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Group Vs Team
 It is a collective of mutually
independent individuals with separate
goals who are brought together by
common interests and experience. Even
though everyone shares information and
resources with other group
members,each member is responsible
for their own work.
Two types of groups
 Formal group,created by the
management to perform a particular task
 Informal group,formed naturally by
employees for different reasons.
Characteristics of a
 Frequent interaction which includes
interpersonal communication and
relationship interaction.
 Interdependence among the members
and mutual influence.
 Hierarchy , leadership and pattern of
rules and mutual influence.
Characteristics of a

 Common objectives, common beliefs

and common expectations regarding
 Cohesiveness and unity among
 A Team is an interdependent group of
individuals who share responsibility and
are focused on a common goal. People
in a team have mutual understanding
with other members. By working
together,they tend to maximize each
others strengths and minimize
weaknesses. Unlike group,Where each
member is expected to contribute
separately,the most important
characteristic of ateam is synergy:the
whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Different types of
 Problem Solving Teams
 Self Managed Teams
 Functional Teams
 Cross Functional Teams
 Virtual Teams
Group Versus Teams

Group Team
Individual contributions Synergic contribution

Random skills Complementary skills

Works towards common goal Total commitment to common go

Group Versus Teams

Group Team
Little scope for creativity Opportunity for creativity

Individual responsibility Collective responsibility

Shared interest Mutually agreed interest

Group Versus Teams

Group Team
Conflicts are common Lesser chance for conflicts

Less interdependence High interdependence

Leader controls the group Leader act as facilitator

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