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Study of Seerah of Prophet

Muhammad PBUH as role

model for
1. He (PBUH) was not a Preceptor for a specific subject
2. Neither did he categorize any specific group to be his disciples, Preceptor for all
the human groups
3. His teaching comprises for mankind of all ages
4. His universal Prophet hood is described as Allah Almighty says:
“And we have not sent you (O Muhammad (PBUH) except as a giver of
glad tidings and Warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.”
“Say (O Muhammad (PBUH): O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the
messenger of Allah”
Multidimensional Teachings
1. All departments of life were touched by his inspirational teaching
2. Ethical, matrimonial, socio-political and economic life, his sayings
for military, religion, management and health
3. His Seerah is as relevant to our dilemmas as it is for all the times
4. He also gave psychological and legal guidance to humanity
5. Along with men he educated women, children and even slaves
Role Model as
Military Strategist
Peace Maker
As an Individual
1. Preceptor of Ethics
2. As a Social Preceptor
3. As Trader
As individual
In order to give ethics and purify all ethical ills, his personality
presents a complete, comprehensive and safe pattern to be followed
He vividly described the purpose of his Prophethood in these words:
“That I have been sent to complete good morals”
The basic purpose of his Prophethood was to show a
climax of good morals
As a moral Preceptor he himself was embodiment of lofty moral
Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (R.A) sent his brother to view his
Seerah and message and his brother told him: “I saw Holy Prophet
(PBUH) gives education of good morals
Individual in Social Life
Important rules of Social Life / Education
1. Do not be jealous of others
2. Do not provoke each other to mutual opposition
3. Do not feel malice
4. Do not break relations with others
5. Do not make a bargain over someone else’s bargain
6. Do not be cruel to one another
7. Do not leave each other helpless
8. Do not insult one another
9. Every Muslim’s blood, property, honor are unlawful to the other
◦ Even to be virtuous or wicked depends upon the evidence of the neighbors. So, in social education to
consider the rights of relatives and neighbors was regarded a standard of faith
As an individual in Politics
The Holy Prophet also educated humanity in the field of politics
In political life he abolished sovereignty of man over other men and
established a system of the sovereignty of Allah
He commanded:
“There is no obedience of creature in the disobedience to God”
Principles of Political Life
1. Sovereignty of Allah
2. Human Rights
3. Equality before law
4. Social Justice
5. Consultancy in governance
6. Khalafat of Man Kind
7. Decision by Shura
Individual in Economic Life
1. Sacredness of lawful Earning
2. Obligations of Charity and Zakat
3. Prohibition of Interest
4. Determined the rights and duties of the employer and the
Almida 03
Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and ‫تم پر حرام کیا گیا مردار اور خون اور خنزیر کا گوشت‬
blood and swineflesh, and that which hath been ‫اور جس پر ہللا کے سوا دوسرے کا نام پکارا گیا ہو اور‬
dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the ‫جو گال گھٹنے سے مرا ہو اور جو کسی ضرب سے مر‬
strangled, and the dead through beating, and ‫گیا ہو اور جو اونچی جگہ سے گر کر مرا ہو اور جو‬
the dead through falling from a height, and that ‫کسی کے سینگ مارنے سے مرا ہو اور جسے درندوں‬
which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, ‫نے پھاڑ کھایا ہو لیکن اسے تم ذبح کر ڈالو تو حرام‬
and the devoured of wild beasts, saving that ‫نہیں اور جو آستانوں پر ذبح کیا گیا ہو اور یہ بھی کہ‬
which ye make lawful (by the death-stroke), and ‫قرعہ کے تیروں کے ذریعے فال گیری کرو یہ سب‬
that which hath been immolated unto idols. And ‫ آج کفار تمہارے دین سے ناامید‬،‫بدترین گناه ہیں‬
(forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining ‫ خبردار! تم ان سے نہ ڈرنا اور مجھ سے ڈرتے‬،‫ہوگئے‬
arrows. This is an abomination. This day are ‫ آج میں نے تمہارے لئے دین کو کامل کردیا اور تم‬،‫رہنا‬
those who disbelieve in despair of (ever ‫پر اپنا انعام بھرپور کردیا اور تمہارے لئے اسالم کے‬
harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear ‫دین ہونے پر رضامند ہوگیا۔ پس جو شخص شدت کی‬
Me! This day have I perfected your religion for ‫بھوک میں بے قرار ہو جائے بشرطیکہ کسی گناه کی‬
you and completed My favour unto you, and ‫تعالی معاف کرنے‬
ٰ ‫طرف اس کا میالن نہ ہو تو یقینا ً ہللا‬
have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. Whoso ‫واﻻ اور بہت بڑا مہربان ہے‬
is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him)
lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
As a trader
1. Encouraged industrialization and trade
2. The biggest source of man’s exploitation is interest and the biggest evil that
destroys man’s morals and character is wine/drinking
3. The income got from interest, wine, and adultery absolutely unlawful
4. Excellent rules of marketing by prohibiting to make a bargain over another
bargain, to sell goods at the place from where purchased, and to sell it before
gaining its possession
5. He founded trade upon hard work, exchange of beneficial things, services and
mutual willingness instead of cheating or coincidence
6. Even today these Eco-Trade teachings are the singular source of solving
economical problems
As Military Strategist
Famous military Strategists
1. Sun Tzu defined 13 principles in his The Art of War
A Chinese military general, strategist Born: 544-496 BC

