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Health System in India

• The states are independent in matters of

• Central responsibility : Policy making,
planning, guiding, assisting,evaluating&
coordinating the work of the state
At the centre
• Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
• Directorate General of Health Services
• Central Council of Health And Family Welfare
1.Union Ministry of Health and Family
• Organization
– Cabinet Minister
– Department of Health
– Department of family Welfare
Cabinet Minister for Health & Family
• Dr. Harshvardhan Singh
Minister of State for Health and Family

Shri. Ashwini Kumar Choubey

• Union List
• Concurrent List
Union List
• International Health relations and administration of port
• Administration of central institutes( All India Institute of Hygiene
& Public Health, Kolkata;National Center for Disease Control,
Delhi )
• Promotion of research
• Regulation & development of medical, pharmaceutical,dental,
nursing professions )
• Establishment & maintenance of drug standards
• Census & collection & publication of other statistical data
• Immigration/Emigration
• Regulation of labour in Mines, Oil fields
• Coordination with state governments & other ministries for
promotion of health
Concurrent List
• Responsibility of both Centre & State
• Prevention of communicable diseases
• Prevention of adulteration of food stuffs
• Control of drugs & poisons
• Vital statistics
• Labour welfare
• Ports other than major
• Economic & Social Planning
• Population control & Family planning
2. Directorate General of Health
• Principle Adviser to the union government
• Directorate consists of 3 units
1. Medical care & hospitals
2. Public Health
3. General Administration
General functions
• Surveys
• Planning
• Coordination
• Programming
• Appraisal of all health matters
Specific Functions
• International health & Quarantine
– Kolkata, Vishakapatnam, Chennai, Cochin, Mumbai, Kandla
– International Airports- Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Trichirapalli, Delhi
• Control of drug standards
• Medical store depots
• Post graduate training
• Medical education
• Medical research
• Central government health schemes
• National health programmes
• Central health education bureau
• Health intelligence
• National Medical Library
3. Central Council of Health
• Organization

Union Health Minister


State Health
• Recommend policy outlines
• Proposal for legislations
• Recommendation on distribution of
grant- in- aids
Establishment of organisations for promoting &
maintaining cooperation
State Health Administration
1. State Ministry of Health
2. State Health Directorate
State Health Ministry
• Headed by Minister of Health & Family
• Executive organ – Health Secretariat
• Headed by Health Secretary
District Level
• Sub- divisions
• Talukas
• Community Development Blocks
• Municipalities and Corporations
• Villages
• Panchayats
• Principle unit of administration
• Headed by the Collector
• Sub divisions divided into taluks
• Blocks – is a unit of rural planning &
• Population 80,000-1,20,000
• Headed by Block Development Officer
Urban Areas
• Town area committees – (5000 – 10,000)
• Municipal Boards – (10,000 – 2 lakhs)
– Headed by Chairman /President
• Corporations – ( > 2 lakhs )
– Headed by Mayor
– Executive Organ : Commissioner, Secretary,
Engineer, Health Officer
• Construction & maintenance of roads
• Sanitation
• Drainage
• Street lighting
• Water supply
• Maintenance of hospitals,dispensaries
• Education
• Birth & death registrations
Panchayati Raj
• Rural , local self government
• Linking villages to districts
• 3 tier system
1. Panchayat – Village level
2. Panchayat Samiti - Block level
3. Zilla Parishad – District level
Village Level
• Gram Sabha
• Gram Panchayat
• Nyaya Sabha
Gram Sabha
• Assembly of all adults in the village
• Meets twice a year
– Proposal of taxation
– Discusses the annual programmes
– Elects members
Gram Panchayat
• Executive organ
• 15 – 30 members
• Holds office for 3-4 years
• President, Vice president, Panchayat Secretary
• Civic administration
• Socio economic development
Block Level
• Consists of 100 villages
• Population 80,000 – 1,20,000
• Panchayat Samiti
• Block Development officer is the ex-officio
• Looks after execution of the community
Development Programme
District Level
• Zilla Parishad is the Panchayat raj agency
• Consists of all heads of village panchayat in
the block, women representatives, Scheduled
castes, Scheduled tribes & cooperative
societies , MPs, MLAs
• Collector is a non voting member
• 40- 70 members
• Supervisory & Coordinating body
Rural Development
• Community Development Programme
• Integrated Rural Development Programme
• Village Level worker
Community Development Programme
• “ a process designed to create conditions of
economic and social progress for the whole
community with its active participation and
the fullest possible reliance upon community
intiative “
• Launched in Oct 2, 1952
• Community development blocks
• Aimed to eliminate poverty, disease, Illiteracy
Integrated Rural Development
Programme ( IRDP)
• Launched in 1978
• Eliminate poverty & improve quality of life
• Agricultural labourers, artisans, craftsmen
Evaluation of Health Services
• Determine what is to be evaluated
• Establish standards
• Plan Methodology
• Gather information
• Analyse the results
• Take action
• Re-evaluate

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