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Characteristics of a Good Course Outcome

 Should be mapped to the learning domain in

Blooms or other Taxonomy .
 Must state the major skills, knowledge, attitude or
ability that students will acquire.
 Expressed in terms of measurable and/or
observable behaviors (hint: ask yourself how you
would test the outcome).
Characteristics of a Good Course Outcome (Cont.)

 Each course will usually have between 3 and 5

major outcomes. (Garispanduan Penulisan
Akademik , JPT, KPM)
 Should be written in clear language and in the
future tense
 These outcomes should be the same across courses
with the same code.
 Begin with an action verb (e.g., write, install, solve,
and apply).
3 components of a course outcome

1) Action verb (describes what the learner will be doing, or the behaviour)
By the end of this course/semester, students should be able to:
• describe the principles used in designing X.
• evaluate the strengths and weakness of …

Avoid these words

Well-written verbs must be (SMART) - understand
- Specific
- appreciate
- Measurable
- Achievable - know
- Realistic - learn
- Time frame - aware
- Observable - familiar
Common weaknesses in writing CO

• Non-observable/Non-measurable CO
• Vague CO or CO that are too broad or general
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. understand the theory of X.
2. know how to write an effective learning outcomes
3. Appreciate/recognize the importance of keeping the
environment clean.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. use the computer.
2. make presentations.
3. comment on designs.
4. design research
PLOS for Management Sciences
1. Knowledge of the Core Concepts
2. Intercultural Dimension
3. Understanding of Business Environment
4. Legal and Ethical Implications
5. Quantitative Techniques
6. Management Information Systems
7. Communication Skills
8. Team Scenarios
9. Analytical and Critical thinking Skills
10. Knowledge and Competencies in General Management
11. Knowledge and Competencies in Finance


lower order Intermediate Higher order

Course Outcomes: An example
CE326 Construction Engineering
or Construction Engineering Management

Identify the a) verb b) condition c) standard.

• Apply the basic economic equations for production capacity of

different types of construction equipment(Cognitive Level 3-
PLO#11) (V-C-S)
• Categorize different types of construction methodologies for
different civil engineering projects.(Cognitive Level 4-PLO#11) (V-
• Organize the construction project activities in a Gant Chart using
MS Project. .(Affective Level 4-PLO#5) (V-C-S)
Course Outcomes: An example
Corporate Social Responsibility
• To explain what Corporate Social Responsibility means.(V-C) Standard is
• To debate the case for and “against” CSR including understanding the
complex balance between CSR and other elements of company strategy. (2
Action verbs what will be the measuring methodology. Two CLOS are
• To identify real-world CSR best practices and to reflect on how those might
be more broadly applied. (again two action verbs what are you measuring,
Identifying or reflection. What is the measuring methodology for these
• To critically analyze situations where companies are facing CSR issues,
including an appreciation of the interests of various stakeholders.(Analysis
and appreciation two action verbs again)

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