2. Napoleon’s 115 maxims on war

3. General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Sun Tzu principles in his The Art of War
The art of war is governed by five constant factors,
1.The Moral Law
4.The Commander
5.Method and discipline
Napoléon Bonaparte
1. Napoléon Bonaparte had pioneered the "Principles of War“
2. The armies of today are based on the organization created by
3. Originally concerned with strategy, grand tactics and tactics,
4. The principles are largely applied to the strategic decision-making,
and in some cases, to operational mobility of forces
Principles of war in the Soviet Union and
Russia from (Soviet AirLand Battle Tactics.)

1. High combat readiness 7. full use of morale-political

2. surprise, decisiveness and
active seeking to secure the 8. firm and continuous
initiative command and control
9. decisiveness during the
3. full use of all means of combat mission
4. coordination and interaction of 10. security of combat operations
all types and branches
11. timely restoration of troop
5. decisive concentration combat readiness
6. simultaneous attack in depth
General Nathan Bedford Forrest
American Civil War General had only one:
to "[get] there first with the most men
United States principles of war

(US Army Field Manual)

Objective –early defined, decisive and attainable objective

Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative
Mass – Mass the effects of overwhelming combat power at the decisive place and time
Economy of Force – Employ all combat power available in the most effective way possible
Maneuver – Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage Unity of Command – For every
objective, seek unity of command and unity of effort
Security – Never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage.
Surprise – Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared
Simplicity – Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders
Holy Prophet as Military
Strategy in Badar 624 AD
1. The Makkans had 3-1 superiority -adequate for a
2. The Muslims wanted to return to Medina and
fight there, but the holy Prophet wished to
stand and fight at Badr and his desire prevailed
3. It is the considered view of historians, both
Muslims and others that the battle of Badr was
won by the Muslims with Allah's blessings and
owing to the personal leadership of the holy
It was the correct decision from the tactical and political point of
He was able to galvanize his small force and motivate them with his
personal courage and conviction to attain victory
Holy prophet was knowing the train
Holy Prophet gave his followers two tactical advantages
I. the choice of ground and time of attack; selected hard ground for his force
II. and forced the Makkans to attack through soft sand with the sun in their
‫فضائے بدر پیدا کر فرشتے تیری نصرت کو‬

