City, Cavite.

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