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Source: Jose Rizal

Gregorio Zaide and Sonia Zaide
 In the nineteenth century, there were a
lot of events that happened not just in the
Philippines but also in the other parts of
the world.
 During the times of Rizal, the Filipino
people agonized beneath the yoke of the
Spanish misrule.
 1. Instability of colonial
The political instability in Spain adversely affected
Philippine affairs because it brought about periodic shifts
in colonial policies and periodic rigodon of colonial
The frequent change in colonial officials
hampered the political and economic
development of the Philippines.

 No chief executive, no matter how able and

energetic he was, could accomplish much for the
2. Corrupt Colonial Officials
 Many colonial officials became rich by
illegal means or by marrying the heiresses
of rich Filipino families.

 Mostly ignorant and profligate, they

conducted themselves with arrogance
because of their alien white skin and tall
 3. Philippine Representation in
Spanish Cortes

Motive of Spain -gain the support of
her overseas colonies
 However, it was abolished in 1837 and
the Philippine conditions worsened
because there was no means b
which the Filipino people could
expose the anomalies perpetrated
by the colonial officials
4. Human rights denied to Filipinos
 Filipinos did not enjoy the freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, freedom of
association, and other human rights.
 5. No Equality before the law

 To the imperialist way of thinking,

brown Filipinos and white Spaniards may
be equal to God, but not before the law
and certainly not in practice.
 6. Maladministration of Justice-
 The courts of justice in the Philippines
during Rizal’s time is notoriously corrupt.

 Justice was costly, partial, and slow.

 Wealth, social prestige, and color of skin

were predominant factors in winning a
case in court.
 7. Racial Discrimination-
 During Rizal’s time a white skin,
high nose and Castilian lineage were a
badge of vaunted superiority.
 8. Frailocracy- “ a government owned
by friars”
 The colonial authorities, from
governor general down to the alcaldes
mayores, were under control of the friars.
 9.Forced Labor- known as polo; it was
compulsory labor imposed by the Spanish
colonial authorities on adult Filipino males
in the construction of churches, schools,
hospitals, and etc.

 Originally : 16-60, 40 days a year

 Later: 18-60, 15 days
 10. Haciendas owned by friars-
During Rizal’s times the Spanish friars
were the richest landlords, for they
owned the best haciendas.

 The rural folks (including Rizal’s family)

who have been living in the haciendas and
cultivating them generation after
generation became tenants.
 11.The Guardia Civil-

 Role: Maintaining internal peace and

order in the Philippines

 They become infamous for their rampant

Recall that:
 Unlike Bonifacio and Aguinaldo, Rizal
waged a non-violent crusade against the
oppressors and proved that, “Pen is
mightier than the sword.” Not even the
armies of Spain and America can stop the
Ideas Rizal fought and died for.
 Aside from the park being built in Australia,
he said there are monuments in Rizal’s
honor in Madrid, Spain; Wilhelmsfeld,
Germany; Jinjiang, Fujian, China;
Cherry Hill Township, New Jersey; San
Diego, California; and Seattle,
Washington; Reforma Avenue in
Mexico City, Mexico; La Molina in Lima,
Peru; Litomerice, Czech Republic; and
Monument in Hawai
Monument in
Monument in Seattle, Washington
Monument in Madrid
Monument in Chicago, Illinois
In Singapore

 Dr. Rizal is a unique example of a many

splendored hero of a nation.

 Physician
 Poet
 Dramatist
 Essayist
 Novelist
 Historian
 Architect
 Painter
 Sculptor
 Educator
 Linguist
 Musician
 Naturalist
 Ethnologist
 Surveyor
 Engineer

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