‫اتر سکتے ہیں گردوں سے قطار اندر قطار اب بھی‬

‫‪What is important‬‬

‫فضائے بدر اسباب کی‬

‫محتاج نہیں ہوتی۔ اسباب‬
‫تو تھوڑی سی متاع ہوتی‬
War of Uhad 625 AD
1. A force of about 3,000 Makkans arrived near Medina to defeat the Muslims
2. Holy Prophet wished to fight around the city itself but accepted the advice of
the elders to have the battle outside Medina
3. Holy prophet led a force of 1000 Muslims and the battle took place near the hill
of Uhad
4. Losses were heavy on both sides
5. Khalid bin Walid with his cavalry nearly turned the tide for the Makkans
6. The holy Prophet PBUH successfully exhort his followers to hold fast compelling
the Makkan force to withdraw
War of Trench (khanqaq)/ Battle of the Confederates
(‫ )غزوة االحزاب‬627 AD
Makkans made yet another attempt to defeat and destroy the
Muslims in Medina
attacking force was 10,000 strong, the biggest force ever seen in
3,000 Muslims for the defense of Medina, but he had a large ditch
dug around the vulnerable areas of the city
This was a revolutionary idea at the time
These defenses were able to halt the enemy advance, punish his
attempts to cross and eventually forced the Makkans to withdraw
with considerable losses
War of Khaiber
In September 628 the holy Prophet marched to Kheibar, 75 miles north of
Kheibar was an action against the Jews and consisted of a series of battles
against fortified positions had to be reduced
This was the first occasion when the Muslims came across fixed defenses.
The holy Prophet PBUH took Wadi al Qura, also inhabited by Jews
As war with Muslims seemed imminent, the Jews of Khaybar entered into an
alliance with the Jews of Fadak
Fattha E Makkah January 630
The holy Prophet occupied Makkah along with 10,000
It was a peaceful capture of Makkah
Having taken Makkah the supreme triumph of the career,
the circle was complete
Muslims defeated the tribe of Hawazin east of Makkah at
Battle of Tebook September 630
September 630 the Holy Prophet led an expedition to the Byzantine
frontier to the north as it was reported that a large garrison of
Byzantine troops had gathered at Tebook
The holy Prophet led an army of 30,000
At Tebook he signed an agreement with the local Christian and
Jewish leaders under which they were afforded protection and in
return they agreed to pay pool tax
This was the pattern followed later in all cases
Reason for war against the Byzantine
Empire/ Tabook
One of Muhammad's ambassadors was killed by Sharhabeel
bin ‘Amr Al-Ghassani (the governor of Al-Balqa).
This led to the Battle of Mutah
The emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Heraclius was
preparing a force to demolish the growing Muslim power in
the region Ar-Rahīq al-Makhtum by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri
Holy Prophet as Military Strategist
1. Before taking a final decision the holy Prophet always consulted
his companions
2. Occupying strategically locations
3. Disobeying the commander may reverse the result of war
4. Consolidation after war was important too
5. Pre-emptive strike against emery
6. General immunity after war
As diplomat
Qualities of a diplomat
Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill
Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy
1. Passion for the art and craft of 5. Prudently speak your opinion
diplomacy and international to power
6. Be loyal and truthful
2. Ensure meticulous attention to
7. Cultivate policy flexibility
8. Know political ideology
3. Be a tough and effective
negotiator 9. Take advantage of luck when
you encounter it
4. Know History
Back Ground of Charter of Madina
1. In last years in Mecca, a delegation from Medina, consisting of the
representatives of the 12 important clans of Medina, invited Holy prophet as a
neutral outsider to Medina to serve as the chief arbitrator for the entire
2. There was fighting in Medina mainly involving its pagan and Jewish i for around a
hundred years before 620
3. The recurring slaughters and disagreements over the resulting claims,
4. it obvious to them that the tribal conceptions of blood-feud and an eye for an eye
were no longer workable unless there was one man with authority to adjudicate
in disputed cases
Increasing influence of Quresh-e-Makkah
1. The delegation pledged themselves and their fellow-citizens to accept
Muhammad into their community and physically protect him as one of
2. Charter of Medina, Established Federation" among the eight Medni tribes
and Muslim emigrants
3. And the threat to the life of both the Ansar and the Muslims was such that
they were reported as having to sleep by their weapons all night
4. Two Options
1. Gaining the control of Trade routes of Quresh with Syria
2. Peace treaty with neighbors
Major clauses of the Charter of Madina 622
‫ميثاق المدينه‬
1. Fidiya/Qasas shall continue
2. The mutual assistance of each other if one signatory were to be attacked by a
third party
3. Freedom to posses religion-The resolution that the Muslims would profess
their religion and the Jews theirs
4. The appointment of Muhammad as the leader of the state
5. No one shall protect the Quraish-e-Makkah
6. If a peace treaty is signed between one party other shall accept ( not in case
of religious issues)
Analysis Charter of Madina ‫ ميثاق المدينه‬1/2
1. Constitution of Medina, to regulate the matters of governance of the city
2. The extent and nature of inter-community relations
3. A signatories to it included the Muslims, the Ansar and the various Jewish tribes of
4. To end the bitter intertribal fighting between the rival clans of Banu Aws and Banu
5. To maintain peace and cooperation among all Medinan groups for fashioning them into a
social unity
6. To ensured freedom of religious beliefs and practices for all citizens
7. To assured that representatives of all parties, Muslim or non-Muslim, should be present
when consultation occurs or in cases of negotiation with foreign states
Cont… 2/2
