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Presented by:
BSEd I - English
The special properties of a groups are illustrated by a
simple lesson in Mathematics., as in one plus one equals
three (1+1=3). This is a logical error in the world of
Mathematics. In the world of group dynamics, however, this
is rational.
In a group, there is no such things as merely composition of
two people. It is their relationship that makes it three.
For instance, salt (sodium chloride) has different properties
from the sodium and the chlorine elements that form a
group to make it (San Juan & Centeno, 2011).
 Primary group is characterized by intimate face-to-face
association and cooperation among its members. It
fundamentally forms the social nature and ideals of an
individual. It involves sympathy and mental identification which
is form of natural expression.
 Secondary group consists of members who are aware and
cognizant of personal relationships, but they do not feel their
lives are bound with one another except in time of social crisis.
The members may be separated from one another by distance
or by lack of personal physical contact. Nevertheless, they can
share their interests through correspondence, press, radio,
telephone or other means.
1. Interaction is the pattern of mutual influence. (physical, verbal, non-verbal,
emotional, etc.)
2. Structure is a stable pattern of relationships.
a. Roles deal with the behavior expected of members in a given position.
b. Norms are the rules that identify and describe appropriate behavior.
c. Inter-member relations are influenced by authority and communication.

3. Goals are the reason for existence.

4. Perceived groupness is the extent in which members see themselves as one.
(common fate, similarity, proximity)
5. Dynamic interdependency occurs when the members are active, energized,
vibrant and changing
6. Motivation focuses on personal needs which- when attained-lead to satisfaction
Formal groups are divided into the following:
1. Command groups are specified by the organizational chart and often composed of a
leader and the members who directly report to him/her.
Example: An academic department consisting of a chair and faculty members.
2. Task groups consist of people who work together to accomplish a narrow range of
goals within a specified time.
Example: Ad hoc committees, project groups, standing committees
3. Functional groups are created by an organization to accomplish specific goalds
within an unspecified time frame. They continue to function even after their goals
have been achieved
Example: A sales and marketing department.
1. Interest groups usually continue over time and may last longer than general
informal groups. The goals and objectives of the interest groups are specific to
each group and may not be related to organizational goals and objectives.
Example: Students who come together to form a study group for a specific class.
2. Friendship groups are formed by individuals who enjoy similar social activities,
political beliefs , religious values, or the other common bonds. Members enjoy
each other’s company.
Example: Students who have an exercise group or who meet for a so-called jamming.
3. Reference groups are composed of people who are evaluated for social
validation and social comparison. Social validation allows individuals to justify
their attitudes and value while social comparison helps individuals evaluate their
own actions by comparing themselves with others.
 Informal Groups are formed naturally in response to the common interests and
shared values of individuals. They are created for purpose other than the
accomplishment of organizational goals and do not have a specified time frame.
Informal groups are not designated by an organization and members can invite
others to join from time to time.
 Meeting is convened for different purposes. Some are for information, advice,
decision making, negotiation, coordination, and creative thinking. A committee
holds a specific type of meeting in which members have been delegated authority
with regard to the problem at hand.
 A meeting of five people seems to be preferred for typical situations (Davis 1982).
A smaller group sometimes has difficulty functioning because conflicts of power
develop. If membership rise above seven, communication tends to become
centralized because members do not have adequate opportunity to communicate
with one another(Evangelista 1992).

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