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The Art of Social Hacking
Social Engineering
• What is Social Engineering?
• Social engineering is the practice of obtaining confidential information by handling
of genuine users. A social engineering will commonly use the telephone or internet
to trick a person into revealing sensitive information or getting them to do
something that is against typical policies. It is generally agreed upon that users are
the weak link in security and this principle is what makes social engineering
Social Engineering
Social Engineering
• Information gathering
• There could be variety of techniques which is used by the attacker to
gather sensitive information about the target. Once these information are
gathered, it can be used to build a relationship either with the target or
someone who is important to the success of the attack.
• Information that might be gathered includes:
• Birth date
• A phone list

Slide Title
Product A Product B
• Feature 1 • Feature 1
• Feature 2 • Feature 2
• Feature 3 • Feature 3

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