8. No one should go to war before consulting the Prophet
9. It established the security of women
10. A tax system for supporting the community in times of conflict
11. A judicial system for resolving disputes
12. It declared the role of Medina as a ḥaram (“ ,‫ حرم‬sacred place"), where no
weapons can be carried and no blood spilled
13. Specified the rights and duties of all citizens and the relationship of the different
communities in Medina (including that of the Muslim community to other
communities, specifically the Jews and other "Peoples of the Book"
1. The constitution reveals Muhammad's great diplomatic skills,It
allows the ideal that he cherished of an Ummah (community)
based clearly on a religious outlook to sink temporarily into the
background and is shaped essentially by practical considerations
(Encyclopedia of Islam )
2. Constitution of Medina is the precious documents, it turned in
prostrating both the Roman and the Persian Empires in two
decades (In the shadow of the sword: The Battle for Global
Empire and the End of the Ancient World, Tom Holland)
1. Bernard Lewis one important aspects was the inclusion of the Jewish tribes in the
Ummah because although the Jewish tribes were "one community with the
believers," they also "have their religion and the Muslims have theirs."
2. The contract was built upon the concept of one community of diverse tribes living
under the sovereignty of one God
3. Muhammad T-U-Q argues that it is the first written charter, He has published an
e-book of the 63 constitutional articles
4. The Charter of Medina also instituted peaceful methods of dispute resolution
among diverse groups living as one people but without assimilating into one
religion, language, or culture
Rights of non-Muslims
The security of God is equal for all groups
Non-Muslim members will have the same political and cultural rights as Muslims
They will have autonomy and freedom of religion
Non-Muslims will take up arms against the enemy of the Ummah and share the
cost of war
There is to be no betrayal between the two
Non-Muslims will not be obliged to take part in religious wars of the Muslims
Treaty of Hudabia
Treaty of Hudabia-Back ground
1. In March 628 the treaty of Hudaibiya was signed which showed
the holy Prophet as a statesman who could achieve his objective
without resort to arms
2. To realize a dream the holy Prophet wished to perform Umra and
left Medina with about 1600 followers
3. When the Quresh heard of his journey they deployed 200
horsemen to prevent his advance
4. Many attempts of negotiation failed
5. Baiat-e-Rizwan
Treaty of Hudabia
The main points of the treaty
1. There would be peace between the two sides for 10 years
2. The Muslims would not perform Umra that year but could return
the following year and stay in Makkah for three days
3. Muslims shall come without arm , next year
4. Madni Muslims cant take Makki Muslims with them, if a Mandi
muslim want to stay he shall be allowed
5. If any Makki went to Madina he shall be returned not the Madni
6. Arab Tribes shall be allowed to join any aprty i.e Muslim or Quraish
Significance of the Ummah
1. Redefinition of ties between Muslims
2. It sets relationship of faith above blood-ties and emphasizes
individual responsibility
3. Tribal identities are still important, and are used to refer to different
groups, but the important relation for the newly created ummah was
religion In contrasts with the norms of pre-Islamic Arabia
4. This is an important event in the development of the small group of
Muslims in Medina to the larger Muslim community and empire
1. In 629, the Muslims returned as promised in the treaty, for the first pilgrimage
2. The next year, the clan of the Banu Bakr, allied with the Quraish, attacked the Bedouin
Khuza'a, Muslims’ allies
3. Muhammed considered the Banu Bakr attack a breach of the treaty, citing one of the
clauses of the treaty: "an attack on an ally of the party, will be considered an attack on
the party itself", and offered the Quraish three alternatives:
 Dissolve their alliance with the Banu Bakr
 Compensate by paying money
 Dissolve the treaty
4. The Quraish chose the third alternative, Muslims decided to march on to Mecca with an
army of 10,000, leading to the Conquest of Mecca
1. As the subsequent events show, this treaty proved to be
beneficial for the cause of Islam
2. It ended the atmosphere of constant hostility and the non-
believers of Makkah started coming to Madinah
3. Having free contacts with the believers, they got the chance
to study closely the Islamic way of life
4. Large number of unbelievers accepted Islam after this treaty
5. This was the turning point for the Muslims and thus proved
the victory later for Muslims
As peace Makers
Pre Prophethood
1. Half Al-fazool
2. Fixing Hijer-e-Aswad
3. Charter of Madina
4. Hudabiya Treaty
5. Kept the treaty of Shaib-e-Abi Talib
6. Did not opted curse for people of Taif
Al-Fudoul Confederacy
1. At the conclusion of herb-e-Fijar /wars peace was restored
2. People felt the need for forming confederacy at Makkah for suppressing
violence and injustice, and vindicating the rights of the weak and the
3. Representatives of Banu Hashim, Banu Al-Muttalib, Asad bin ‘Abd Al-‘Uzza,
Zahrah bin Kilab and Taim bin Murra were called to meet in the habitation of
an honourable elderly man called ‘Abdullah bin Jada‘an.
The Messenger of All [pbuh] witnessed this league and commented
"I witnessed a confederacy in the house of ‘Abdullah bin Jada‘an. It was more
appealing to me than herds of cattle. Even now in the period of Islam I would
respond positively to attending such a meeting if I were invited." [Ibn Hisham
In fact, the spirit of this confederacy and the course of deliberations therein
marked a complete departure from the pre-Islamic tribal- pride. The story that
led to its
As an Educator
1. Opted to teach the people around him
2. Addressing the gathering

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