Decemberwinternewsletter 1

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Teacher- Ms.

Teaching Assistant- Ms.
CSA- Ms. Cathy
Bus Driver- Ms. Chris
Health- Ms. Sue
Family Service- Ms.

Reminders Salix Head

• Preschool isn’t just about
circle time and finger painting.
It’s an important time to learn
concepts that set children up
for learning to read on their
own, writing their names and
Look What We are Learning
more. But it’s not just • Rules and Routines
important to have them learn • Name writing
at school — the most • Name Recognition and Recognizing
important concepts need the letters of your child’s name
reinforcing at home too. • Counting and Shape Recognition
• Number Recognition
• Counting as you walk up and
down the stairs, pointing out
• Sharing, Kindness, being Respectful
letters and numbers on signs, and Cooperative
write your child’s name and • Creative Curriculum Tunnels and
have them practice tracing it Tubes Study
then writing it independently, • Holiday fun
naming the letters as they
trace them will help them
identify the letters.

• Reading books to your child is • December 11- Parent

an excellent way to help them Meeting/Baking Workshop-6:00
appreciate books and it helps Salix
them to understand the • December 17 -Students from the
concept of quiet listening. Forest Hills band will be coming
to play music for the children
• December 17- Dad’s club @
• Skills like waiting patiently,
Admiral Perry 6-7:30
using a quiet voice, asking
• Santa will be stopping by to visit
politely, being helpful, being the children.
gentle, saying please and • December 23- January 1- No
thank you, etc., are all lessons Session
that should be reinforced
constantly at home as they .
are at Head Start!

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