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In each of these boxes define the target audience for your game
The Hobbies and interest of my target Domestic Circumstances Education & ability
audience are; Driving cars, watching F1, The domestic circumstance for the target audience The education and ability of the
playing car games and Car's. would be living at home with family or living in a target audience would be
household with students/ mates. school, college or university.
However some would be living
on there own.

The gender of the
target audience would
be mostly male this is
because this is a male
sports and all the racing
drivers are male.
Existing media consumption
The existing media consumption for
F1, F1 website, BBC sports, F1
Games sequel's. This is as most
people who buy this game would
watch, or read one of these media

Socio Economic Group Race/ethnicity Spending Power

The social economic Group for f1 is The race/ethnicity of the The amount of spending
C1 -E. This is because he could be target audience would power this target audience
living at home with his parents or be mainly white, English. would have would be around
even have a low paid job. This is because this is a £50 to £300 per month.
big sport in England and
The Age of the target audience
all around Europe.
would be from 11- 30 year
olds. Even if the age
restrictions for this game is 3+
Explain in the table below what it is that appeals about your game
to the target audience.


F1 2010 is an enjoyable game. People may use this game to get away from life issues. They
Entertainment could also use it to emotionally release the stress by smashing into the other cars which they
and diversion would not get into any trouble for.

Information and F1 2010 relates to real driver situations where they have to change little things on the car to
make It go faster. The gives the audience an education about how the car works and what
surveillance certain parts of the car like the front wing do if you put it in a higher position. This would
appeal to the target audience as they would like cars they would want to know about the parts
on an F1 car.

People may use F1 2010 to play online and play competitively against friends or other gamers
Social around the world. People who play this game may talk about this game at school and talk
relationships about the achievement and level they are.

People who play F1 2010 can create their own player for campiagne and can interact with the
Personal identity media and anwser the questions however they want to. The player can add in his own input
into the game which can reflect the players indentity.

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