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More and more people buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice

cooker. Do you think

this is positive or negative development? => POSITIVE

Nowadays, more and more householders consume variety of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice
cooker. In my opinion, this is an advanced movement in modern life, not only benefit for consumers in general, but also
making great profits for business in particular.

First, from user perspective, electrical equipment such as microwave oven and rice cooker significantly assist consumers
to perform their daily tasks faster and more convenience. So that, they can spend more time with their family to build
profound connection within family members, which is more important than wasting time in kitchen for unnecessary
activities due to old and inconvenience equipment. Besides that, due to the fast past of life, people are fully occupied by
works and tend to eat fast and unhealthy meals like fast foods to save time. Microwave oven and rice cooker is the
eminent solution for this issue because people now able to straightforward cook and enjoy delicious meals at home
without suffering long and hard cooking process. (EX: reheat the foods quickly)

Second, from enterprise perspective, developing household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker has
established a potential and profitable market. Thanks to enormous demand of those household goods, more factories
have been opened and operated, resulted in tackling unemployment problem and encouraging development of relative
industries like electric, semi-conductor, and other material productions. Furthermore, good business will contribute
more taxed money which can use to enhance the quality of life by building more hospitals, school, infrastructure and to
support citizens around.
In conclusion, the development of using household goods has notable contribution in modern life, benefit for both
consumers and manufactures as mentioned above.
These days, more and more consumers have a tendency to buy may household
appliance such as television or rice cooker. In my opinion, I believe this is an
advanced movement and bring a lot of benefits to both individuals and companies

=> In conclusion, this development is highly beneficial to consumers and business

in modern time.

(-) common forms of excess consumerism.

Although their products are still in a good condition, people are likely to buy and own new

appliances for their home. This development can be harmful to the environment since people will

dispose large amounts of waste when replacing their owned devices. It is believed that it takes

waste hundred years to decompose.

Therefore , excessive consumption can lead to the degradation of environment as well as natural

disasters that next generations will suffer.

BODY 1 : (-)
1. Detrimental effect
to environment:
+ explain: develop
Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective
solution is to provide people a better education. Do you agree or disagree?

Despite the popularity of prison sentences as the way to control illegalities, improvements on education have
gained social endorsement as a means to eliminate the problem from its root. In my opinion, I disagree. that
education is the better one as it is rather impossible to compare these two methods’ effectiveness owing to their
distinct impacts

On the one hand, the reasons why prisons are of indispensable necessity for social security are varied. They are
the place to keep people who have broken the law contained, ensuring the safety of other citizens. Especially,
dangerous criminals such as murderers or rapists have to be imprisoned for their heinous actions. Furthermore,
severe prison sentences act as a deterrent against crimes. Knowing there might be a chance of getting caught
and condemned to jail, which also means losing freedom and living a miserable life in a cell, ones who are having
the intention of committing illegalities would reconsider going down the path.

On the other hand, education serves as a remedy for the origin of crimes. Education contributes greatly
to heighten people’s intellect and to form a civilized society. With access to better educational services, citizens
would be well-informed about the damage that committing crimes would cause to their community and
themselves, which eventually leads to the decline in crime rates. Additionally, the possession of certain
qualifications through fundamental education like vocational training could secure a person’s stable life, which
would dispel any ideas of committing crimes.

In conclusion, I believe there is no absolute way to deduce whether imprisonment policies or better education
would take the dominant role in dealing with crimes as they both tackle the problem just in different ways.
In many countries, people like to eat a wider variety of food than can be grown intheir local area. As a
result, much of the food people eat today has to come from other regions. Do you think the advantages
of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, more and more people prefer food outside where they live to that grown in their own local area.
Therefore, a lot of food people eat today is from different countries. It seems to me that issue brings more
benefits than disadvantages.

Firstly, people could experience a variety of food. For example, some types of vegetables are not grown in their
place because of weather conditions but they could develop well in other places. Like lettuce, they just live in
regions with cold weather. Also, food coming from other regions could make your meal more delicious as well
as nutrient. It must be tedious if everyday you eat the same kind of food. Experiencing a range of food could
make you feel better and more excited with your meal.

Secondly, It might be efficient to enhance the economy of agriculture. The truth is a certain type of food in this
region could be very grown well and the local residents could not consume it in a short period of time, which
leads to that a lot of farmers could not sell their produces. However, thanks to development of transportation
and high demand of people for a wider variety of food, a lot of peasants could sell vegetables as well as other
farming products more easily and gain a huge profit.

Looking at the trend, we could see that customers as well as sellers have a lot of benefits and local government
do not to take steps too much to help farmers when they could not sell the produces. Distributing food to other
areas could deal with the problems of demands and supplies, everyone all has advantages.
In conclusion, I agree that a lot of food coming from different regions in a world is completely in a good side.

• 1: As imported food enjoys its growing popularity, a certain number of

domestically produced foods gradually lose their ground. -> It is undeniable that a
traditional food is representative for the place from which it originates; therefore,
the disappearance of a local food should be considered as a cultural loss and a
signal of cultural assimilation.

• 2: In terms of economy, local farmers and food producers struggle to find

consumers for their products, which means they are detrimentally influenced by
the trend. -> As a consequence, while people are willing to spend more on food,
domestic economy benefits little and few job vacancies are created.
21. People are glued to their cellphones and tablets. They are constantly updating their status on social networks and
checking out the photos and videos uploaded by their virtual friends. In fact, most of us now have more friends
online than in the real world. In my opinion, this is a negative development that can have far reaching consequences.

Excessive online socialization can lead to depression, isolation and behavioural problems. The internet is a great
platform to share views and opinions, but it also fuels unhealthy competition among people. Studies have shown that
people develop an inferiority complex when their friends get more comments or likes than them.

Social media has many negative sides. There is no guarantee that the people we meet online are actually real. Many
of them create fake profiles with the objective of cheating naïve users. There have been several instances of
teenagers committing suicide after they got cheated by their online friends. Most people who are addicted to online
socialisation have hardly any time for talking to their family members or neighbours. This affects family relationships.
Also, it can cause the individual to become isolated from his community.

Face to face communications, on the other hand, lead to the development of trustworthy relationships that last long.
Meeting a friend or a dear one over a coffee or in a park is always a memorable experience. Social media friendships
lack that warmth. Also, we cannot expect our online friends living in another part of the globe to help us when we are
in trouble.

To conclude, it is not hard to see that excessive online socialization is bad. It affects our relationships. It is true that
the internet has enriched our lives in many ways, but if we are addicted to it, we will develop many problems. After
all, the virtual world cannot replace the real world; neither can virtual friends the real ones.

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